

This was published 10 years ago

Help clean up Sydney's streets, and win $2500 in the process

Everyone agrees alcohol-fuelled violence is out of control. Here's what you can do about it. Take the Safer Sydney ad challenge.

By Conal Hanna

It's not that much to ask: to have a night out in Kings Cross, or Bondi, or Parramatta, without fearing that some aggressive drunk is going to put you in hospital.

And yet, every weekend, the intensive care units of the city's hospitals are filled with the victims of such anti-social behaviour.

Safer Sydney ad challenge

Safer Sydney ad challenge

Every time a young person becomes the victim of alcohol-related violence, there are ripple effects.

Their family is left with the traumatic job of trying to rehabilitate them or, worse, bury them.

Police help a man after he was assaulted in Sydney on December 22.

Police help a man after he was assaulted in Sydney on December 22.Credit: Daniel Shaw

Their friends lose the ability to enjoy a night out without looking over their shoulders.

The sense of unease is contagious. Some stay home rather than deal with the hassle. Others puff themselves up with uncharacteristic aggression in order to confront the maelstrom.

Parents lie in bed at night worrying whether their son or daughter will make it home safely.


And police and governments find new ways to try and restrict the mayhem, which inevitably also impinges on those who weren't responsible for the trouble in the first place.

Police patrol George Street on December 22.

Police patrol George Street on December 22.

It shouldn't have to be this way.

Politicians, police, the media, they all have the power to effect change. But no one has yet managed to stem the bloodflow.

The RTA's anti-speeding 'pinkie' campaign.

The RTA's anti-speeding 'pinkie' campaign.

Sometimes, when facing a cultural problem, the solution has to come from the bottom up, rather than the top down.

That's why the Herald is launching a competition for people to help take a stand against alcohol-related violence on the city's streets.

We are asking readers to come up with a 30-second video advertisement or poster campaign aimed at curbing the prevalence of alcohol-related violence.

It won't be easy. But there is a precedent.

In 2007, the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority had great success with its 'pinkie' campaign. The billboard and TV campaign showed men and women wiggling their pinkie finger at speeding drivers, hinting at another body appendage, with the slogan ‘‘Speeding. No one thinks big of you’’.

Studies showed its tongue-in-cheek approach had greater cut-through with young male audiences than traditional campaigns focused on gruesome images of crushed vehicles.

Importantly, the number of men who died in speeding cars dropped in 2007 to 116, down from 153 a year earlier.

"One of the key innovations of the campaign was delivering the anti-speeding message in a youthful, non-authoritative way, a noticeable move away from convention," one report into the campaign said.

Our challenge to readers is to come up with the 'pinkie' campaign of alcohol-related violence, something that will appeal to a young audience and has the potential to change the way people think about antisocial behaviour.

Whether it's through humour, music or brutal honesty, it represents a chance for young people to help define their culture; what they deem acceptable and unacceptable. But entries will be open to people of all ages.

To enter participants must send a 30-second video advertisement or A4 poster artwork to, along with the entrant's name, age, address and contact phone number.


The winning entry will be used on Fairfax websites, and in the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper and tablet editions.

Entries close Friday, February 21. To find out how to enter, click here. For full terms and conditions, click here.

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