By William McInnes
A revised state government plan for the Sydenham to Bankstown railway corridor will lead to fewer high-density apartments built in the inner west, but the plan has been criticised by residents for adding thousands of new homes to already crowded suburbs.
The reduction comes following "considerable" community feedback from residents in Hurlstone Park and Dulwich Hill with both suburbs seeing a reduction in the number of homes planned for the area.
More dwellings: Anthony Roberts.Credit: Janie Barrett
"The community made it clear that each precinct along the corridor has its own unique character and we understand that keeping the local character of these precincts is vital," the Minister for Planning and Housing, Anthony Roberts, said.
The corridor will feature open spaces, new parks and improved pedestrian and cycling connections, with work set to begin in 2018-19.
A map of the areas of change from Sydenham to Bankstown.
A spokesperson for the minister said the revised strategy would mean more streets would be kept for low-density housing, identifying the need for open space and sensitive building heights.
The government in 2015 announced the draft Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor strategy that featured an increase of 36,000 dwellings in the area.
The dwellings, centred on a number of train stations including Bankstown and Belmore stations, were targeted to align with the introduction of the new Metro rail line.
The strategy proposed an increase of 900 dwellings in Hurlstone Park and 3400 in Dulwich HIll, figures that faced considerable criticism during the public consultation period.
While Hurlstone Park is now set to receive just 100 additional dwellings, Dulwich Hill will still get more than 2000. This increase remains far too large, Labor MP for Summer Hill, Jo Haylen, said.
Ms Haylen said the revised plans still did not take local feedback into account.
"These plans are not sensitive to community expectations. Given that there were thousands of submissions made, I think the community is going to be understandably angry that the government hasn't listened."
She said infrastructure in the area wouldn't be able to cope with the huge influx of residents expected as part of the plans.
"We know the inner west light rail is at capacity, the minister actually spoke about the very issue in Parliament recently," she said. "Over 75 per cent of public schools in my electorate are close to, or at, capacity."
She said the lack of green spaces along the corridor meant that sporting clubs, which were already at capacity, would be stretched further.
"There's a huge lack of open space. Soccer teams and sporting clubs are desperate for places for their kids to play and yet the government is proposing 35,000 new dwellings along this train line, with no new open space in the inner west," she said.
"I think that's the wrong way to approach this."
The Save Dully Group, which was formed in response to the 2015 draft strategy and precinct plans, said the strategy timeline meant the population would expand well before the infrastructure arrived.
A spokeswoman for the group, Mary O'Sullivan, said the revised plan still didn't meet the needs of the local community even though the government received a large number of submissions.
"We had a whole lot of concerns and they have not been mitigated by what we know about the new plans," she said.
"Five hundred and twenty submissions went into the original consultation. That was the highest number of submissions for any precinct along the corridor."
Ms O'Sullivan said it was strange that such a large number of new dwellings would still be built in Dulwich Hill, while Hurlstone Park was being scaled back so drastically.
"There's a great deal of similarity between Hurlstone Park and Dulwich Hill, a great deal of synchronicity in terms of the style of the suburbs," she said.
"We don't understand why Hurlstone Park has been scaled back when Dulwich Hill is still slated for at least 4000 extra people."
With Cameron Mee