

This was published 8 years ago

Council amalgamations: Mike Baird sets out the path to fewer councils

By Leesha McKenny, Melanie Kembrey and Anne Davies

Mike Baird has staked his political authority on a radical overhaul of the state's councils, but the Premier is already facing headwinds from opponents within parliament and across councils.

More than a quarter of NSW's 152 councils would be cut – most of them in Sydney – under long-awaited plans unveiled by the state government on Friday.

The measures that seek to deliver up to $2 billion in savings echo the reforms that contributed to the downfall of Jeff Kennett in Victoria and were partially wound back in Queensland due to their unpopularity.

Mr Baird said the government's 35 merger proposals were developed with "as much consensus as possible" and designed to free up cash for infrastructure, services and to put downward pressure on rates.

The greyhound ban is weighing heavily on Deputy Premier Troy Grant, left, and Premier Mike Baird.

The greyhound ban is weighing heavily on Deputy Premier Troy Grant, left, and Premier Mike Baird. Credit: Dallas Kilponen

Two thirds of the state's councils had expenditure greater than revenue and "that's just not a sustainable position," he said.

But furious councils have signalled that all options will be on the table, including legal action, in their bid to scupper the plan.

The government proposes reducing metropolitan Sydney's 43 councils to just 25, lifting the minimum population base in some areas from just 14,000 people to comprise about 150,000 in each new council area.


Several councils including Warringah, Ryde, Holroyd, Hunters Hill and Woollahra said they would consider mounting legal challenges if they were forced to merge with their neighbours.

Others are considering the expensive process of running a plebiscite (public vote) to present the results to the Boundaries Commission, which is set to consider each of the proposed mergers.

The state government's proposed council mergers.

The state government's proposed council mergers.

Woollahra mayor Toni Zeltzer, who strongly opposes her council forming a trio with Randwick and Waverley, said the government's process was "undemocratic and un-Australian".

"We're still going to maintain our position to resist forced amalgamation," Cr Zeltzer said.

Jerome Laxale, mayor of Ryde, which is facing a merger with Lane Cove and Hunters Hill said: "This has been a predetermined outcome form the start. The Premier has wasted a lot of time."

Mr Baird said it was his "strong preference" to keep mayors and councillors in place until the next council elections, which are likely to be pushed back from September next year until March 2017.

The City of Sydney is the only inner Sydney council to escape a merger, with Mr Baird making "no apologies" for abandoning the recommendation for a massive "global Sydney" council put forward by a $1.8 million Sansom review into local government more than two years ago.

"You can have an academic exercise and you can draw numbers and boundaries and create a map, or you can do it on the basis of let's consider local concerns, let's have input from councillors, let's listen to the community, let's take some of the guiding principles that we've heard from the experts and how do we bring them together," he said. "And I think that's exactly what we've done in our proposals."

"High priority" mergers outside of Sydney will reduce the number of regional councils from 109 to 87. Financial controllers will be appointed to those councils found to be unfit on financial grounds but lacking a merger partner, Local Government Minister Paul Toole said.

"It might mean that their financial powers are taken off them for an interim," Mr Toole said.

Mr Baird's push to cut back the number of councils comes more than a decade after then Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett reduced his state's councils from 201 to 78. Though he was re-elected in 1996, the sweeping council amalgamations have been blamed in part for his loss in 1999, where he lost seats in rural Victoria.

Council amalgamations also proved difficult for the Queensland government. Some amalgamations announced in 2008 were unravelled in 2013, after local communities expressed their opposition.

NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley also cited NSW's northern neighbour on Friday, saying the proposed mergers were the "greatest act of boundary rigging in Australian politics since Joh Bjelke-Petersen's notorious gerrymandering [manipulation of district boundaries] in Queensland in the 1970s".

"This isn't about making councils fit for the future. This is about making the Liberal party's self interest through a sleazy manipulation where the Boundary Commission will be a rubber stamp not a fair dinkum body," Mr Foley said.

Greens MP David Shoebridge said mergers would be the political struggle that will define NSW politics in 2016.

"What we see from Baird is a scrappy attempt at a political fix and councils and residents deserve far better," Mr Shoebridge said.

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