By Mathew Dunckley and Jacob Saulwick
Sydney motorists confront seven of the eight worst road corridors in the country, according to the first national audit of Australia's infrastructure.
In a landmark inquiry into the country's transport, water, energy and telecommunications systems, the federal government's top infrastructure adviser has warned massive investment is needed to avoid a congestion crunch in the nation's biggest cities.
Heavy traffic on Victoria Road. Credit: Simon Alekna
The audit by Infrastructure Australia spotlights transport networks as needing serious attention to cope with a national population that will grow from 22.3 million in 2011 to 30.5 million in 2031.
In Sydney, Pennant Hills Road between Parramatta and Hornsby emerges as the road with the worst economic toll in the country, measured according to the cost of delays caused by congestion per road lane.
The second costliest corridor in the country, measured by delays to motorists per lane, is King Georges Road from the Princes Highway in southern Sydney to the M4 in the west.
The report put the cost of congestion on all urban roads in Australia at $13.74 billion in 2011.
"Major reforms are needed to improve the way we finance and operate infrastructure to ensure it can underpin gains in Australia's productivity and employment growth in decades ahead," Infrastructure Australia chairman Mark Birrell said.
"It is time for the nation to treat population growth as a fact, a fact our nation should accept and gear up for.
"Without action road travel times in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra are expected to increase by at least 20 per cent in the most congested corridors by 2031."
Warringah Road is the third costliest in the country, while the A3 corridor, which runs from Homebush to Mona Vale on roads including Lane Cove Road and Ryde Road, is the fifth worst.
Victoria Road and Parramatta Road between Ashfield and Strathfield are also in the top eight.
The report says that by 2061 Melbourne will have outstripped Sydney's population. It also predicts that Perth will trump Brisbane on both economic and demographic measures.
It warns congestion threatens economic growth and living standards and could cost Australia $53 billion by 2031 as demand for roads grows strongly and for public transport almost doubles.
In response it recommends governments immediately consider serious reform at a number of levels including the use of tolls and other pricing –including on existing roads, greater long-term planning especially the reservation of land in transport corridors, and introducing more rigour and transparency in the selection of projects based on their economic merits.
Mr Birrell pointed to the telecommunications and energy sectors as to how reforms could work.
"Without a total increase in both public and private funding of infrastructure, and market reforms to strengthen the transport and water sectors, we won't have the infrastructure that a growing population and our globally-focused economy deserve," Mr Birrell said.
The report notes the infrastructure task is likely to be greater than the ability of governments to fund it and strongly advocates more user pays.
It noted that, despite substantial work on this policy issue, "no substantive action has been taken by government".
"Some jurisdictions oppose even the application of project-specific road tolling as a matter of state policy. This unsatisfactory state of affairs needs to end," the report says.
"Australia needs to consider a broader system of transport pricing both for road and public transport.
Government and oppositions, along with industry and other stakeholders will need to display leadership and integrity in initiating and participating in these debates."
The report does not seek to prioritise projects; that will come in a later infrastructure plan. It does attempt to rank corridors where congestion is causing the most difficulty.
It also identified some hot spots for future economic growth, including mining hubs in the Pilbara and Gladstone, as meriting close attention. Today the two mining regions contribute $44 billion to the national economy; this will hit $110 billion by 2031.
The state and federal governments have contributed funding to a new motorway, NorthConnex, planned to run under Pennant Hills Road. They are also funding the WestConnex motorway to be built largely through Sydney's inner west.
Infrastructure Australia implores governments to construct, and stick to, a pipeline of projects to give confidence to the sector and also to lower bid costs.
One intriguing recommendation is for longer construction hours: "the productivity benefits, both in terms of cost reductions and early delivery of projects, could be substantial."