

This was published 19 years ago

The first Australian to be executed in 12 years

By Steve Butcher and Connie Levett in Singapore

NGUYEN TUONG VAN could only hold his mother's hand in his final hours. They were not allowed to hug or kiss.

Nguyen's mother, Kim, and his twin brother, Khoa, were granted special permission to touch him as they said their last goodbyes yesterday at Singapore's Changi prison, but he had to face the end without them.

He was not completely alone, however. In his hands he held a string of rosary beads and by his side, comforting him, were the prison's priest and the guards. He prayed and was at peace with his world, only saddened that he was leaving behind people who would be heartbroken by his death at 9am Sydney time.

The last Australian executed was Sydney man Michael McAuliffe, who was hanged in Malaysia in 1993, also on heroin charges.

Nguyen spent about six hours with his brother, mother and friends Kelly Ng and Bronwyn Lew. Ms Nguyen had to be helped out of the prison afterwards and all four were too distraught last night to say what took place.


It is understood a perspex wall separated them from Nguyen and they held his hand through a grille box, the type used to pass items to prisoners.

The Singaporean Government said it did not usually allow physical contact because "such encounters can be traumatic and can destabilise the prisoner and their family".

The concession was made after a personal appeal from the Prime Minister, John Howard, to his Singaporean counterpart, Lee Hsien Loong at the weekend. The Foreign Affairs Minister, Alexander Downer, described it as "meagre compensation".

Nguyen has been humbled by the support he has received during his three years in jail for drug smuggling. His writing hand would have still been weary from the last letters he hurriedly finished to his loved ones and friends. The 25-year-old from Melbourne was determined to die with strength and optimism - and to remain, in his own words, "one cool guy". He had photographs taken of himself in different suits and poses and had them handed to his mother. He was clear about the way he wanted to be remembered.

The injustice many feel at his execution was conveyed in a measured but pointed tone by one of his barristers, Julian McMahon. He reminded everyone - and the Singaporean Government, which repeatedly refused Nguyen clemency - that his client was rehabilitated, reformed and "focused on doing what is good".

"And now they are going to kill him," he told media outside Changi yesterday morning.

Mr McMahon, who was joined by his colleagues Lex Lasry, QC, and Joseph Thesiera, said: "We have just been with a young man who is in a beautiful state of mind. He is cheerful.

"What I wish to say is that he is a beautiful young man. Cheerful because he is composed. He only wishes to think good thoughts, say good things, do what is right."

Mr Lasry said the legal team had just "looked into the eyes of a healthy young 25-year-old with so much to offer, who is going to die a violent death". "I just want to say we've had a beautiful visit. We are not going to answer questions. We may talk about it later. That's all I want to say. It was a great visit and quite uplifting."

Later he told ABC TV's 7.30 Report: "It's the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my career." He said he would readily take on other death penalty cases "in his memory ... It would be great to be able to tell his story to other people. He's become a beacon for young people who might be tempted to be exploited in this way to overcome the temptation and to transform their lives."

The Australian high commission was on hand to offer Nguyen's family and friends support throughout the day, and picked them up from the prison at 6.30pm Singapore time.

Khoa was the first to come through Changi's glass doors. Dressed in white, he looked sober and ran his fingers through his hair as he got into the first of two waiting consular cars. His mother came next, flanked by Mr McMahon and a consular official, Annette Morris. A headscarf hid Ms Nguyen's face but she was clearly crushed and had to be almost carried to the car.

Inside, with her son, she was comforted by Mr Lasry's wife, Elizabeth. Ms Ng and Ms Lew left last, Ms Lew sobbing as they got into the second car.

Speaking yesterday morning, Mr Lasry said there was less humour between him and Nguyen than on Wednesday. There was some laughter "but not much".

Nguyen had never blamed anyone, felt resentment or expressed any anger.

Mr Lasry said: "He is emotional, as we all are ... I think he's frightened, but not overly frightened, frightened of the actual act of being killed.

"His overwhelming ... feeling he portrays is strength."

He revealed that Nguyen would be supported in his last hours by a priest and his guards. "They treat him like a son. They'll be there with him [and] there's going to be some men in uniform who are going to be very upset tomorrow morning."

The crime

Nguyen Tuong Van, 25, was arrested at Changi Airport with 396.2 grams of heroin strapped to his body. His botched smuggling run was meant to generate cash to pay the debts of his drug-addicted twin.

The punishment

Singapore's drug laws stipulate execution for those caught with more than 15 grams of heroin. The Government insists Nguyen was not a pawn but a criminal with enough drugs to ruin thousands of lives.


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