

This was published 19 years ago

Culture challenge as Lenovo takes over IBM's PC business

Chinese technology giant Lenovo faces a tough but not insurmountable challenge in absorbing US-based IBM's personal computer business and merging two distinct corporate cultures, analysts said.

Far from beginning from square one with a new ally, Lenovo will be building on an old partnership dating back to the 1980s when it itself was a modest startup distributing IBM computers to the Chinese market, they said.

"IBM and Lenovo have a long-standing relationship," said Raj Chaganti, a management professor at Philadelphia's Temple University.

"They know how to dance with each other and that would lessen the odds of failing in this cross-border venture."

Lenovo shocked the world last week when it announced the purchase of IBM's global PC operations at a price of $US1.75 billion in cash, stock and debt.


IBM will hold an 18.9 percent share in the new and bigger Lenovo, which makes many observers see the transaction as the latest in a series of high-profile cross-border mergers that have had a distinctly mixed record.

The good news this time around is that while some IBM managers may have to take basic Mandarin lessons and learn to use chopsticks, China is far from virgin territory for the PC pioneer.

IBM is representative of a corporate America that has had a lengthy love affair with China and its supposed market of 1.3 billion people, and has accumulated great expertise in doing business there.

"The difference in corporate cultures would normally be a formidable obstacle," said Geraldo M. Vasconcellos, a finance professor at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania.

"But American companies have been investing massively in China for some time now," he said.

Nevertheless, the jury is still out on what will happen when IBM, a shining symbol of American capitalism, gets together with Lenovo, a partly state-owned company that has benefited immensely from its government ties.

Lucrative sales of computers to government offices is one of the key reasons why Lenovo has soared to its current position, with a 27 percent market share in China, observers said.

The Lenovo case could end up proving the point that mergers present unique difficulties which tend to be forgotten when management teams pop champagne bottles and only see synergies and cost reductions.

"Differences in practices and ways of thinking -- call them 'cultural' if you wish - are more persistent than top managers in corporations typically initially acknowledge," said Janne Tienari, a merger expert at Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology.

"Differences trigger surprises in social interaction. Surprises may turn out problematic, if not adequately addressed," he said.

One of the most talked-about mergers of the past decade was the link-up of Germany's Daimler with US-based Chrysler in 1998.

Although it saw a mix of two Western business cultures that were not entirely alien, it led to unforeseen problems, and only now light is appearing at the end of the tunnel for the auto venture.

A different precedent from the auto sector is the alliance of Renault of France and Japan's Nissan, which is generally considered successful, combining Gallic management acumen with Asian engineering genius.

That could be good news for Lenovo, as its previous history of cooperation with IBM gives it an even better starting position than Renault and Nissan had when they commenced work together more or less from scratch.

"The context in which the IBM-Lenovo venture is being fashioned makes a difference (compared to Renault-Nissan)," said Chaganti.

"The relationship between the two firms has been at work for a long time and the recent move is an initiative at deepening that relationship."

Even so, analysts said IBM may decide to bow out of the market for PCs, which are increasingly treated as interchangeable commodities, with wafer-thin profit margins.

In the end, IBM may consider itself better off focusing on more lucrative activities such as chip design or consulting, and divest itself of its share in Lenovo, according to analysts.

"I think IBM bought some time and will eventually leave the PC business," said Vasconcellos.

"In the meantime, it may continue to reap the fruits of this venture, should it prove to be competitive in a business where the margins are very low these days."


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