- Analysis
- National
- Climate policy
This was published 5 years ago
Piecing together pollution total for mega WA fossil fuel proposal as papers drop silently
By Emma Young
As citizens not defending their homes from bushfires begin to switch their brains off for the Christmas holidays, Western Australia’s environmental watchdog has released all impact documents relating to one of Australia’s biggest fossil fuel proposals.
The community consultation for Woodside’s controversial Browse project, released Wednesday, will be open for eight weeks instead of six in a nod to this unfortunate timing to ensure all interested parties "have adequate time to review and comment."
The documents run across multiple EPA websites with links to thousands of pages covering impacts and proposed greenhouse gas mitigation plans for three of at least seven parts of the massive Burrup Hub project in Australia’s north-west.
“These are complex and individual proposals that will require detailed assessment to determine the extent of the proposals’ impacts and how the environmental issues could be managed, and I encourage the community to review the proposals and provide feedback,” EPA chairman Tom Hatton said.
The first proposal is to tap up to 24 gas wells and a floating facility in the offshore Browse gas field in state waters, under EPA jurisdiction.
Second is to tap up to 30 wells of the Browse field in Commonwealth waters, using a second floating facility, an 85-kilometre pipeline between, and a 900-kilometre pipeline connecting the lot to the onshore North West Shelf gas plant at Karratha.
This part is under Commonwealth jurisdiction and the federal government will assess the full impact of the two offshore components, including the part in state waters.
The third proposal concerns processing onshore at Karratha’s North West Shelf gas plant, and seeks to extend the plant’s original approvals to allow it to operate until 2070, processing not only the Browse gas, but potentially other LNG companies’.
The EPA is hosting consultation for the Commonwealth so the community can give feedback on each proposal on one website, but no one authority will assess the entire impact in terms of all offshore pollution from venting, onshore pollution from processing, and emissions from burning gas in overseas Asian markets.
The consultation is being launched in a time of policy flux, with WA's climate policy not yet completed, and the ink not yet dry on the EPA's just-released draft guidelines for assessing major polluting projects, which will require proponents to submit plans showing how they will “reasonably and practicably avoid, reduce and offset emissions to contribute to the state’s aspiration of net-zero emissions by 2050.”
While these documents would have been finalised before the announcement last week, EPA chairman Tom Hatton has been in extensive talks with proponents of pre-existing proposals across the past nine months.
“In speaking to proponents who already have projects with us our advice has been it would be very wise to consider the state guidelines,” he said last week.
The documents show Browse’s total emissions from venting offshore, and processing onshore will equal 200 million tonnes of CO2 over a minimum 31 years' field life (112 offshore, 88 onshore).
The EPA guidelines only apply to the part of the project in state jurisdiction, so not the lion’s share of the emissions which will come from the high-CO2 reservoirs in Commonwealth waters.
Woodside’s greenhouse gas mitigation plan for the onshore part of the project included in the documents commits only to only one specific target: to avoid, reduce or offset 330,000 tonnes of emissions from the gas plant by 2030.
This is a fraction of the total 7.6 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year currently emitted through this plant, with no emission controls or offset requirements currently placed by the state.
Woodside's plan also outlines LNG train design considerations, improvement opportunities, and the setting of unspecified annual fuel and flare targets for the gas plant.
Woodside wrote that the proposal, being to extend the life of the plant rather than build a new one, meant “wholesale reductions in emissions are difficult to achieve”.
“The costs associated with modifying an existing operating facility are significantly higher than for modifying the design of a new facility,” it wrote.
It says gas will displacing coal globally and says while these “downstream customer benefits” are outside the scope of this approval framework, they should “inform consideration of the proposal’s specific circumstances.”
As regards national emissions targets, Woodside said it would comply with the Commonwealth’s existing rules which require it to offset ¼ of the projected 200 million tonnes.
It says interim targets “may be established as part of the Commonwealth’s future consideration”.
Woodside also recently announced it would offset reservoir emissions for its portion of the joint venture by 0.6 million tonnes per year from 2021, doubling from 2025, again a fraction of the total.
Browse's joint venture partners are yet to make a final investment decision.
Comments are open until February 12.
Documents for the Browse to North West Shelf (Commonwealth project, including state component) are here: chapters 1-5 , chapters 6-9 and the appendixes A-C (for more appendixes click here. To make a comment click here.)