

This was published 3 years ago

Will cold weather increase Australia's COVID risk?

By Liam Mannix

Examine, a weekly science newsletter written by national science reporter Liam Mannix, is sent every Tuesday. The latest instalment is below. You can sign up to receive it from The Age here and from The Sydney Morning Herald here.

The news of nine cases of COVID-19 across Melbourne has left the city rattled – understandably so, given the trauma we have endured over the past year.

A public housing tower was forced into hard lockdown during Melbourne’s second-wave COVID-19 outbreak in 2020.

A public housing tower was forced into hard lockdown during Melbourne’s second-wave COVID-19 outbreak in 2020.Credit: Penny Stephens

My sole piece of advice: don’t panic. Community cases are inevitable and have cropped up regularly since Melbourne’s second wave.

We face them now with bolstered contact tracing, with a population practised in social distancing, with 3.6 million doses of vaccine in the arms of the most vulnerable Australians.

Most importantly, all cases so far are linked, as far as we know. We have found patient zero. It is not yet clear how patient zero gave it to our other cases – possibly there is a link in the middle we have missed – but, as of yet, there are no mystery chains of transmission.

So stay calm. Pay attention not just to your own situation but also to that of the city’s most vulnerable, who almost always bear the brunt of things like this. We will get through it.

One question I have been getting a lot: with Australia heading into winter, are we more likely to face new outbreaks?

It’s a sensible question. Melbourne’s second wave hit during the depths of Australia’s winter. Europe and America’s surge seemed to coincide with their coldest months. Look at this graph – we’re right at the point on the left, before things started to take off.


And didn’t your mum always tell you to rug up in winter or else you’ll catch cold?

But what does the evidence say? The ideal way to find out if winter plays a role is to take a random group of people and expose some to summer conditions, and some to winter, and see if they get infected. This is, of course, impossible.

Or we could trace 10 years of COVID-19 data around the world, looking for seasonal trends. Also impossible. What data we are left with is valuable and flawed in different ways.

If we want to make a case, we’re really looking for strong evidence to emerge from two types of studies: mechanical and epidemiological. First, is there some plausible reason why COVID-19 might spread better in winter?

Second, is there actual clear population level evidence it actually is spreading better in winter?

In the lab, the virus that causes COVID-19 prefers cold, dark conditions. There is some evidence dry air makes the little bubbles of virus contract, allowing them to more easily penetrate deeper into the lungs.

But we cannot directly extrapolate that to saying the virus spreads better in winter, in part because there are simply so many variables about how a virus spreads.

“Clearly, experiments to tie down the effect of temperature on virus survival are pretty hard to do, says Associate Professor Euan Tovey, a respiratory virus researcher at the University of Sydney. “And these experiments are not done in saliva. And respiratory fluids (which the virus has to get into) vary quite a lot.

“Then you’ve got things like UV light and air pollutants. There is quite a lot known, but also quite a lot unknown. Clearly it’s a big question.”

Perhaps people are more likely to gather inside in winter. We know COVID-19 transmits best inside. But ... people gather inside in summer as well, to enjoy air-conditioning.

Another early theory focused on vitamin D: it is important to the immune system, and our bodies make it from sunlight, so we have less in the winter.

A long line of cars waiting to enter a COVID-19 testing site in suburban Maidstone on Tuesday.

A long line of cars waiting to enter a COVID-19 testing site in suburban Maidstone on Tuesday.Credit: Jason South

Two studies now suggest vitamin D is not playing a big role. The first looked at the DNA of hundreds of thousands of Britons, looking for certain genes known to increase or decrease vitamin D levels (clever!). The researchers found no link between those genes and the chances of catching COVID-19.

A second huge study of 502,624 Britons looked at actual vitamin D levels measured in the blood in the years before the COVID-19 pandemic – and again found no association with COVID-19 risk.

Hmm. So, the mechanism evidence is messy. What about the epidemiological evidence?

There are a lot of small studies. An inter-country study looking at three towns in Italy found a strong association between temperature, humidity and COVID-19 infections.

A study looking across China found a small association between temperature, humidity, and COVID-19 cases, while this modelling study also found a probable increase in infections in winter. A larger study looked at 10 countries with large outbreaks, five in the northern hemisphere and five in the southern. As the north went into winter, cases went up – and cases went down in the south. As the seasons moved on, that trend reversed.

But these studies really aren’t great. They often looked at small windows of time at the start of the pandemic, when testing wasn’t as good. Epidemiological studies like these find it really hard to distinguish between all the many, many things that can influence a country’s pandemic. To study seasonality, you’d like data that runs over several years and countries.

The World Meteorological Organisation’s expert panel reviewed these studies and lots more, and concluded that, well, they were bad. Its message: would everybody please slow down and do better science.

While the evidence probably leans towards cold weather having an effect, the panel found there was simply not enough conclusive evidence to show a seasonal COVID-19 effect.

Compare that to where the evidence is more certain: physical distancing and masks, and government-mandated restrictions on gatherings. We know they work.

If winter is having an effect, it’s “a small drop in the pan”, Cory Merow, an ecologist at the University of Connecticut who has been studying weather and COVID-19, told the journal Nature.


There’s something else important. Almost no countries in the world control COVID-19 as Australia does. That means it’s hard, if not impossible, to generalise their data to our own unique experience.

“When I keep hearing this poorly explained weird narrative that seems to say SARS-CoV-2 will ‘appear’ from Magicland in winter, it makes me scream,” said Associate Professor Ian Mackay, a virus researcher at the University of Queensland.

“If it’s not already circulating, winter isn’t a bigger factor. If it’s in the community, then it might be – if behaviours change.”

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