By Phoebe Moloney
The organiser of the Return of Kings' meetings worldwide, Daryush "Roosh" Valizadeh, has taken his organisation back underground just two days after declaring it was time to "come out of the shadows" and not hide behind computer screens.
"It's time to go underground in the cities that threaten the safety of my supporters," he wrote on a microblogging site.
It is not difficult to find out a lot about the infamous "legal rape" advocate via a simple internet search.
He is 36. He studied microbiology in Maryland, US. In his book Bang he weaves a typical "nerdy gamer" to "unstoppable casanova" underdog narrative.
The anti-feminist blogger Daryush "Roosh" Valizadeh.
"Roosh: Innovative Casanova" is his forum avatar name.
On one of his first blogs, DC Bachelor, you can find Valizadeh's opinion on everything from immigration to toilets to people who own BlackBerry phones.
In an unexpected post on DC Bachelor Valizadeh talks about the first woman who made him doubt his player lifestyle.
"When I met my current girl and everything between us was perfect in every way, the game (pick up tactics) didn't stand a chance," he said.
"I had found a super smart girl who has her act together, never plays games, and treats me like a king."
But that was in 2006.
A decade later his notoriety rests upon his self-published pick-up artistry guides, which describe how to "bang" in different countries, and for-profit website Return of Kings.
Articles on his own website include, When no means yes (according to him, always), Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men, and You did this to me, an open letter to all women blaming them for his behaviour.
"You've shaped my game and views towards women every time you rejected me and every time you opened your legs," he said. "You made me who I am, and every day you create one thousand men who are just like me."
His website includes an article entitled "How to stop rape", which suggests making rape legal in private places.
"If rape becomes legal under my proposal, a girl will protect her body in the same manner that she protects her purse and smartphone."
In one article about the gaming tactics he used in Iceland, he tells a very drunk woman he is following her home because he did not want her to be in danger.
"I said, 'I have a sister who's a couple years older than you. I'd want a guy to walk her home as well.' That was the first time I had leveraged a family member in the hope of building enough trust to get laid.
"I couldn't decide if it was tight game or pure evil."
Mr Valizadeh claims he does not promote violence. However, Vice reported last year that the group leader had encouraged his supporters to "seduce and f---" feminist activists, posting the profiles of targeted women in an online forum.
Mr Valizadeh has also made posts on Twitter saying he attended a White Supremacist conference and that Neo-Nazis "love" him.
βIn a post on the Return of Kings website about the meetings, Mr Valizadeh told followers that he "will exact furious retribution upon anyone who challenges you in public on that date [February 6]'.
Mr Valizdeh has not answered the Herald's questions, sent in an email.
However, he said "money is no barrier" to his trip to Australia and has recently posted pictures on his Instagram account of a new BMW.
Mr Valizadeh discusses living in a world increasingly abrasive to his point of view. On Men's Rights website AVFM he said that "pussification" of western men will eventually lead to an end in reproduction.
"Currently, many men are opting out of marriage because of unfair divorce and child custody laws. It won't be much longer until we hit a tipping point where men drop out of sexual relationships with women as well," he said.
"Therefore, a feminist victory will be a lonely one for women indeed. 'Where have all the good men gone? They've been scared off by your anti-male war'."
Chatter on the "meetup day" thread of his forum suggests that Australian supporters have changed locations for the Saturday gathering, however, they are also falsely promoting new meeting spots as well as the speculated arrival date and location of Mr Valizadeh in Australia.
Immigration Minister Dutton said Mr Valizadeh had not yet applied for a visa despite Mr Valizadeh saying he would be arriving to Australia on February 2.
In later posts he said he will arrive by boat, "Australian borders are weak," he said.
NSW Police issued a statement on Wednesday saying it would act if the law is breached. "Violence against women is a major issue for NSW Police," the statement said. "Please don't mistake what police have to say on this matter for concurrence with the obnoxious views of someone in the US. As it stands, there are no events scheduled, or any obvious support for any event."
A member of the Roosh V forum said that Mr Valizadeh's claim he was coming to Australia was a distraction tactic to ensure meetings still go ahead. On The Project, Waleed Aly said Valizadeh uses media outrage to sell his books.
Update: Mr Valizadeh has claimed, in a microblog post, that his 'How to stop rape' blog was satire.