
What violent porn is doing to Australia’s teens

What violent porn is doing to Australia’s teens

All it takes is three clicks for a child to access porn. And it is adversely affecting young people’s behaviours.

4 stories
Porn is readily influencing teenage boys.
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‘I was 13. I thought that’s what was expected of me’

Young teenagers are increasingly committing – and being subjected to – extreme sexual acts. And unfettered access to violent porn is at the heart of the problem.

  • by Jordan Baker
Experts are working on solutions to block children from accessing violent porn.
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Anna was 10 when a boy first showed her porn on his iPad

Exposure to violent porn is adversely affecting teenagers’ sexual experiences. But how can we restrict their access to such websites?

  • by Jordan Baker
Kids find porn on Twitter more than anywhere else. Here’s how it lets them
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Kids find porn on Twitter more than anywhere else. Here’s how it lets them

Social media sites including Twitter and Reddit avoid much of the scrutiny of adult websites.

  • by Jordan Baker
Australia, it’s time to debate age verification for porn

Australia, it’s time to debate age verification for porn

The innocence of many childhoods has been prematurely ended by pornography’s pervasive online accessibility.

  • The Herald's View

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