

This was published 2 years ago

What two pandas can teach us about dealing with China

By Carrillo Gantner

I travelled to Beijing to take up the position of cultural counsellor at the Australian Embassy in April 1985. The Australian ambassador during my three years in Beijing was the brilliant Professor Ross Garnaut. He was focused on results and encouraged me to go forth and expand Australia’s cultural engagement with the assurance that I had his full support — and behind him, that of the prime minister.

My brief was expansive. Apart from culture in the artistic sense, and sport, which is a dynamic part of the Australian ethos, I was also responsible for the programs of the Australia-China Council; for academic exchanges; for science, technology and medicine; for conservation and the environment; for law and accounting; for the Australian students in China (although not the Chinese students just beginning to go to Australia); even for agriculture. Indeed, for anything that came to the embassy that was not politics, trade, aid or defence.


In my role as cultural counsellor, I negotiated the loan of two giant pandas as China’s birthday present to mark the celebration of Australia’s Bicentenary in 1988. For two years, I met monthly with my counterparts from the Ministry of Forestry and Fisheries, who had responsibility for making the necessary arrangements on the Chinese side. I used to call these “three-teapot meetings”; career diplomats might call them “full and frank discussions”.

We would cover an immense amount of detail on matters such as transport, security, insurance, feeding, facilities at the Australian zoos, quarantine and veterinary requirements, travel and living arrangements for the animals’ keepers, and, of course, fees. The Chinese are masterful negotiators — in this, they only really respect as equals the Japanese — but I learned quickly, resisting what I regarded as over-the-top “rent a panda” terms and regularly retreating to another cup of tea, and talk of “friendship between our two great leaders” and/or “two great peoples”.

We started each meeting focusing on areas where we could find agreement, working through issues point by point. Then, when we came to a stumbling block and could not find common ground on a particular clause, we would put that issue aside, have yet another cup of tea, talk about friendship, and agree to meet again the following month.

And so it went, month by month, until the Melbourne and Sydney zoos, which had each invested over $1 million to build new enclosures, grow the appropriate bamboos and import huge amounts of panda merchandise for their shops, panicked, upon which both the ambassador and I received a steady stream of Australian government instructions to sign up.

April 18, 1983: Chinese premier Zhao Ziyang and prime minister Bob Hawke chat at Parliament House in Canberra.

April 18, 1983: Chinese premier Zhao Ziyang and prime minister Bob Hawke chat at Parliament House in Canberra.Credit: Capix

I refused to accept what I thought were unreasonable terms, and the ambassador trusted my judgment. I tried to reassure the Australian parties that there was absolutely no chance that the pandas would not arrive on schedule, because this had been agreed by the two leaders at the time —prime minister Bob Hawke and premier Zhao Ziyang — plus it had been widely publicised, and so a serious issue of “face” was involved.


Then, after predicting that negotiations would go right to the door of the plane sent to collect the pandas, my term in Beijing finished and I came home. My successor as cultural counsellor, Dr Nicholas Jose, subsequently told me that, in fact, the to-ing and fro-ing had gone beyond that moment because, when the Qantas jumbo pulled up to load the pandas, the Chinese determined that it was inappropriate for their national animal to be pictured waving goodbye beside the flying kangaroo. At the very last moment, they switched the loading to an Air China plane, the photographers took their pictures, and the pandas then took off with their own national carrier, flying to Tokyo, where they were reloaded onto the Qantas aircraft.

The lessons here are pretty obvious. Don’t be offended by sudden changes — both sides have domestic electorates to which they play all the time. Be curious and try to understand the case from the other’s point of view. Deals reached at the highest levels of government are given the highest level of respect, as serious national “face” has been invested in them and the word of the leader must be honoured.

When Australia says it wants to hold meetings at the highest level of government to sort things out, it really does not help at all for our Prime Minister to play “Macho Man” when a little humility and large dollops of courtesy would go a lot further. Clear and positive objectives, consistency of values, a polite firmness, genuine sincerity and patience are very important in all dealings.

Prime Minister at a press conference earlier this month, flanked by Defence Minister Peter Dutton.

Prime Minister at a press conference earlier this month, flanked by Defence Minister Peter Dutton. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Furthermore, negotiations will be far more productive if you start with those areas where you are likely to find agreement and can build trust. There are many possibilities here for Australia: sporting and cultural exchanges; joint medical and agricultural research; even, dare I say it, climate change action, on which Australia is the laggard. There might be joint aid projects in some Pacific and Asian countries that are in both Australia and China’s national interest — for example, promoting the education of women.

But for now, Australia needs to put to one side the more difficult issues. And we need to learn that chest-thumping and megaphone diplomacy are entirely counterproductive, especially when we are using someone else’s megaphone.


There are many problems with a centralised autocracy, but its strengths include discipline down the line and an ability to focus on the definition and delivery of national goals. There are lessons we can learn here from China.

I think of the extraordinary development of infrastructure of every kind across the country in the past few decades. Tullamarine airport opened in Melbourne in July 1970. At that time, we were promised that a fast train would soon run from the airport into the city. For 50 years now, successive governments have continued to tell us it is coming soon, but we don’t even have a slow tram doing the 23-kilometre trip. In the past 20 years, China has built almost 40,000 kilometres of fast-train tracks and countless huge new stations. High-speed trains carry many millions of people across the country every day.

China sets ambitious, far-sighted national goals and works hard to fulfil them. Australia, however, thinks in short electoral cycles, and our politicians are motivated more by the desire to attract votes at the next election and retain their perks of office than any long-term national benefit (although they always try very hard to dress the former in the language of the latter). This leads to a lack of discipline as individual politicians try to differentiate themselves or score points.

Dismal Diplomacy, Disposable Sovereignty: Our Problem with China & America by Carrillo Gantner.

Dismal Diplomacy, Disposable Sovereignty: Our Problem with China & America by Carrillo Gantner.Credit:

Our adversarial parliamentary system means that “winning” today’s domestic media cycle has become the most important objective for both government and opposition. The very best thing most Australian politicians can do to improve relations with China is simply to shut up.

This is an edited extract from Dismal Diplomacy, Disposable Sovereignty: Our Problem with China & America by Carrillo Gantner, released on April 1 as part of the In the National Interest series published by Monash University Publishing.

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