


What are the disputes involving Clive Palmer and the WA government about?

A fast-tracked law and a defamation suit are among the wrangles involving the billionaire and WA's government. How did the trouble start? And why is a new law relating to Palmer so controversial?


Queensland billionaire Clive Palmer once famously listed "litigation" as a hobby in his Who's Who entry.

While he has racked up his fair share of legal activity over the past month thanks to an epic stoush with the state of Western Australia, Premier Mark McGowan and his Labor government are working overtime to stop him having his day in court.

Not only is Palmer challenging the constitutionality of WA's strict border restrictions after he was denied entry into the state, he has lobbed a $27.8 billion compensation claim over an iron-ore dispute dating back to 2012.

The unedifying battle has become political and personal, with McGowan labelling the billionaire an "enemy of the state" and WA Attorney-General John Quigley using parliamentary privilege to call Palmer a liar and hypocrite. Palmer, in turn, has responded by calling for the Premier to be jailed. On August 20, he filed a defamation action against McGowan in the Federal Court.

The WA government has also rushed through "emergency legislation" rubbing out Palmer's legal rights to claim compensation from the government.

All of this has the state's political commentators furious, lawyers worried, and the public bemused over the possibility Palmer could double WA's already enormous debt with the biggest win in Australian legal history.

So what are these legal actions? How did they come about? And why is a new WA law relating to Palmer so controversial?

WA Premier Mark McGowan, left, and Attorney-General John Quigley in a press conference about their law relating to Clive Palmer.

WA Premier Mark McGowan, left, and Attorney-General John Quigley in a press conference about their law relating to Clive Palmer.Credit: Nathan Hondros

How did the trouble start?

In April, WA closed the state's borders to stop the spread of COVID-19. The move enjoys popular support, especially since the state has virtually eliminated the virus with no community transmission detected for months. (The dwindling handful of cases have been returned international travellers in hotel quarantine.)

But the hard border restrictions still allowed exemptions for some people to cross into WA, especially those on business.

Enter Clive Palmer, who has significant business interests in the state. In May, he applied to enter WA on business grounds but was knocked back. Unhappy, and armed to the teeth with QCs, he lodged a constitutional challenge to the border restrictions with the High Court.

Section 92 of Australia's constitution says "trade, commerce, and intercourse among the states ... shall be absolutely free". Not much wriggle room there, as WA Senator Mathias Cormann put it.

Although the border restrictions were overwhelmingly supported by voters, as federal Attorney-General Christian Porter said, "what is constitutional and what is popular is not the same thing".


It will be months before the High Court delivers a decision.

How did a second legal battle begin?

In the early evening of August 11, WA's Attorney-General got to his feet in Parliament and dropped a bombshell: Palmer had lodged an arbitration claim on the state government that could be worth $27.8 billion.

Quigley said the figure was as much as the entire state budget for a year and almost as much as the government's state debt.

In WA, mining companies sign "state agreements" with the government where they agree to pay royalties in exchange for the right to extract resources. State agreements are written into legislation, and have underpinned WA's reputation as a safe haven for international investment. Once a state agreement is inked, it is law and gives mining companies rights that can be worth billions. If there are disagreements, they are dealt with by arbitration rather than through the courts.

In 2002, WA's then-Labor government granted Palmer's Mineralogy a state agreement, which is the source of much of his wealth. His companies own the rights to extract iron ore in the north of the state at the Sino Iron Ore mine, operated by Chinese conglomerate CITIC, who pay his companies $400 million a year in royalties.


Under the Mineralogy state agreement, his companies also have rights to a proposed Balmoral South iron-ore mine 80 kilometres south-west of Karratha in WA's Pilbara region. But in 2012, then-premier Colin Barnett refused to assess a proposal from Palmer's companies under the state agreement.

Palmer's company Mineralogy had the matter sent to an independent arbitrator, former High Court justice Michael McHugh, who ruled against the government in 2014, a decision that has sparked an unsuccessful government appeal and the arbitration that is now the subject of legal controversy.

The parties were set for mediation by former WA Supreme Court chief justice Wayne Martin before heading back to arbitration later this year. It was while preparing for that legal process that Palmer's companies lodged their ambit claim in May, which totalled $27.8 billion as compensation for being unable to progress their iron ore project which requires government approval under the state agreement.

The dispute has been in and out of legal forums for eight years, including five years in abeyance, before Palmer restarted proceedings.

Quigley, a former lawyer, said the state had been unsuccessful in the past in relation to the claims and therefore a successful outcome in arbitration was not guaranteed.

The nature of the arbitration also meant there would be limited avenues for appeal for the government and even if Palmer was partially successful, it could put the state's financial capacity to deal with the coronavirus pandemic in jeopardy.

"The government is taking steps to protect the state from the rapacious nature of Mr Palmer [and his companies]," Quigley told Parliament.


The arbitration proceedings continue.

WA Governor Kim Beazley signing the anti-Clive Palmer legislation into law.

WA Governor Kim Beazley signing the anti-Clive Palmer legislation into law.Credit: Nine News Perth

What did the WA government do next?

McGowan has argued the government was forced to act. If Palmer's claim were to succeed, it would mean "mass closures of hospitals, of schools, of police stations, mass sackings of public servants, of child protection workers, of police officers".

After Quigley outlined the financial risk to the state, he tabled legislation that he said would snuff out Palmer's claims.

The law, which was rushed through Parliament in just two days, meant the billionaire and his companies would indemnify the state against any compensation claims he could bring under the state agreement and included a provision that "the rules known as the rules of natural justice (including any duty of procedural fairness) do not apply".

The legislation also explicitly exempted government decisions about the dispute from being made public through Freedom of Information laws.


"It contains a number of provisions and measures that are not usual but Mineralogy and Mr Palmer are not normal and the state needs these measures to best protect its interests and the community's interests," the Attorney-General told Parliament.

The law also removed Palmer's rights personally, such as his right to natural justice and to appeal under the state agreement, even though he was not named as a party to the state agreement nor to the arbitration dispute.

"He has made billions and billions of dollars just by his inventiveness and his manipulation of the system," Quigley told Parliament.

"If there is a case for an award and he invents some future legal action that we do not know about yet, even though we have tried to cover the field, there is an indemnity clause in this bill. If we get an award made against us anywhere down the track on any action that we have not foreseen, Mr Palmer, by this legislation, indemnifies the state for every dollar that he gets."

Why is the new law so controversial?

The Premier is one of the nation's most popular political leaders, according to published polling. His battle with Palmer over the state's border restrictions proved popular, and the eccentric billionaire was demonised on social media.


But the negative reaction to the anti-Palmer laws have some inside Labor concerned McGowan might have pushed his popularity too far.

The blowback from commentators was brutal.

In oped in the Australian Financial Review, columnist Nicholas Tam wrote: "Make no mistake: this attack on an individual's legitimate legal rights by expropriating a valuable asset is no different in principle to the mafia capitalism manifested in Vladimir Putin's vindictive expropriation of the Yukos oil company to settle his political grudge against Russian billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky."

In News Corp publications, veteran business columnist Terry McCrann labelled the legislation "the most outrageous abuse of power we have seen from any government in Australia in the 120 years since Federation".

In a statement issued by the WA Law Society, its board accused Parliament of passing a law that violated "fundamental legal principles".

"It exempted the state from defined liabilities, removed potential appeal and review rights and excluded principles of natural justice," it said.

"Citizens acquiesce to be governed by the state on the basis the state will govern according to the rule of law.

"The rule of law comprises a series of concepts, but most fundamentally: all people, whatever their status, are subject to the ordinary law of the land. Departure from that principle has the capacity to affect the foundation of our democracy.

"The new law is unprecedented and extreme."

What does Palmer say?

Palmer hit out at the Premier, furious the government was painting him as the villain.

"This particular dispute has been going for eight years, and five days ago we signed an agreement with the former chief justice of Western Australia and the government that we would mediate the dispute in a friendly, co-operative manner," he said.

"There’s been a continual beat-up about me for the last eight weeks and we saw the Premier declare war on me and, of course, it's unheard of that a state declares war on a citizen merely because they've made an application to the court."

What's next?

While the legislation was rushed late at night to WA Governor Kim Beazley for royal assent, where he signed it in front of the media, Palmer was lodging his companies' arbitration – the one in which $27.8-billion has been claimed – in the Queensland Supreme Court in a bid to keep the claim alive, a move the WA government is challenging.

The billionaire has also vowed to challenge the constitutionality of the laws in the High Court.


In 2016, the High Court struck out WA legislation aimed at heading off legal challenges over long-running litigation in relation to late WA entrepreneur Alan Bond's Bell Group.

This year, the WA government brought in law firm Clayton Utz to advise on the constitutionality of its Palmer legislation; they have said the extraordinary legislation is within the power of the Parliament to enact.

The WA government will have to wait to see whether their law relating to Palmer ends up before the High Court. Meanwhile, it will be months before the High Court delivers what will be an historic constitutional decision over the border question; on this matter, the federal government thinks Palmer will win, although it dropped its legal support for his constitutional arguments after a political backlash in WA.

McGowan's lawyers also now have a defamation action to contend with.

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