- Explainer
- Coronavirus pandemic
What are older Australians up to during this pandemic?
What can you do to stay happy and connected at home if you’re an older Australian? And what support is available?
Nobel prize-winning immunologist Peter Doherty says he might be “a bit atypical” of an older Australian stuck at home during this pandemic. While some people were panic-buying toilet paper, the 79-year-old was warily venturing downtown “to pick up various things I thought we might need, like an extra printer cartridge and some more [writing] paper.”
Those forays have stood him in good stead. Between media interviews, he’s writing columns on topics such as “pustules and poxes” for the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity; tapping out a memoir of life and Australian science during COVID-19; and putting the finishing touches to his book titled Empire, War and Tennis.
“Penny [his wife of 55 years] has to put up with me all the time,” he says. “She’s my best informant and critic.”
In other ways, though, he and Penny, a virologist by training, are typical of others their age, with Penny doing supermarket shopping during seniors’ hour at 7am and both talking with their sons and grandchildren by phone and video. “The last time, we couldn't get the video right, all we could see was us. I get very frustrated with the technology. That’s one of the ‘diseases’ of the over-70s,” he laughs. “Some people probably handle it a lot better.”
As of last year, one in six Australians were over the age of 65, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. They range from baby boomers to centenarians and include myriad cultures – nearly a third were born overseas. Some are robust, others more frail, often having little to do with age in years. But it is a group deemed at heightened risk from COVID-19.
This is why the federal government has “strongly urged” Australians over 70 (and those over 65 with chronic medical conditions) to stay home and self-isolate. And it’s why, amid pushback over “bonk bans” and golfing “rights”, most older Australians have simply complied – but to the point where some have cut themselves off from services and social connections critical to their wellbeing.
“[We’ve had] older people thinking you can’t hug people you live with,” says Professor Briony Dow, director of the National Ageing Research Institute. “Thinking you have to wash your hands constantly; fear of getting infection so not letting aged care providers in; not understanding what they can and can’t do.”
So, what can you do to stay happy and connected at home if you’re an older Australian? How do the rules apply to you? What support is available? And what are some tips for easing the isolation?
Peter Doherty has a "coffee technique" for safely enjoying his daily takeaway.Credit: Simon Schluter
First, how isolated do you have to be?
Only people diagnosed with, or exposed to, COVID-19 and those returning from overseas have ever been required to self-isolate in their homes. Prime Minister Scott Morrison asked older Australians to self-isolate to the "maximum extent practical". "This does not mean they cannot go outside,” he said in March. “They can go outside ... but should limit contact with others as much as possible.”
There was a lot of fear in the early days of the pandemic.
“The commentary went overboard,” says Ian Yates, chief executive of the Council on the Ageing (COTA) Australia, “and people [were] very scared. An interviewer started talking [to me] about how people aren’t allowed out in their backyards any more, and I said, ‘Woah, let’s just stop right now, this is rubbish. In fact, the reverse: they should be out in their gardens doing stuff’.”
Advocacy group National Seniors Australia has been polling its more than 100,000 members during the pandemic. Initial concerns about shortages of groceries gave way to feelings of isolation, fear and loneliness, says chief executive Professor John McCallum.
“People, particularly if they’re 80-plus, are actually petrified that they’re going to get this dreadful disease,” McCallum says. “That became an issue of great significance which we’re trying to sort out.”
Talk of being on a “war footing” spooked many older migrants too. “In wartime, you don’t trust everyone and you doubt information,” says Mohammed Yassin, who leads community engagement at Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre. “All this adds to the isolation, the mental toll and trauma.”
While some restrictions are being eased in some states, the four main stated reasons to go out have been for essential shopping (including banks, supermarkets, bottle shops, hairdressers), for school or work (if you can’t study or work at home), for exercise (including walking your dog) or for medical care or support.
“You’ve just got to be really careful about it,” says Harry Nespolon, president of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. “Make sure that you really do follow the social distancing rules. Bring some hand sanitiser with you.”
“Hands and face and personal space,” says geriatrician Professor Susan Kurrle. “That’s what I say to people: wash your hands, don’t touch your face and keep your personal space around you.”
Peter Doherty is still buying a daily takeaway coffee from his local cafe. His tap-and-go payment “strategy” involves wearing his credit card around his neck “in one of those plastic things you use for scientific meetings” while his “coffee technique” includes decanting the brew from the cup that he’s “contaminated” into a clean cup at home before washing his hands.
Nobody said you couldn't walk your dog.Credit: Getty Images
If you do go out for exercise, can you go with a friend?
Yes. “People are getting out early to go for walks,” says Kurrle, adding it is a good way to avoid crowds but keep in (socially distant) contact with neighbours and, in doing so, build support networks. If you have a friend who lives close by, you can walk in your neighbourhood, staying 1.5 metres apart. Takeaway coffees are OK too, so long as you don’t linger.
“If you’re used to going around the block on a walk with a friend, that’s both social support and physical support,” says Yates. “And there are situations where a family member is used to walking with a frailer, older person – not to physically hold them but in case something goes wrong. And that, clearly, should continue, with good physical distancing. It is about having one other person with you – and no state precludes that.”
If you want to stay at home, there are exercises you can do to avoid what experts call “functional decline”, says Kurrle. “I give people sit-to-stand exercises – standing up from a chair without using your arms and then sitting down really slowly and standing up again – and marching on the spot, lifting your knees high, and some balance stuff – practising standing on one leg and counting to 10 slowly [with a bench to hold onto if you need it]. And if they do that for 10 minutes a couple of times a day they maintain a fair bit of, particularly lower leg, function.”
In Britain, World War II veteran Captain Tom Moore, who turns 100 on April 30, raised more than $55 million for the National Health Service by completing laps of his garden with the help of a walking frame.
The National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) has published excellent tips for healthy living during the pandemic, including reminders that getting sunlight on your skin is a source of vitamin D; that it’s smart to keep a routine such as stretching in the morning, walking in the middle of the day and so on; and that it’s good to take time to switch off from the news!
Putting together a family history is just one of their suggestions for projects you can undertake. NARI research volunteer Catherine, 80, is doing Pilates, dancing to waltz music on the radio and knitting, among other things; Edith, 85, does craft, sewing, playing the piano, baking and “keeping my freezer filled with casseroles, biscuits and cakes”; and Lora, 69, says “doing gardening and meditation is great for my physical and mental wellbeing”.
Can family or friends visit you?
“I had a lady in her late 80s,” says Nespolon, “and she couldn't work out whether or not she could sit on the verandah with her friend and drink a cup of tea.”
As Yates sees this lady’s situation, “If this is an established pattern, and you’re adopting all precautions, why would you run the [mental] health risks of breaking that established pattern?”
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said that if older people are self-isolating at home, it doesn’t mean that “for care and compassionate reasons that they cannot receive visits from those who would normally provide that care”.
Some states are starting to relax laws on social visits. In Queensland, for example, from midnight on May 1 it will be OK for people to make social visits as long as households don’t welcome more than two guests at a time and they keep a 1.5-metre distance. Queenslanders can go for a drive (within 50 kilometres of home), even have a picnic in a national park, and shop for non-essential items with people from their household or just one other person – just avoid crowds.
In NSW from May 1, up to two adults and their dependent children will be allowed to visit another household anywhere in the state – but must take extra care when visiting vulnerable people. “Two adults will be able to go and visit anybody else in their home on the basis of care, on the basis of reducing social isolation and everybody's mental health,” said Premier Gladys Berejiklian. “We know that for many people, they've been cooped up in their homes for a number of weeks.”
In all states, including Victoria, visits for caring and compassion are encouraged. A friend, relative or carer can drop off supplies and help around the house, cook, or lend a hand with personal care while being mindful of physical distance.
A cup of tea with a carer is considered social support – just keep your physical distance.Credit: Getty Images
What about visits from grandchildren?
For the most part, “grandchildren is the area that no government, no medical officer has been prepared to give us any written guidance about,” says Yates.
Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services has suggested making alternative arrangements for babysitting, given the risks of illness to older people, and to discuss how to reduce the risk of infection if a grandparent needs to look after a baby. But when asked about grandparents babysitting, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has said, "It is simply not smart, not right for us to be putting those people at risk."
As Yates sees it, authorities are emphasising the importance of hygiene and physical distancing but are then largely “leaving it up to families to work [it] out”.
“The risk is that grandchildren, particularly young children, are not going to understand,” he says. “So they’ll just forget and run up and give you a hug.”
Some families have been finding creative solutions: Kurrle knows of a father and two young boys who cycle to visit their grandmother nearby but remain on the other side of her garden fence; and there’s the “drive-by granny” who spends an hour with her great grandchildren by watching them play and perform tricks for her from her son’s car.
How else can you stay in touch with people?
Some grandparents use FaceTime or Facebook to communicate with grandchildren. Others are stepping up their “digital presence”. “We’ve got grandkids in Seattle so we’re doing Google Hangouts with them,” says Doherty. “We used to do that by phone.”
Virtual group chats are helping friends with shared cultural backgrounds, says Spectrum’s Yassin, which is “super important” for most migrants as they age. “Different communities and cohorts are at different levels of this,” he says. “We have a Croatian group who have started their own live video chats where they are recreating the kind of group dynamics that we used to provide them with [in person].”
Families are also sending photos of children’s letters and artwork by phone, email, delivering them on a care visit or sending them as a nice surprise by “snail mail”. “I’m amazed what we can do that gives joy,” says Kurrle. “And we’ve all got time to do it now.”
'Take it one day a time': Peter Doherty, 79
"I tend to take things one day at a time. I’ve worked for a long time on what I call the dog food model. [There was] an American advertisement for a dog food called New Pedigree Chum. They called it Chum, then they called it Pedigree Chum and then, when they wanted to sell more of this crap, they called it New Pedigree Chum. New Pedigree Chum was “handy bite-sized chunks”. I always tell younger people if they’re intimidated by what’s going on, think in terms of handy-sized chunks. That’s the way I approach life anyway because … if you don’t you can be overwhelmed by it easily."
– Peter Doherty shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1996 with Swiss colleague Rolf Zinkernagel for their discovery of how the immune system recognises virus-infected cells
How do you go shopping?
As a scientist, Doherty thinks of everything in terms of probabilities, including the probability of infection. “I go out and do little things. We’re still going to the shops but we are very careful. Penny says [big supermarkets] are kind of set up for it.”
Supermarkets are opening at special times for seniors and carers. Take your seniors or pensioner concession card with you to Coles or Woolworths 7am-8am Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. For priority assistance at Woolworths, register online here or call 1800 000 610. For Coles, create an account or phone 1800 061 562. For IGA, shop here or phone 1800 018 384.
You can also shop at other types of businesses that are open. But the National Ageing Research Institute suggests you make such visits as infrequent as possible and preferably try to find someone to help you with shopping.
If you go shopping, avoid touching surfaces. Wash your fruit and vegetables with water and wipe down packets; or put food into your own containers when you get home and then wash your hands.
Queensland has started a volunteer Care Army to help seniors with tasks such as shopping. Some 27,000 people have signed up – but only 1000 older people requested help. The government is now running campaigns to tell the “silent generation” it’s OK to seek support. If you live in Queensland, here’s the number: 1800 173 349.
How can you do banking?
“Are people over the age of 90 allowed to go to their bank to carry out normal banking procedures?” asked one of our readers recently. He is not the only one. Half a million Australian bank customers actively use a passbook account or transaction account with no linked debit card.
With staying home and “tap and go” payment recommended rather than cash, banks are helping passbook customers transition to debit cards.
NAB has contacted 17,000 passbook customers over the age of 70 since March 19: 2700 opted to open accounts with cards attached, including eight people older than 100 and more than 200 over 90. The bank also launched a service allowing passbook customers to make withdrawals at their local Australia Post.
ANZ has done a similar callout. Both banks are helping clients get started with online banking if they now want to stay home.
And new debit cards are also being posted to the nation’s passbook holders who can then opt to activate the card at no cost. “Agreeing to activate a debit card sent to you by your bank, or responding to an invitation from your bank to issue a card, will maintain your control of your affairs whilst giving you more options to spend your funds during COVID-19,” says Yates, who worked with the Australian Banking Association to deliver the card.
Meanwhile, most bank branches remain open. If you do go, avoid peak times and queues. Banks are offering streamlined processes, particularly on pension Thursdays. (NAB is opening nearly 300 of its branches half an hour earlier on Thursdays.)
'Keep some routine': Edith, 85
"Make a list of all the normal tasks and activities; then another list of things you would like to do and are able; maybe another list of things you would like to learn. Then, make a rough timetable for a weeks’ activities and see what a variety of things you can achieve! Phone calls can eat up your time in the nicest way. I get outside as much as possible for gardening, meals, reading. I do craftwork, sewing, playing the piano, baking and keeping my freezer filled with casseroles, biscuits and cakes. I walk up and down stairs a bit and do exercises for seniors. A family member or friend could guide you, by phone, to set up an online delivery service, and Paypal facility on your computer. This takes time at first, and is a little frustrating but it is worthwhile, making you more independent."
– Edith is a research volunteer at the National Ageing Research Institute
How do you have prescriptions filled?
The federal government has funded a home delivery service so pharmacies can get medicine to your doorstep. You can have your GP electronically send a prescription to the pharmacy too, and then ask for it to be delivered. Phone your GP and your local pharmacist.
Should you cancel home-care services?
No. However, providers must have infection control measures in place. “It doesn’t mean they have to wear masks and gloves,” Yates says. “It means they have to have hygiene and social distancing, and that’s for the protection of staff as well as the client.” He says you should “make inquiries of your provider about what precautions they’re taking and what they would like you to take”.
Yates has heard of families who initially cancelled services later finding it “all a bit hard” and restarting them. In fact, with families now less distracted by travel, some are noticing for the first time that older relatives need extra support and are applying for Home Care Packages, says Australian Unity’s Nick O’Callaghan.
Home Care Packages can be upgraded to a higher level of care and there is flexibility in services such as those funded by the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. During the pandemic some clients have dropped services they considered non-urgent, such as cleaning, but have requested help with shopping and with joining online social groups.
If you are on a Home Care Package (or in an aged care facility), you can also arrange to have a volunteer keep in contact with you for friendship and companionship under a new Commonwealth Visitors Scheme. During the pandemic, they are focusing on phone calls (from 10 minutes to an hour) and “virtual” friendships, which means video chats. Visit My Aged Care or call 1800 200 422.
'Think positive': Lora, 69
“For me, thinking positive is important; welcome every day and look upon it as a new challenge. Doing gardening and meditation is great for my physical and mental wellbeing.”
– Lora is a research volunteer at the National Ageing Research Institute
What are some tips if you or a family member has dementia?
There are 459,000 Australians with dementia – about 70 per cent of whom live at home – and 1.6 million Australians are involved in their care. Dementia Australia has tip sheets that include advice and the Dementia Australia Library has e-books to read on your computer here: www.dementia.org.au/library
Kurrle says physical activity is particularly important – going for walks, exercising at home – as is structuring activities that “bring back” skills, whether cooking and ironing, drawing or colouring in. “People are doing amazingly well thinking laterally,” she says. With many social occasions called off and some respite services reduced, the situation is “doubly hard” for carers, she says, and some family members are stepping in to give the main carer some down time.
If you live with dementia and have any concerns about the virus, call the National Dementia Helpline on 1800 100 500.
Should you go to your GP for a flu shot?
Yes. “The last thing we want to see is older patients dying from influenza because they are afraid to come out because of COVID,” says Nespolon. It is possible to contract both flu and COVID-19 at the same time.
National Seniors’ John McCallum has a friend in her 80s who phoned her local chemist to organise for a nurse to come and provide flu vaccinations, with social distancing, to her and others in her apartment block.
Doherty has had his jab. “There’s an extra strong flu vaccine for older people. I’ve had that one, Penny had it too. I went to the doctor’s surgery, they were very well set up. They took your temperature before you got anywhere, you had to hand sanitise, they asked you a couple of questions and they sent you in one direction or another – it was a bit like Judgment Day.”
Meanwhile, people with conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure should keep an eye on them, as always. “The whole world is not about COVID-19 even though, dare I say, if you listen to the news it’s the only thing people are talking about,” says Nespolon. “You need to make sure you are doing all your health maintenance stuff and if you are getting new symptoms you need to get them investigated. Losing weight or feeling tired, thirsty, even a change in bowel habits – you really should not be ignoring those things.”
Phone your GP first to see if you can arrange a telehealth consultation, which means they would talk to you over the phone or by video on your computer instead of coming into the surgery. They might then decide that you do need to come in, or you might be able to sort out the issue without even leaving your home.
Can you go ahead with elective surgery?
A “gentle, careful restart” to some elective surgery has begun including some dental procedures. But hospitals need to assess the risks to prospective patients and manage resources carefully – they are only allowed to restart 25 per cent of their usual theatre time for non-urgent elective surgeries.
If you have a number of chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes that might see you needing intensive care after an operation, you might have to wait. Some people will be in a lot of pain while some people could be OK to hold off. The Prime Minister said the national cabinet would review measures on May 11.
Talk to your specialist about what they think is the best approach.
'Don't feel guilty if you keep your PJs on all day!': Catherine, 80
“Make time to be productive and also to have some free time; don’t feel guilty if you do have a down day and keep your PJ’s on all day! This will pass. Keep in touch with family and friends. Limit time sitting in front of the TV or becoming glued to a device. Walking, gardening, reading, exercises inside the house (eg. Pilates, dancing to waltz music) or outside the house (eg. walking, skipping or more vigorous movements). Look on the internet for exercises to do. If you have the tools needed, start a craft activity – knitting, drawing and painting, making cards (an early start for Christmas). I listen to music: ABC Classic and 3MBS have some lovely music, not noise. So far I have had no problems at all with the isolation but will be so happy when I can get together with friends to have a coffee and chat in person. It will be all the sweeter for waiting!”
– Catherine is a research volunteer at the National Ageing Research Institute
What if you think, I’d rather do what I want and if I catch this thing, well, I’ve had a good life?
On the one hand, Doherty says, all these new measures, which can limit your exposure to people you love, are being done to protect older Australians. “On the other hand, as you get to these sort of ages, you wonder, well, what matters most?
“But,” he says, “it’s a pretty unpleasant thing to catch.
“And, of course, if you get the disease and you’re older and you have to be hospitalised then you’re putting the healthcare workers at risk, a lot of whom are younger.
“We are seeing more deaths in healthcare workers. If you follow the description of [British Prime Minister] Boris Johnson’s experience, he had a nurse with him all the time and they were adjusting his oxygen levels all the time and so, unless those people are really protected as far as gear, they’re at risk.
“So older people – even if they may be sort of cavalier and say, ‘Well, I’m 85, I've had a good life, if I catch it too bad’ – will inevitably be a problem for the hospital people. So we just have to stick with what the government says.”
Yates agrees. “One of the things that we battle with all the time in the healthcare system and the aged-care system is what the jargon calls ‘dignity of risk’,” he says. “That is, allowing a person to make an informed decision to run a risk.
“I think the difference here is these rules are not just about us as individuals; it’s about a social pattern that’s designed to defeat the disease. These are real dilemmas for people and, hopefully, if we continue to suppress the virus as we seem to be now, these dilemmas will become less of a problem in coming weeks. But older people have social responsibilities as well as their individual rights.”
Older people and carers can phone the National COVID Older Persons Information Line on 1800 171 866 to speak with friendly, specially trained staff from a senior’s advocacy organisation. Beyond Blue’s Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service is on 1800 512 348.
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