

This was published 9 years ago

Friend claims Rolf Harris was a victim of childhood abuse

By Candice Barnes

A friend and former driver of Rolf Harris has claimed the disgraced entertainer was sexually abused as a child growing up in the Perth suburb of Bassendean.

Chris Brosnan told the Daily Mail he and Harris first met at a charity event in the late 1990s and bonded over their love of the didgeridoo.

File image of entertainer Rolf Harris.

File image of entertainer Rolf Harris.Credit: Reuters

Mr Brosnan said he later moved into the Harris family home in England where he spent more than a decade.

"I never had a dad and was craving a father figure. Rolf can be incredibly charming. I loved him. He's a workaholic," he said.

"We were on the road or I was driving him to TV shows or events. We were together so much, the bond formed quickly. There were some loving, healing times.

"I'd been living on Planet Rolf for so long, my own view of the world became warped and twisted. I wanted the lovable, cuddly Rolf... yet in reality he was the worst kind of monster."

Last year, the "boy from Bassendean" was convicted of 12 charges of indecent assault against young girls and sentenced to six years behind bars.

The musician-turned-healer said when he opened up to Harris about abuse he had experienced in his childhood, Harris revealed some traumatic experiences of his own.

"He told me the teacher would take him back to his apartment and show him porn and taught him to masturbate. He told me it was only afterwards, as an adult, he realised it was wrong," Mr Brosnan said.


"Then as a teenager, he worked at a mine in the middle of nowhere and woke up to find a guy molesting him.

"I said, 'Rolf, have you had therapy to deal with this stuff?' He said, 'No, I'm good'."

Mr Brosnan also revealed that he was the recipient of a prison letter from Harris which was critical of his victims, which was then leaked to the press.

Supporters of Rolf Harris have labelled Mr Brosnan "a turn coat" and have said his recent remarks were a far cry from comments on a 2014 blog post, which appeared to have been recently deleted.

Support campaign spokeswoman Anne Pyke said she believed Mr Brosnan's actions were financially motivated.

"Chris Brosnan is a man who is where he is because of the kindness and altruism of Mr Harris and his wife," she wrote on the campaign's petition page.

"So, it appears that Brosnan wrote a truthful and supportive piece about Mr Harris while he was asking for money but after his request for money was refused he retaliated by selling personal letters and a disgustingly salacious story to the national press."

Mr Brosnan has been contacted for comment.

While Mr Harris had never spoken publicly about any abuse he may have endured, psychologist Sandy Rae told 6PR's Adam Shand that many sex offenders were victims themselves.

"It is really important for the court to understand why someone has committed an offence. It's a mitigating circumstance, but it is not a justification," she said.

"There are a lot of offenders who commit a sexual offence who have been sexually abused and what that results in is very early sexualised behaviour.

"They go on to repeat and replicate what has been done to them, not out of anger, but that's what they have been taught to do and that's how they explain their own sexuality and their interactions, while they are inappropriate, that's the world a lot of these young offenders are introduced to."

While rehabilitation was a possibility, especially for young offenders, Ms Rae said longer-term offenders were harder to treat.

"If you're a 50 or 60 or 70-year-old who has had many sexual encounters with children, as we know with Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile, who went on for decades, they would be entirely resistant to therapeutic intervention," she said.

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