

This was published 4 years ago


We don't need a federal education minister: Re-imagining our federation

A defining feature of the Morrison government’s response to COVID-19 has been establishing the national cabinet, and its supporting advisory framework, in an attempt to ensure effective collaboration and co-ordination between the responses of his government and the states.

Cracks emerge in the national unity: Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews.

Cracks emerge in the national unity: Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews. Credit: Amy Paton

Overall, it has worked pretty well. The goodwill and enthusiastic participation has been a welcome and a significant step above what we had come to expect by way of point-scoring and blame-shifting.

Perhaps it is too much to hope, given the limited success of past attempts to reform our federation, but it could and should be an important element of the recovery strategy to use the framework of the national cabinet to attempt genuine reform.

Where there has been some friction in national cabinet, it has principally been in areas that reflected persistent weaknesses in the structure of our federation, especially where there is overlap and duplication of roles and responsibilities.

For example, Morrison overplayed his "controlling" hand, at times, with schools. At one point he clearly recognised that schools are a state responsibility, with practices differing from one state to the next, telling parents that they should “listen to their premier”.

Yet, on other occasions he offered a bribe to independent schools in the form of early part-payment of their annual funding if they reopened by a certain date, and last weekend his Education Minister, Dan Tehan, launched a scathing personal attack – soon withdrawn - on Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews for his resistance to re-opening his schools, asserting a “failure of leadership” that was “breaking” the national consensus and taking a “sledgehammer” to education.


Morrison was desperate to keep schools open, with his focus on minimising the economic fallout. The states basically disagreed, although responses varied, and parents and the unions had strong concerns. In the end, Morrison has had to accept the reality that his government does not manage any schools, although it does partially fund schools.

Now the Prime Minister is pressing the states to reopen sections of the economy by Friday in a drive to restore a million jobs. Once again, he will be in the states' hands.


Clearly, an important element of effective federation reform must be to achieve a once-and-for-all allocation of spending and policy responsibilities to one level of government, and for the other to then exit.

Beyond a basic co-ordinating role to set national academic standards, it is unnecessary and wasteful for the national government to maintain a large Education Department simply to monitor the states' management of schools. Indeed, all education (schools and universities) and training could be delegated to the states. Canada does not have a national minister for education – it is totally a provincial responsibility.


So, one key reform challenge is to review the whole structure of government to allocate clear spending and policy responsibilities, wherever possible. In the end, this must be a “deal”, with two-way shifts. Easy to say, of course, as this is a complex and difficult task, both practically and politically, but it may be imperative to achieving significant cuts in overall government spending, in what will be a very challenging budget environment.

The difficult allocations will be those currently shared, such as agriculture, environment, Indigenous affairs, industrial relations, infrastructure, tourism, trade and industry, where national considerations could be argued to dominate, and state-to-state competition is counterproductive, confusing, and inefficient. It is also unclear why electricity and gas are state responsibilities.

Once the allocation of responsibilities is agreed, attention should turn to funding arrangements – to tax reform. Taxation is also currently shared. To many this is where the rubber hits the road, and where centralisation of taxing powers (especially income and excise) has been disputed and resisted. The distribution of grants has also been politically difficult and controversial and another mechanism used to enhance the power of the national government.

For tax efficiency, some state taxes, such as payroll and land, are potentially among the most efficient, but easily neutered by competition between the states. Although the GST revenue was fully committed to the states, a clever political move, the annual debate about its distribution has become most unsavoury and, because of exemptions, it has not been the “growth tax” the states had hoped.

Although Scott Morrison and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg have recently ruled out any adjustment to the GST as part of their recovery strategy, the states may push for its consideration. Five years ago, then NSW Liberal premier Mike Baird proposed consideration of lifting the GST to 15 per cent to notionally fund his rapidly increasing health costs. Despite support from then-South Australian Labor premier Jay Weatherill, the Turnbull/Morrison government opposed it.

Our national tax system is failing in many respects – too complex, too inequitable, too inefficient from the point of view of productivity and growth, too expensive, too much reliance on bracket creep, an unsustainable corporate tax system which misses many global multinationals, and our exposure to an evaporation of petrol excise as transport moves to electrification.

The community response to COVID-19 has seen most adjust their work and lifestyles in ways they had never contemplated, even a few months ago. They have collaborated in a common purpose, as have our governments. They now are very uncertain as to how we will recover, and how long it will take. They will accept change.


The Morrison government is expected to lead. It has a unique opportunity to use an expanded national cabinet, which should include the opposition, to deliver a longer-term, reform-focused strategy with minimal partisanship, in our national interest.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.

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