This was published 6 years ago
Violence against women? No problem if you're a celebrity
Julia Baird
Journalist, broadcaster, historian and authorHenry Lawson was a remarkable poet. But he beat his wife. And his record remains somehow unblemished.
One Friday early in April in 1903, Bertha Lawson went to the Sydney Divorce Court and filed a blistering affidavit. (She had left her home four months earlier, fearing for her life.) In it she wrote: “My husband has during three years and upwards been a habitual drunkard and habitually been guilty of cruelty towards me. My affidavit consists of the acts and matters following. That my husband during the last three years struck me in the face and about the body and blacked my eye and hit me with a bottle and attempted to stab me and pulled me out of bed when I was ill and purposely made a noise in my room when I was ill and pulled my hair and repeatedly used abusive and insulting language to me and was guilty of divers other acts of cruelty to me whereby my health and safety are endangered.”
Author Kerrie Davies, a lecturer in literary journalism at the University of NSW, unearthed this affidavit in the Lawsons’ divorce records buried in the State Archives and Records NSW in western Sydney.
No one has tried to tear down or deface his statues, pull his name from monuments, buildings, drag keys along metal plaques.
Nor am I suggesting they should.
But the fact that this discovery did not come close to puncturing the reputation of an iconic, clever literary man should give us pause. As documented in Davies’ recently published book, A Wife’s Heart, Bertha was asked to withdraw the charges as part of her divorce settlement. But artist Norman Lindsay said: “I can assure the idolaters that they too would have dived for cover to escape Henry when he was drunk … Henry must have been an impossible man to live with.” He went to jail for several months in 1905 because he did not pay child support.
He was a remarkable poet. But he beat his wife.
Like Charlie Sheen, who was once the highest paid actor on television ($1.25 million an episode for Two and a Half Men). Who terrorised women for decades.
And who, for some reason, is coming to Australia on a sparkling, much-hyped tour to “bare all”. Oh. One of the things he wants to talk about is his “fall from grace”. So delicately put.
His record is clear.
In 1994, a UCLA student filed a lawsuit claiming after she refused to sleep with Sheen (then married to his first wife) he hit her in the head.
In 1996, he was arrested after he slammed Brittany Ashland’s head into a marble floor – she got seven stitches– and told her he was going to murder her. (As laid out in the Daily Beast, he pleaded “no contest” and got two years probation.) He threatened to kill his second wife Denise Richards in 2006; she obtained a restraining order against him.
As did his third wife – Brooke Mueller – who called 911, terrified, saying Charlie had a knife pressing against her throat. This time, Sheen pleaded guilty to third degree domestic violence. But two years later he said he was going to slice off her head, “put it in a box” and mail it to her mother.
In 2010, an escort claimed he choked and threatened to kill her too.
A subsequent girlfriend, porn star Scottine Ross, alleged “domestic violence, physical assaults, and death threats.” She told reporters: “I’m scared he wants to kill me.”
Call me paranoid, but I see a pattern.
Yet interviewers hungrily ask him about drugs, acting, being a “bad boy” in Hollywood, rarely his oft expressed desire to kill women who love him.
And we are rolling out the red carpets for this man? Is anyone buying these expensive tickets to see him chat with Richard Wilkins in enormous convention centres in Sydney and Melbourne in November?
If you want to go and listen to a bloke talk about how he wants no one to talk about what he has done to women throughout his life because he’s all about #winning and #tigerblood, go ahead. But ponder this: even when their wife, or a row of wives, say a powerful, famous man beats them, threatens to kill them, forces them to leave, to go to the police to seek safety, their reputations remain unsullied. A spot of scandal, but it fades.
Last year a headline read: How is Serial Abuser Charlie Sheen Surviving the 2017 Hollywood Purge? The National Enquirer had alleged he raped the actor Corey Haim (who died in 2010) 30 years earlier – Sheen threatened to sue it for defamation, but then reportedly dropped the case.
Mandy Stadtmiller wrote: “It’s a reprehensible allegation, to be sure, and one vehemently denied by the actor, but it’s not a career-ending one. Because nothing seems to be for Charlie Sheen.”
Ross told reporters: “Well, Charlie’s done a lot of bad things to a lot of good people. That’s a pretty steep allegation, but all I know is that he’s ruined a lot of lives and that he gets to live on with his life and not suffer any of the repercussions of his actions ... He seems to get away with a lot of things.”
It was the same in 1903, and it’s the same now.
Bertha wrote to Henry a few months before leaving him: “You must just let your own good nature over come the evil one.” He didn’t. Today her body lies in the same plot as his in Waverley Cemetery; the literary giant and the long-suffering single mother. His headstone reads: “Australian poet and story writer”. Her stone rests at his feet. She is simply called: “His Wife.”
Julia Baird hosts The Drum on ABCTV.