

This was published 6 years ago

Winx linked to brothers with amazing WWII tale of fate and survival

By Patrick Bartley

The all-conquering feats of Winx, the world's finest race mare, have almost come to defy belief. But for her trainer, Chris Waller, it's an old family tale of fate and survival that leaves him shaking his head.

Anzac Day for Waller and his extended family is a time to reflect on the bravery and defiance of his grand uncles and the horrors they endured to return from World War II.

Winx, the winning horse.

Winx, the winning horse.Credit: AAP

John and Alex Shand never sought plaudits for their service. They were just thankful to have emerged with their limbs and minds intact.

But as Alex, now 98, reveals, his and John's war years were marked by a twist of fate he still finds hard to believe.

John Shand, who died five years ago, left New Zealand in the 1930s to study aircraft design in London, but when war broke out over Europe he quickly enlisted in the Royal Air Force. He was soon on bombing missions venturing into into the heart of enemy territories.

Shand's trips to bomb vital targets in Germany came to end one night when his Lancaster was shot down over Berlin and he was sent to Stalag 4b, a huge POW camp near Dresden.

Alex Shand

Alex Shand

About the same time, brother Alex - younger by five years - put his age up two years and managed to bluff the New Zealand Army into allowing him to join up. 

Within months, Alex was in the Middle East taking on the German might and tactics of Erwin Rommel.


“One night, we were attacking a spot in the desert and Rommel’s tanks outnumbered ours and I was taken prisoner," says Alex.

"I was so annoyed. We were really making a difference with our night raids and now I'm in chains.

“They sent me to Italy and I managed to escape twice and join up with the partisans who were to smuggle me out of Italy.

"Tragically, one of them turned us into the Nazis and I was soon behind bars again."

He was sent to a POW camp in Germany.

“When I arrived at the gates of the camp there was a bloke who said to me that seeing I was a Kiwi [there were very few of them in the camp], I might be interested to take a walk down the path and look at the huts on the right.

“So I thought why not, and the first hut I looked in, who was standing there but my brother John!

"I stood there in shock and thought, how did two young Kiwis that went different directions across the world would end up together?"

The Germans later decided to move Alex to Poland, away from his older brother. The prospect deeply affected the young man.

“I had been through so much of the war and I didn’t really want to be separated from John," he said.

"There was a Canadian flyer who was desperate to escape. So we swapped identities.”

“But after a few months he was caught and our secret was exposed,” he said.

Alex Shand

Alex Shand

Alex spent six weeks in maximum security for the scheme - a discipline that was known would affected even the strongest of inmates.

But he was resilient.

“When they were sending me to the cooler I thought to myself, well I’m already in jail, another jail’s not going to kill me."

Alex plays down the primitive conditions the prisoners lived in, refusing to complain about what they were exposed to.

The camp was eventually liberated by Russian troops.

For John and Alex Shand, their remarkable meeting may in a small way have helped them survive those terrible years of war.

When asked how he now spends Anzac Day, Alex replies: “I ponder and I think about the boys we left behind. All of them that we came across in those years."

Waller and his family have one common reflection. It’s simple but so appropriate. “Thanks Alex for our freedom.”

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