Long, somnolent summer days allow us to drift and dream while the city sleeps. It’s time well spent, appreciating the beauty of the world, feeding the imagination and catching up with loved ones. Nurturing ourselves is not unimportant. Falling asleep, book in hand, is a sign of contentment. It shows a mind at peace and a body ready to rest.
In the quiet of summer holidays, we discover new wonders, for example, an army of soldier crabs as blue as pieces of Wedgwood, moving en masse. They interact like humans, the two crabs near me, travelling companionably, one behind the other. The one in front sees me and stops abruptly, causing the second to bump into the back of the first. Together they peer up at me, a giant, staring curiously back at them.
Soldier crabsCredit: Anthony Johnson
In another part of the sandbank, a bulky soldier crab with a large pincer stands guard while a crowd of baby crabs stream past behind him. What is the thought process of this brave little crab that makes him accept the role of defender of those smaller than him?
Such moments show that we have more in common with the creatures of the natural world than we sometimes acknowledge. Yet here we are, not the fastest or strongest or largest, placed in a custodial role over all creatures. Such power must be exercised with wisdom.
A new year offers a fresh start, introduced gently by this period of summer dreaming. Soon, we will be rigging our sails and on our way again. We don’t know exactly where we are going, we’re just steering for open waters and the distant horizon. The days will unfold in time, and our course will be guided by thoughtful decisions, taken slowly, one step at a time. We should not be afraid to set sail. As is often said, a ship is safe in the harbour but that’s not what it’s built for.
What do we hope for all of us travelling through the world this year? The Irish say it beautifully:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I would add a wish for hope and peace for each of us. We may be on different paths, but we are all travelling in the same direction.