

This was published 4 years ago


Rewarding COVID compliance might work better than punishment

By Greg Barns

The tools of law and order have, are and will continue to play a dominant role in Victoria's COVID crisis. Premier Daniel Andrews says if police want more powers they simply have to ask.

On these pages last week prominent former broadcaster Jon Faine mused that perhaps the Victorian government needed to contemplate mandatory detention for extreme cases of those who flout the COVID laws. The law and order focus will be ramped up now that a state of disaster has been declared and a curfew imposed.

Capital City Trail at Docklands is normally packed with cyclists, but on Monday morning it was empty.

Capital City Trail at Docklands is normally packed with cyclists, but on Monday morning it was empty.Credit: Jason South

But perhaps the answer to greater compliance lies not with a response which is built more on hope and hunch than anything else, but with a more sophisticated strategy that rewards compliance. Why? Because it is clear that despite months of daily reminders about "the rules" and the consequences of flouting laws, there is a group, albeit relatively small, in the Victorian community for whom the deterrent effect of law and order rhetoric and power has little or no impact.

Some of those 130 individuals who were not at home last week in a spot check of 500 households with COVID cases might be in that category. Others might include those who continue to refuse to wear a mask when in public spaces, individuals who will continually break the curfew to visit a friend or buy cigarettes.

When it comes to compliance with the law, the vast majority of individuals get the message and will comply, either for moral reasons or out of fear of the consequences. There is no need to deter those individuals with increases in penalties, or threats of detention. It is those at the margins who are the target of what is called general deterrence through the form of "get tough" rhetoric.

The theory behind this form of law enforcement is that individuals are rational actors and they will "get the message" if you keep threatening them with serious consequences from law breaking. The rational actor also underpins with what is called "specific deterrence". When governments and police announce that they have caught a number of individuals who have failed to comply with COVID restrictions and those individuals have all been given spot fines of $1652, the idea is that they will not do it again.

But of course we know that those who are, and will, break COVID laws are not deterred by fines or even the threat of jail, particularly if they think they can get away with it. And let's face it, unless you saturate the entire state with millions of police officers the chances of being caught not wearing a mask or leaving your home for purely selfish reasons are still relatively small.


If the consequences of COVID laws breaches were not so potentially catastrophic we could simply say that so long as the vast majority comply, then we are doing as well as can be expected. However, this is a pandemic and so we need to find a more effective way to ensure compliance from that small section of the community who insist on breaking COVID rules. We could adopt Faine's suggestion of mandatory detention but that should be anathema to a society underpinned by the rule of law.


One idea worth urgent consideration is to pay recalcitrant individuals to comply with COVID laws. While this sounds counterintuitive and the optics of it are ghastly, it is an idea with merit. And it is not novel. In Washington DC and Richmond in California, schemes to pay hard-core offenders of serious crimes have been introduced in recent years. In both cases it was done to reduce gun-related offending.

Murat C. Mungan, a legal scholar at Virginia's George Mason University, argued in a paper published last year that "positive sanctions as rewards offered to people, either in the form of a monetary transfer or some other benefit, for refraining from committing crime" may outweigh the attraction of committing the crime, because there is a certain gain from compliance. In other words, the carrot is worth more than the stick. Mungan argues that the gain in welfare to the community from paying an individual not to commit a crime outweighs the cost of imprisonment. In the case of COVID we could argue that a payment for compliance would certainly increase community welfare by reducing the risk of transmission and the costs associated with it.

These are desperate times and the question is whether the Victorian community is prepared to live with a failed strategy of punishment to deter offenders and would be offenders, or whether it would at the very least, add into the mix of law enforcement, payments to recidivist offenders or those who have shown contempt for COVID laws and who are at a very high risk of offending.

Greg Barns SC is a barrister and lecturer at RMIT University in jurisprudence.

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