By Darren Gray
As a young secondary school student at the local technical school, Phil McAdam had a well-practised morning routine. It had nothing to do with homework, school assembly or kicking the footy before class.
His father would drop him off, say goodbye and drive away. Young Phil would then walk through the front gate, but most days wouldn't make it to class.
Phil McAdam is the third generation of his family to work as a commercial fisherman in Port Phillip Bay: "It's not a job, it's a way of life."Credit: Jason South
"My old man used to drop me off down at Willy Tech. He'd drop me off at the front gate and I'd walk straight through the school, out the back gate, come down here and jump in a boat and go fishing," he says, sitting in his boatshed by the edge of the Kororoit Creek in Williamstown. The shed has been used by his family for decades.
"At the age of 12 or 13 I was going out in a dinghy by myself. I just had to make sure my old man wasn't around," he says.
Commercial net fishing in Port Phillip Bay will be shut down by April 2022. "The way the whole thing is structured is to get people out and get people out quick," Phil McAdam says.Credit: Jason South
With his limited enthusiasm for school but unlimited enthusiasm for fishing, he left Williamstown Tech at 13 and took up a job doing something that he was good at and loved. It was also something that his father and grandfather did.
So McAdam became the third generation of the family to work as a commercial fisherman in Port Phillip Bay.
"It's not a job, it's a way of life. It's like farmers, they don't stay on the farm for the money, they stay on the farm because it's a way of life. I don't care about the money," he says.
On the wall of the shed the jaws of seven sharks with teeth still intact loom over visitors. A sign says "Stingray Alley", old fishing rods hang from the ceiling and beautiful old copper shipping lights stand on a shelf.
The sprawling, rustic shed seems part office, part working shed, part kitchen and part museum.
Commercial fishing is a way of life for the whole McAdam family, with both of Phil's daughters, Kat and Claire, and his wife Kim, working in the business. But after nearly 40 years of commercial fishing on the doorstep of Melbourne, the net is closing rapidly on the 51-year-old and his business, and on other commercial fishermen who use nets in the bay.
Under new legislation which recently passed State Parliament, all commercial net fishing in Port Phillip Bay will be shut down by April 2022. Departing licence-holders will be compensated via a $27-million package, with the scheme structured to encourage early departure.
The legislation, to all intents and purposes, spells the end for McAdam's business because his whole operation is built around net fishing. The legislation allows for a limited number of licences (eight), to continue, but the use of nets would be forbidden.
It's just purely political bullshit and vote gathering, that's all they're doing.
Commercial fisherman Phil McAdam.
The move by the government to maintain the eight licences, says McAdam, is simply window-dressing. "If you look at the economics, it is not an option for anyone. How the hell do you maintain a boat, with all the licence fees, maintenance and all that sort of stuff to long-line for snapper when the season only goes for eight or nine weeks at peak period. You cannot run a business just long-lining," he says.
When McAdam first spoke to The Age last month, when details of the compensation package were released, he was scathing. He said the government's policy "had no scientific basis", was an attempt to win votes and would ruin 43 small businesses that provided freshly caught fish and generated jobs.
"There's enough fish for everyone. It's just purely political bullshit and vote gathering, that's all they're doing. Andrews is chasing a few votes," he said.
His opinion of the government's decision hasn't changed in the weeks since. "They're holding a gun to every fisherman's head. The way the whole thing is structured is to get people out and get people out quick," he says.
Johnathon Davey, executive director of Seafood Industry Victoria, says the government is closing net fishing in one of Australia's oldest fisheries, which has existed for over 170 years, and in one whose practices are some of the most sustainable in the world.
"And it's a fishery where the commercial and recreational interests have been operating for a significant amount of time, and we still question why it should be stopped."
Davey says 14 of the top 15 most caught fish in Port Phillip Bay by commercial operators are "predominantly caught in the net fishery". These include Southern Garfish, Flounder, Red Mullet, Tommy Ruff and Pike.
There will be only "limited and expensive supply" of these five species once the ban takes effect, he says. "If they're available at all, the prices will no doubt go up."
Davey says that in addition to hurting the licence holders, the netting ban will also hurt restaurant-goers, deck hands – who could find themselves out of work – processors and others.
"But the person who will lose more than anyone is the consumer. And the reason the consumer is going to lose is that their right to choose what seafood they want to eat is going to be taken away from them," he says.
Davey says there will be "around 600 tonnes" of fresh fish now caught in Port Phillip Bay each year that will no longer be available when the ban bites.
"Any King George Whiting, any Snapper, any Rock Flathead that's available on the market floor will increase in price, there's no doubt about that."
So why is the government doing it? Why has it adopted a position that will smash a local industry that providesfood and jobs?
Why are Labor politicians not speaking out publicly against a move that will close local businesses and cost local jobs?
And what about the Coalition? How often do Coalition politicians support policies that will close down family businesses involved in primary industry?
Perhaps, some observers say, the support of both major parties for the ban of net fishing comes down to numbers. Not the numbers of fish in the bay, not the number of commercial fishermen (there are currently 43 licences allowing commercial fishing in the bay) and not the number of fish that they catch.
Perhaps the ban primarily comes down to the number of recreational fishermen. It's a number which is not easy to quantify, but a recent study by Ernst and Young and commissioned by the recreational angling group VRFish estimates that more than 800,000 Victorian adults went fishing in 2013-14.
But whatever the number of recreational anglers is, it's a number that Labor wants to enlarge. It has a formal goal of building the number of recreational fishermen, and often spruiks its "Target One Million", which it has described as "Labor's plan to get more people fishing, more often".
The simple fact is that adult fishermen are able to vote – and there are lots of them. Closing down the commercial net fishery also looks environmentally friendly – an image which both sides of politics would like to achieve, although time and again Labor manages to look greener.
In the lead-up to last year's election Labor and the Coalition enunciated its wish to ban commercial net fishing. The Coalition went first, pledging to phase it out over 10 years.
Closer to the election Labor went one better, announcing $20 million in funds "to halt commercial netting in Port Phillip and Corio bays over eight years".
Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford describes the netting ban as "the flagship item" in Labor's "Target One Million" plan. And she rejects suggestions that it was introduced to win support at the ballot box.
She says the ban on nets will mean that recreational anglers "can be much more confident about a bigger and better catch when they go fishing. And a better experience will mean more people fishing – and that's what the policy is all about."
When asked if the reform was an attempt to win more votes, she says: "I reject that characterisation. There's a lot of people who support this reform. Political parties take to elections policies that reflect what the community wants, as a result of the discussions that we have."
Pulford says that "around 1 per cent" of fish eaten by Victorians comes from commercial netting in Port Phillip Bay. Asked if there will be any rises in retail fish prices in response to the ban, she says that any possible impact would be "negligible across the board".
She says she has received "a lot of very positive feedback" about the netting ban. But she acknowledges that the policy will have a dramatic impact on the commercial operators, some of whom have made a living fishing in Port Phillip Bay for decades.
"I'm acutely conscious of the impact that this has on the 43 licence-holders. For eight of them they'll stay in the long-line fishery, for the others it has a dramatic impact – and it really varies across the 43," she says.
She also stresses that the government has been careful to ensure that the compensation paid to fishermen is "fair and reasonable". On the government's own calculations, compensation entitlements for fishermen who leave in the first year will be at least $500,000 and up to $1.6 million, depending on catch history.
But as often happens in fishing, there is a catch. The maximum total payment shrinks over following years if operators keep fishing while their licence remains valid.
"We recognise that it's a very difficult transition for those 43 licence holders. I've met with most of them and there are 43 stories that go with the 43 licences. Some of these people are fifth-generation fishers. And as we've developed the compensation package we've responded in a number of ways to issues that have been raised by those fishers, and sought every opportunity to deal with them in the most respectful way that we can," Pulford says.
While Coalition and Labor parliamentarians endorsed the commercial netting ban, Greens members opposed it.
Greens leader Greg Barber describes the ban as "very disheartening. It's one of the most disheartening votes that I've seen in my nine years here, because no-one wanted to examine any evidence in relation to the sustainability of the fishery, or the economics of fish for consumption in Melbourne."
He condemns the major parties for backing the ban. "I'm from the Greens, we're constantly trying to shut down or modify unsustainable industries. This is Labor and Liberal and Nationals shutting down a sustainable industry. And if it had been 43 farmers whose livelihoods were going to be taken from them, the National Party would have been ballistic," he says.
One group not going ballistic about the ban is recreational anglers. The group which represents them, VRFish, applauds the Andrews government "for delivering a key election promise".
The group's CEO, Dallas D'Silva, says recreational anglers cannot compete with the nets used by professional fishermen.
"No nets equal more fish and better fishing and boating opportunities for recreational users. It's the single biggest positive reform to recreational fishing since the removal of scallop dredging in the Bay nearly 20 years ago," he says.
And he rejects suggestions that Melburnians will be denied access to fresh fish. "The $72 million Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery in offshore Commonwealth waters will continue to supply Victorian markets with the bulk of its fresh fish," he says.
Mr D'Silva also points to the economic impact of recreational fishing, citing an Ernst and Young study which estimated that recreational fishing in Victoria generated $2.6 billion in "direct output" in 2013-14 and more than 16,200 direct (FTE) jobs.
He also points to the health and family benefits of recreational fishing, a pastime which is now extremely popular.
"It's a healthy, enjoyable activity, getting people out into the great outdoors, it's a great family-friendly activity for mums and dads and their kids ... It's a very popular pastime, it's a good thing to do. From a mental health well-being perspective, relaxation, managing stress, going out fishing is a therapeutic, relaxation-type activity," he says.
But in Port Phillip Bay, the rise of recreational fishing is not helping the stress levels of the bay's commercial fishermen.