

This was published 3 months ago

P-turns were meant to revolutionise Hoddle Street traffic – but didn’t

By Ashleigh McMillan and Lachlan Abbott

A multimillion-dollar overhaul of some of Melbourne’s busiest intersections – banning right turns in favour of U-turns further down the road – failed to improve traffic flow as much as expected, a new report has found.

The Victorian Auditor-General’s Office determined that the upgrades to Hoddle Street including P-turns “did not ease congestion” – even after the targets were significantly lowered after completion.

P-turns work by preventing traffic from turning right at busy intersections, forcing drivers to continue straight and later make a U-turn. They can then turn left into their desired road.

More than 330,000 people travel along Hoddle Street and Punt Road each day, making it Melbourne’s busiest arterial road.

The state government originally expected an up to 30 per cent increase in person throughput – the metric used to analyse travel – moving north-south along Hoddle Street from the $111.2 million project. After the work was completed in 2019, this target was revised down to 6 per cent.

However, the Auditor-General found person throughput, which measures the number of people who pass through a specific point in a certain timeframe, increased by just 2.6 per cent along the road – short of even the revised targets.

Person throughput assumes each vehicle is only carrying one person and doesn’t count public transport users.

The auditor-general’s report said traffic crossing Punt Road along Swan Street dropped more than 35 per cent after the P-turn upgrades occurred. People crossing Hoddle Street along Johnston Street also declined by more than 25 per cent.


Traffic engineer and road safety expert Rob Morgan said P-turns weren’t totally to blame for the failure to meet traffic flow targets.

“In theory, you’ll get a capacity improvement. And then what makes something a success, or not, is the detailed design of it – like the signs,” he said. “I think it’s in the details where some of it has fallen down.”

Traffic on Hoddle Street in December last year.

Traffic on Hoddle Street in December last year.Credit: Eddie Jim

Morgan said the signage at the Swan Street intersection was “appalling” as they often became visible too late. He said he often picked the wrong lane himself.

“Someone has got this bright idea that if you just paint the name of a road on the traffic lane people will be able to read it and know what it means,” Morgan said.

He said the upgraded Punt Road-Swan Street tram stop had reduced lanes – and therefore traffic – crossing the intersection. On Johnson Street, he suggested introducing P-turns would help for east-west traffic too.

But while Morgan still supported the government trying the design, he said the report showed overall that “it’s hardly what you’d call a win”.

When introduced, commuters needed some help to learn about the somewhat novel P-turn manoeuvre.

The Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority (VIDA) in February completed a draft benefits report into the P-turns – significantly revising down its targets for how many people were expected to travel along Hoddle Street each day.

Before the project, there was expected to be a 20 to 30 per cent increase in person throughput moving north-south along Hoddle Street. This was reduced to an increase of 6 per cent in the draft VIDA report.


For vehicles moving east to west across Hoddle Street, there was expected to be a 10 per cent increase before the project was completed – which was dropped to a 2 per cent increase.

VIDA did, however, meet its revised targets for increasing the number of people turning right on to Olympic Boulevard from Hoddle Street.

A Victorian government spokesperson said independent third-party analysis had determined upgrades had improved safety, travel reliability and reduced congestion on Punt Road and Hoddle Street.

“This project has delivered significant reductions in crash frequency and severity rates, while improving travel conditions across all modes of travel on Hoddle Street,” they said.

The state government’s draft benefits assessment report suggests the Hoddle project met revised targets for reducing public transport travel times and increasing cycling and walking rates. But the Auditor-General noted the government’s full project evaluation has still not been completed more than four years on, although COVID-19 had disrupted this.

In 2016, City of Yarra councillor Stephen Jolly said P-turns on Hoddle Street and Punt Road would “at best” provide only a short-term improvement in traffic flow.

“It’s like quack medicine to treat serious illness or using a Band-Aid to fix cancer,” Jolly said at the time.

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