

This was published 8 years ago

Latrobe Valley brown coal mine bonds increased in Hazelwood fire response

By Tom Arup and Environment Editor

Victoria's big brown coal players will each have to stump up tens of millions of dollars as extra security for the clean up of their Latrobe Valley mines, with the Andrews government agreeing to dramatically increase rehabilitation bonds.

Responding to a sweeping inquiry into the impact of the brown coal industry on the Latrobe Valley and the fallout of a massive 2014 fire at the Hazelwood mine, Premier Daniel Andrews accepted findings that the bond levels were inadequate and risked taxpayers one day being exposed to the eventual costs of rehabilitating the massive mine sites.

The Hazelwood coal mine in Morwell.

The Hazelwood coal mine in Morwell.Credit: Joe Armao

The government will now require the owners of the three big mines in the Valley - Hazelwood, Yallourn and Loy Yang - to increase their bonds to half of the owners' estimated costs of rehabilitation by June, and then the full cost by the start of next year.

That means AGL, which owns Loy Yang, will have to increase their bond from $15 million to $112 million by January 2017.

The bond for Energy Australia, which owns the Yallourn mine, will rise from $11.4 million to $68.5 million, while the bond for Hazelwood's owners will go from $15 million to $73.4 million.

The bond changes come amid a broader response by the government on Friday to the long-running Hazelwood mine fire inquiry. The government says it will accept in principal all of the inquiry's recommendations and will now draw up an implementation plan to put them in place.

Mr Andrews announced that a further $51.2 million would be put aside in the state budget to enact the recommendations, including establishing new health programs and air quality monitoring for the Latrobe Valley.

"We've had companies for too long that have been allowed to put aside just a fraction of what it costs to keep their mines safe and what it costs to return those mine sites to the community, to whom they fundamentally belong, at the end of useful life," Mr Andrews said at an event in Morwell.


The Hazelwood mine fire started in February 2014 and burned for 45 days. During the disaster thousands of firefighters were sent in to battle the blaze in the mine pit, while vulnerable residents of Morwell were advised to evacuate the town.

The former Napthine government launched an inquiry into the preparedness of the owners and state authorities for a fire. The Andrews government later reopened the inquiry to investigate the long-term health impacts of the fire and coal industry more generally and how prepared the state was for their eventual closure.

Amid its findings, the reopened inquiry said that deaths in the Latrobe Valley had likely increased as a result of the mine fire.

It also detailed significant health problems across the region more generally and a number of technical uncertainties about the ability of the mine owners to carry out their rehabilitation plans to turn the pits into lakes.

In response the government says it will:

  • Establish a $27.3 million special health zone in the Latrobe Valley, including increased health screening for illnesses like diabetes, and cardiovascular and kidney disease, along with expanded chronic disease management
  • Set up permanent air monitoring across the Latrobe Valley
  • Test for coal ash contamination in roof cavities in Morwell

The government has also agreed to develop a region-wide strategy for the rehabilitation of the coal mines and to reform state mining laws.

It will also establish an independent commissioner to oversee mine rehabilitation and carry out an inquiry to determine the exact costs of cleaning up the mines once they close.

According to the miners, Yallourn is due for closure in 2032, Hazelwood in 2033 and Loy Yang in 2048. But concerns about climate change - the mines supply four highly greenhouse gas emitting power plants in the Latrobe Valley - and an oversupply in the electricity market could see some closures sooner.

In response, a spokesman for Hazelwood's majority owners, Engie, pointed to an earlier statement the company had made about the inquiry's recommendations which said: "It is important that we take time to review the information and recommendations it presents before commenting further."

An Energy Australia spokeswoman said mine rehabilitation was most effectively managed through ongoing works, subject to regular monitoring and reporting.

"That approach minimises the need for disproportionately large bonds which tie up funds that could otherwise be used for rehabilitation," she said.

AGL Loy Yang general manager, Steve Rieniets, said the company supported the inquiry recommendations and would work with the government and community to implement them.

Environment Victoria chief executive Mark Wakeham welcomed the government's response, calling it "sincere and credible" and having the potential for to make some good come from the disastrous Hazelwood fire.

"In requiring mine operators to increase rehabilitation bonds to 100 per cent of the miners own estimates rehabilitation bonds for the 3 mines increases from $41.4 million to $254 million. This reduces the risk to Victorian taxpayers and the environment," he said.

State Greens energy spokeswoman, Ellen Sandell, said the response should have included a broader transition plan away from the coal industry.

"We're pleased the Government will increase mining rehabilitation bonds and establish an independent rehabilitation agency, which the Greens have been calling for," she said.

"However, Labor's failure to plan for the transition away from coal is disappointing. The era of coal is over, but Labor remains committed to this industry which makes people sick and drives climate change."

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