

This was published 5 years ago

Heated debate looms over licensing scheme for engineers

By Benjamin Preiss

Victorian engineers would have to be licensed for the first time in Victoria - and consequently struck off for shoddy work - under a push to raise standards in Melbourne’s crisis-riddled construction industry.

But the proposed reforms face a roadblock in the Victorian Parliament’s upper house with the Opposition and some crossbench MPs vowing to vote against the legislation.

Groups representing engineers support the proposed changes but the Opposition argues individual engineers have complained about the “onerous” conditions the scheme would impose.

Engineers Australia cite a land collapse in Mount Waverley as evidence of the need for a registration scheme for their profession

Engineers Australia cite a land collapse in Mount Waverley as evidence of the need for a registration scheme for their profession Credit: Paul Jeffers

Engineers Australia chief executive Peter McIntyre said Queensland was currently the only state in which engineers had to be registered.

“It’s illegal to purport to provide engineering services if you’re not registered [in Queensland],” he said.

Mr McIntyre said plumbers and electricians were required to hold licences in Victoria yet the same standard did not apply to engineers.

“The people who have to do the key design and construction activities don’t have to be registered. They could be anybody and we don’t think that’s good enough.”


The laws recently passed Victoria’s lower house but are set to be debated next week in the upper house where the government needs the support of at least three crossbench MPs.


The proposed licensing system would require engineers across sectors to prove they had appropriate qualifications and undergo 150 hours of ongoing professional development over three years.

Engineers Australia cited the huge pit cave-in at a Mount Waverley building site in 2015 as evidence of the need for a licensing scheme. A structural engineer and his company were convicted and fined $480,000 for the collapse.

Labor MP Steve Dimopoulos, who is guiding the bill through parliament, said the registration scheme has operated in Queensland for more than 90 years.

“The sky hasn’t fallen in,” he said. “The costs are manageable.”

But shadow treasurer Louise Staley said the scheme would disadvantage regional engineers who may have to make multiple payments to be registered in several engineering categories.

“In country areas they’re likely to have more than one area of practice,” she said. “There will be a lack of engineers in country areas because of the bill.”

She said engineers were already regulated by the Victorian Building Authority.

Liberal Democrat MP David Limbrick said there were no circumstances in which he would support the proposed changes.

“I don’t see anything good in this bill,” he said.

Mr Limbrick cited a previously published analysis that reported the scheme would cost the state government almost $6 million to implement and $6000 each for engineers.

But Association of Professional Engineers Australia chief executive Chris Walton said that analysis vastly overestimated the cost of professional development and other expenses associated with the proposed scheme.

“I don’t understand how the Liberal Party would oppose such an obvious measure to protect the community,” he said.

Mr Walton said a licensing scheme would have helped mitigate the combustible cladding crisis that has plagued Victoria.

“The flammable cladding disaster would not have been as bad if we had appropriate registrations and system in place,” he said. “We’ve got a system that lets the holy dollar win instead of a system that puts an obligation on professionals to act in the public interest.”


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