

This was published 8 years ago

Desperate mentally ill see committing crimes as their best chance to get treatment

By Alana Schetzer

For some people, going to jail is the best option they have.

Anh Le (not his real name) is one of them. At just 24 years of age, he has a rap sheet of more than 100 crimes, ranging from theft and burglary, to assault. Sometimes, he stole underwear and deodorant simply because he needed basic items.

Criminal Lawyer Melinda Walker works hard to keep her mentally ill clients out of jail.
For feature story on mental health and the justice system. Melinda is a criminal lawyer who tries to keep her mentally ill clients out of jail.Pic Simon Schluter 20 May 2016.

Criminal Lawyer Melinda Walker works hard to keep her mentally ill clients out of jail. For feature story on mental health and the justice system. Melinda is a criminal lawyer who tries to keep her mentally ill clients out of jail.Pic Simon Schluter 20 May 2016.Credit: Simon Schluter

Other times he stole because he wanted to go back to jail, where there was a bed, three meals a day and access to an antipsychotic medication that can be injected weekly or monthly to treat his schizophrenia.

Paul Hume, from Leadership Plus, an advocates group, acts as Le's adviser in court. Sometimes Le is calm and articulate in court, other times he yells and becomes fixated on certain topics. He can be hard to understand at times, often bowing his head low.

Magistrate Ann Collins

Magistrate Ann Collins Credit: Craig Sillitoe

When he has been out of jail, Le often absconds from appointments and can be difficult for lawyers and health workers to locate.

"We really need to put him in a secure mental health unit, but there's no such thing," Hume says.

"One time he knocked on the door of a police station, asking to be locked up. The police said no, because he hadn't committed a crime. So he then broke into a vehicle."

There is no official data but The Age has spoken to lawyers and health workers who have confirmed that they have clients who have either volunteered to go to jail in order to receive mental health treatment, or in some cases, have even committed crimes with the express purpose of entering prison.


"Prisons have ended up being the new institutions," magistrate Ann Collins says. "People have been known to commit offences just to go to jail."

Collins co-runs the Assessment and Referral Court, which tries to keep offenders out of jail by linking them to mental health treatment and support with housing. She says that too many mentally unwell people are being "cycled" through the justice system.

"These people, all their lives, have been disregarded or they've been misdiagnosed and they're usually covering up trauma; there's a whole lot of things that link together," she says.

"The result of that, they come into contact with the criminal justice system and they just keep cycling through the system."

Criminal lawyer Melinda Walker has witnessed several clients ask for a custodial sentence, often because they are in an "extremely desperate" situation.

"A lot of times their relationship with their family has broken down. They just simply have nowhere to go. The familiarity of prison is also something that can provide some form of comfort and routine.

"People with mental illness are extremely vulnerable in the community – they may be offenders but they're also terribly vulnerable – and they get preyed upon by others to commit crimes for them. We do see that often and jail is quite attractive for them, to have that certainty of accommodation and treatment."

Victoria's jails are overflowing with people who are mentally ill. Research has shown that 40 per cent of the prison population suffers from a mental illness, from anxiety and depression to psychotic disorders – the rates of psychotic disorders are up to 15 times that found in the general community.

The reasons are numerous and complex.

For some, they are severely disadvantaged with a combination of drug and alcohol use or addiction, family dysfunction, poor education and homelessness. This makes it near impossible for them to keep appointments or have access to medication.

Walker explains that case workers sometimes lack the security and support that they require to deal with often turbulent and unpredictable clients. When they don't have that, there is often little choice but to ban the client from using the service.

"If a person presents as extremely drug affected or is aggressive, that makes it difficult for them to maintain connection with their caseworker," Walker says. "And if they commit an offence while they're there – it could be a theft of keys or a wallet or they've acted out inappropriately – it's determined that they can't attend that program because it's not safe for other people.

"In some cases, the case managers simply cannot manage them and the relationship breaks down."

It is a vicious cycle that is creating a generation of desperate women and men who are falling through the cracks.

Over the years, a perfect storm of policy changes and funding decisions has created this situation. According to the Mental Health Legal Centre, the closure of institutions for mentally ill people, an increase in alcohol and drug abuse and a lack of secure mental health facilities has left many people with few options.

As stated in the Auditor-General's 2014 report, only about 50 per cent of people with a mental illness actually access medical help in any given year.

"While many people recover from mental illness without significant treatment, many serious mental illnesses are undiagnosed and untreated. People with a serious mental illness may not have the ability to access and successfully engage in treatment and rehabilitation without significant support," the report states.

"Imprisonment represents an opportunity for offenders to receive mental health treatment."

A spokesman for the Department of Justice and Regulation said the ratio of psychiatrists to prisoners was approximately 1.5 times higher than in the general community and the ratio of psychiatric nurses was approximately twice as high.

"[Expanded mental health services] has allowed us to better manage and treat prisoners, many of whom have never had access to clinical treatment or mental health services prior to coming into the prison system," he said.

Victoria closed its mental health institutions in the 1990s, opting for in-community care as part of society's changing attitudes and then-premier Jeff Kennett's quest to save money. In 1992, all governments across Australia signed a historic first National Mental Health Strategy and by 2005, all 12 of the state's asylums had shut their doors.

Lawyer Charlotte Jones, from the Mental Health Legal Clinic, says the closure of institutions was done with compassion but with little to no long-term planning to ensure that those affected would be properly cared for.

"Mental health [problems are]rising, not decreasing, but there doesn't seem to be a plan in place to deal with this increase," she says.

Today, Victoria's mental health system operates in two parts: high-care clinical support in hospitals for the most at-risk people and a community-based system that focuses on recovery and integration.

Laura Collister, director of mental health services at SANE, a mental health advocacy group, says there is too much demand on both sectors, with long waiting lists.

"People who are most in need and who are most traumatised, have difficulty trying to navigate this system," Collister says. "It's that group of people who can miss out on getting service because they may not voluntarily attend community-based support, so we have to do very active outreach with those people.

"Often people drift out, sometimes because they're homeless or they haven't got family to support them; they're probably poor, they've probably got active symptoms and it makes it much more difficult for people to engage with health care in a constructive, ongoing way."

Jail is not a solution, however, to the state's mental health crisis. While there are some opportunities for treatment – on entry to prison, every inmate in screened by a senior psychiatric nurse – there is a chronic lack of funding for medical care and specialist staff. Plus, there are just 20 dedicated beds for female prisoners and 16 for male prisoners. At Thomas Embling Hospital, a secure forensic hospital for the most seriously unwell prisoners, there are 116 beds.

The State Government spends just $12.1 million annually across the state's 14 jails to provide mental health care.

The result, experts say, is that prisoners' mental health often deteriorates and they leave prison in a worse state than when they entered.

The Victorian Ombudsman released in September last year a damning report into the mental health care of the state's prisoners, stating that "prisoners with mental health conditions often do not adapt well to prison".

Lack of funding meant some mentally ill prisoners were kept in solitary confinement, either for their own or others', safety but such confinement – often for long periods – "can seriously exacerbate mental illness and cause significant psychological harm", the report found.

The human cost is high, but so too is the financial cost. The Auditor-General's report referenced research from New South Wales, which stated that the cost to incarcerate a person with a mental illness can range from $900,000 to $5.5 million over a lifetime.

Almost all the experts The Age interviewed agreed on what is needed: supported housing that provides easy access to nurses, psychiatrists and support staff around the clock.

Glenn Rutter, manager of court support and diversion services at the Melbourne Magistrates Court, says what is missing is a service that provides secure accommodation that is linked with medical treatment and round-the-clock supervision.

"There needs to be something therapeutic that's also residential, that builds a relationship and works with the person over a period of time," he says. "Placing someone in jail doesn't solve anything."

There is some progress being made. The Victorian Government has funded a medium security prison with a 75-bed mental health unit, that is expected to open in 2017.

There was also a funding boost in the last State budget, with $9.5 million allocated for a new eight-bed, high-dependency unit at Thomas Embling Hospital and $40.7 million for a new 44-bed mental health facility at Dame Phyllis Frost Centre for female prisoners.

And late last year, the Federal Government unveiled a report by the National Mental Health Commission, which recommended a major overhaul of how the Commonwealth funds the sector. Among the recommendations was the promotion of more early intervention services and efforts to fix the "missing middle" of people who fall through the gap between GP and hospital care.

Jones says this "missing middle" is crucial, as the system is too focused on "quick fixes".

"It's incredibly messy and complicated. These are people that come from chaos and that's all they know. If we had a better front end, we might not have such a big end, in jails."

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