

This was published 8 months ago

Bikies and their chihuahuas: Inside the life of an RSPCA pet detective

By David Estcourt

A cat in the adoption centre.

A cat in the adoption centre.Credit: Simon Schluter

RSPCA investigator Karen Collier drives west along the Monash Freeway, recalling a time on the job when she had to pay a visit to a member of an outlaw motorcycle gang and received an unexpected welcome.

“You get there and you have a huge big bloke covered in tatts that looks like he’s gonna rip you to shreds, and yet, here they are, nuzzling their face into their little dog, telling you how much they love them,” she says.

There are few things that surprise Collier, a team leader in the RSPCA inspectorate, after 18 years in the job, but watching a bikie speak with unbridled affection about their little white dog is not something you easily forget.

Inspectorate team leader Karen Collier at the site of an investigation.

Inspectorate team leader Karen Collier at the site of an investigation.Credit: Simon Schluter

“Most bikies have their little chihuahua or their little fluffy little dog they dote on, that is their life, and they will literally burst into tears if they think that you’re going to take their little white animal off them, and they absolutely love us because of the job that we do.”

We’re on a ride-along with investigators with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), a charity that promotes animal welfare but has evolved into an all-service investigation, triage, treatment, education and adoption agency at the heart of Victoria’s millions of pets.

In the 2022-23 financial year, 10,561 reports of animal cruelty were investigated by 36 of their inspectors, who drove 1,417,958 kilometres checking on animals. The inspectorate cost more than $9 million to operate, a price tag that includes legal costs, caring for rescued animals and large-scale operations.


On this bright Wednesday morning, Collier and inspector Narelle Neate (who used to work with the Australian Border Force) are doing background checks on the home they’re about to visit in Melbourne’s north. Their job – part detective, part social worker – often brings them into contact with unorthodox and challenging cases.

Today’s investigation centres on new mum Bella, a female dog who was taken to a veterinary hospital two nights ago where she tested positive to parvovirus, a highly contagious disease that affects unvaccinated and partially vaccinated dogs. The concern is that the hospital said the owner left without getting Bella treatment, and the inspectors want to check if the dog and her eight 11-day-old pups are okay. Parvovirus, nicknamed “parvo”, is very contagious, so there’s the added risk of it spreading to the pups.

How people treat their pets can be an insight into greater problems, the investigators have learned. People in the midst of personal issues – family violence, mental health crises, police investigations – might temporarily stop caring properly for their pets. A few months back, the team investigated a report about 10 cats at one address but arrived to find 70.

An RSPCA investigator examines a dog.

An RSPCA investigator examines a dog.Credit: Simon Schluter

“To be a successful inspector, you’ve got to have a very fine balance between passion for animal welfare and being able to get things done. Because if you’re too passionate, you’re going to crumble into a heap, burst into tears and not be able to actually accomplish what needs to be done,” says Collier.

“What we see on a day-to-day basis is obviously very confronting. So if you’re very, very passionate, and you’re exposed to that all the time, and you don’t have the resilience to cope, that’s going to burn you out.”


Collier, herself, has drawn strength from animals she’s saved. She mentions one case about Skittles, a border collie who was discovered by a birdwatcher in a remote forest bound, injured, shot and close to death. The episode cost Skittles an eye and his hearing. Skittles was adopted by a senior investigator at the RSPCA, and now lives happily with him.

“I would just lose all trust in humanity,” she says. “I don’t know that I’d ever trust another human, but Skittles was just the most amazing dog. He’s where I draw all my resilience from because I figure if he can go through what he went through and still have faith in humanity, what can you throw at me?”

Collier and Neate pull up near Bella’s home and have a brief conversation with the mother of the owner, who refuses them entry. The nature of the disease, and the state of Bella at the animal hospital, means they must have a look at her and the pups, so they contact police to assist them entering the home.

RSPCA inspector Narelle Neate inspects a puppy that would later be voluntarily relinquished to the RSPCA.

RSPCA inspector Narelle Neate inspects a puppy that would later be voluntarily relinquished to the RSPCA.Credit: Simon Schluter

There’s a tense wait while police make their way over. Inspectors have a range of ways to get inside of homes when they encounter a hostile owner: they can get a judge to sign a warrant, or, if they suspect the animal is in serious trouble, ask police for help.

By a stroke of luck, a friend of Bella’s owner walks by and offers to have a chat with the owner. Collier and Neate are sceptical but accept the help. The passer-by goes inside and emerges about 15 minutes later with the eight pups inside a washing basket, ready for them to be looked at.

This is what they want. While they work closely with police, sometimes it’s easier if they can deal directly with an owner and avoid the risk of escalating the situation. And when it comes to animal welfare, the situation can escalate quickly, especially if the members of the public become aware of the alleged abuse.


This happened during the infamous 2021 pandemic protest outside the CFMEU’s Melbourne headquarters. In the heat of the protest, carpenter Stipo Cicak was caught on video kicking a dog into the air. Cicak, from Keilor East, was charged and contested the matter in court, where he argued he acted in self-defence against an aggressive animal.

Collier caught the case and worked it up. Community outrage was palpable, and the RSPCA was tasked with investigating and prosecuting.

Stipo Cicak (centre) leaves court in September 2022 with his lawyer Samir Banga (left).

Stipo Cicak (centre) leaves court in September 2022 with his lawyer Samir Banga (left).Credit: Simon Schluter

Magistrate Peter Reardon placed Cicak on a 12-month adjourned undertaking, without conviction, and ordered him to pay a $2000 fine to the Lort Smith Animal Hospital. He was also ordered to contribute $7000 to the RSPCA’s legal costs.


Costs are something the RSPCA thinks about a lot. Ninety per cent of its funding comes from the community and volunteers, a huge portion considering the massive responsibility they have for animals in Victoria, and how varied their work can be.

One day, they are herding dozens of adolescent horses into floats; the next, they are navigating their way into a hostile household to check on puppies. Their work is meticulous, but time-consuming and laden with risk.


Back at the northern suburbs house, Neate, Collier’s partner, plucks pups out of the washing basket. The owner explains that Bella was treated at a different hospital, but their explanation is scant and concern remains for the pups. Neate sees a few signs that she doesn’t like. They seem lethargic, and need to be looked at by a veterinarian back at the RSPCA’s Burwood East hospital as a precaution.

They load Bella and her pups into the back of their truck and drive back to Melbourne’s east. Neate says it’s an excellent outcome but is worried about the welfare of the pups squirming in the boot.

“They’re 11 days old, they are so vulnerable,” says Neate during the drive. “If they are infected with parvo, they will go downhill incredibly fast.”

A basket of puppies voluntarily relinquished to the RSPCA.

A basket of puppies voluntarily relinquished to the RSPCA.Credit: Simon Schluter

Collier says the vets will now take over.

“We know that they’re going to have the best care available to them. If we hadn’t got them today, the likelihood is that they would have got very sick, very quickly, and potentially when we actually got access to them, we could have lost some of them.”

As the pups are driven into the complex, two veterinarians come outside dressed head to toe in PPE. It would be bad if parvo made its way into their facility, with so many dogs not immunised. They test each dog, carefully separating the pups that seem lethargic, as Bella watches attentively. They also test her.


Saving animals is expensive. The RSPCA often has to bear the costs of testing and treating animals at risk of causing an outbreak, finding accommodation and additional resources if they need to be quarantined.

The day I visit their facility, an investigator returns with 105 rabbits and guinea pigs seized from a hoarder in Gippsland. A volunteer walks a 38-year-old cockatoo named Cocky, who greets employees in the hall. Dogs and cats stretch their legs. A total of 650 birds, reptiles, rabbits, cats and dogs are in residence.

Neate sits with Bella on the RSPCA truck in Melbourne’s north.

Neate sits with Bella on the RSPCA truck in Melbourne’s north.Credit: Simon Schluter

“The CEO allows us the freedom to really regulate quite aggressively and to essentially run a proper law enforcement service. I think probably the issue that we do encounter is funding,” says Michael Stagg, RSPCA Victoria’s chief inspector, between interjections by Cocky, who yells “hello” at everyone passing.

The inspectorate does get some government funding, but ended last year in the red. He says that when you regulate aggressively, as the RSPCA does, court cases are inevitable. Stagg, a former solicitor, says other agencies can rely on consolidated revenue from the government, but the RSPCA doesn’t have that same safety net, which is where charity comes in.


“We’re trying to regulate … quite robustly. But we always have to have an eye on money, because we’re not fully funded for the work that we do,” he says.

Beyond that, he sees part of the role of their inspectors as social workers. People can use animal custody to manipulate former spouses, or to try and threaten them. Inspectors will sometimes check in with people they’ve met, making sure pets are healthy, that they’re eating and have access to food.

“I believe that there are very few people who seek to ... actively seek to maliciously harm animals. A lot of the time, it’s a result of circumstance,” Stagg says.

“It’s necessary to try and also see if we can deal with the fundamental cause of the problem, rather than just dealing with the symptom.”

Finally, the test results for Bella and the pups come back: all the dogs are negative for parvo. It’s a huge relief. Parvo is dangerous for puppies and if they were positive, it could be a very different story.

Collier, having driven back and forth across the city, loads the family into the car one last time to take the Monash Freeway west and return them all home. The pups again squirm and nap inside the boot, Bella keeping a watchful eye.

The next morning, I get a message from Collier: “Mum giving the pups a feed, great outcome!”

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