

This was published 3 years ago


Vaccine complacency threatens to undo Australia’s hard work

By Steven Hamilton and Richard Holden

Confronting delays in the COVID-19 vaccination program this week, federal Health Department secretary Brendan Murphy said: “We’re not like the US or UK.” He’s right, but not in the way he intended.

Murphy argues that because we don’t have scores of people dying, we can take our time with the vaccine rollout, “as quickly and carefully and safely as we can”. “It’s not a race,” he said.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian receives the AstraZeneca vaccine at Sydney’s St George Hospital this week.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian receives the AstraZeneca vaccine at Sydney’s St George Hospital this week. Credit: Getty

If that thinking extends to a lack of ambition about the proportion of Australians we vaccinate, then at best we’ll squander a remarkable opportunity, and at worst risk another major outbreak and threaten the nation’s prolonged economic recovery. If it reflects any complacency about the urgency of the vaccination program, it is terribly dangerous.

As of Friday, about 130,000 Australians – or one in 200 – had received a first-dose COVID-19 vaccine. And this week the government admitted it would not meet its target to complete the vaccination program by the end of October.

Countries with significant caseloads, such as Britain, the US and much of Europe, are vaccinating to save lives today rather than reach for so-called “herd immunity” – the point at which so many people have been vaccinated that another exponential outbreak can’t occur. Australia, by contrast, has a real chance to achieve herd immunity. Whether we do so will be determined by government policy.


If anything, the government looks disappointingly unambitious. It risks committing perhaps the greatest public policy bungle in Australian history if it cannot rise to the procurement, logistics and planning challenges to guarantee rapid mass vaccination as soon as possible. After all its great work earlier in the pandemic, that is a terrible shame.

As UNSW Kirby Institute epidemiologists Raina MacIntyre, Valentina Costantino, and Mallory Trent have shown, the proportion of the population we need to vaccinate to achieve herd immunity varies substantially with vaccine efficacy. At 95 per cent efficacy, they calculate, 63 per cent of the population would need to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. If efficacy is 70 per cent, it rises to 86 per cent of the population.

Australia has chosen to pin most of its hopes on the AstraZeneca vaccine, which had 72 per cent efficacy in clinical trials, although some real-world patient data suggests it may be achieving considerably better results. We’ve only ordered enough of the Pfizer vaccine, with its efficacy of 95 per cent, to cover at most 40 per cent of the population, and that doesn’t account for potential wastage, spoilage, and overdosing, as we’ve already seen. Also, we’ve inexplicably ordered zero doses of the equally high-efficacy Moderna vaccine. With the mix of vaccines we look set to administer, we’ll need to vaccinate about three-quarters of our population.


This will be a stretch given considerable vaccine hesitancy in the community, let alone the voices of dangerous anti-vaxxers and the fact that the vaccine is voluntary.


That said, there’s another threat that could require us to vaccinate a much higher proportion to achieve herd immunity. Many countries have already seen large numbers of infections from three known coronavirus variants, which appear to be far more transmissible. If the UK variant B.1.1.7 or the South African variant B.1.351 or the Brazilian variant P.1 were to make it into Australia – say, through a hotel quarantine leak – before we complete our vaccination program, we would need to vaccinate more people. And that’s assuming the existing vaccines are as effective against these variants, which is doubtful.

If these variants increased transmission by a third, we would need to vaccinate about 90 per cent of our population to achieve herd immunity. Given we only manage to give 95 per cent of children their routine vaccines – and that’s with strong incentives such as “no jab, no pay” rules that withhold government benefits from families rejecting vaccination – this is pushing the limits of what’s achievable.

Our politicians and public health officials must shift the public narrative. They need to assure us the vaccines are safe, but also instil a sense of urgency. This is a race. We need to run. This means striking deals with Moderna and Johnson & Johnson to get more, preferably high-efficacy doses, here faster. The current, optimistic scenario of completion by December is nowhere near fast enough. A quarter of Americans have already received a dose, and they’ve been going since December.


While the government has made clear the vaccine won’t be compulsory, it needs to reconsider the use of carrots and sticks to get more people vaccinated. This could involve restrictions on access to certain sporting events or large gatherings for the unvaccinated. Or extending the “no jab, no pay” laws to coronavirus vaccines.

Australia’s exemplary handling of the pandemic until now presents us with a unique opportunity to achieve herd immunity. This would allow a proper opening of our economy. But to get there we need the government to be ambitious and determined. That’s not the vibe they’re giving off right now.

Steven Hamilton is assistant professor of economics at George Washington University and chief economist at the Blueprint Institute; Richard Holden is professor of economics at UNSW Business School.

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