

This was published 6 years ago

Two of Us: former GG Quentin Bryce on what brings tears to her eyes

By Christine Jackman

Lawyer and human rights advocate Quentin Bryce, 76, became Australia's first female governor-general in 2008. Her daughter Chloe Shorten, 47, has just published her second book, about the importance of family meals together.

Quentin Bryce with daughter Chloe Shorten.

Quentin Bryce with daughter Chloe Shorten.Credit: Paul Harris

CHLOE: When I think about the fundamental connection in my life between me and my mum, I think about sitting around a table, sharing a meal as a family.

She made it all seem so effortless, like a swan gliding along on top of the water. But underneath there was so much going on. Think about how much planning must have been involved to organise a meal with five kids, not to mention the times when we all brought friends! But she and Dad had a really good partnership and everything just went like clockwork.

For Saturday lunches, it was a given – we all had to be there. What I learnt from Mum is that it doesn't really matter what's on the table – although we all want our kids to be healthy – because essentially you're nurturing much more than your body or your stomach. There's a lot of other stuff going on. It's this invisible thread that brings you together, that ties you.

There's a big movement about mindfulness now, but Mum was modelling it even then. She believes that when you're at the table with a bunch of people, it's all about being present with them. Not living in the past or anticipating the future too much. You might be laughing, arguing, telling jokes, competing with one another, downloading about something – but it's all in the now.

Along with her incredible self-discipline, that's one of Mum's most amazing qualities: her ability to be right in the moment, right there with you. That came to the fore when I was pregnant with my first child [Rupert, born in 2001]. At 20 weeks, there were concerns the pregnancy wasn't progressing as well as it should. The next 20 weeks were very anxious and I really relied on Mum to talk me through it. It was very hard living with that undercurrent of alarm, and she was the one who helped me stop the panic.

She'd had five babies of her own and been through all sorts of illnesses with us as children. At the time she was working at Sydney University [as principal and CEO of the Women's College] and she would just extract herself from anything, whenever I needed to talk to her, and immediately be there for me so intensely.

When the baby was born, beautiful and healthy, Mum also recognised that's when all the anxiety would be released and I'd be exhausted. So she flew up to Brisbane and stayed a few weeks.

She's so resilient and so calm, but she's also got a wonderful sense of humour. That's the country girl in her. She made me endless cups of tea and I'd reject every second one – "That's too light", "That's too caramel" – but she kept making them and making me laugh, too. I'd have to beg her to stop because I was worried my [caesarean] stitches were coming apart.


QUENTIN: Chloe was always a sparkling little girl, right in the thick of it from the time she could hold her head up as a baby. One-to-one time is precious in a big family like ours, and I was very conscious of that with Chloe because she was the fourth in the family. My solution was to take her to meetings with me. It was an era of social and legal reform and I was engaged in a lot of community organisations. Chloe came along in her basket, even when I was teaching at university. She was an early talker, very warm and sociable. At those community meetings, I'd often find her engaged in conversation with these wonderful older women who were very active in the women's movement.

Chloe had a great capacity for friendship, and still does. She was always getting a game going. One year, we were staying at the North Sydney Travelodge, and off she went and found all the kids in the building. The next thing, they were all organised and playing a game.

We've always shared a special togetherness. Once, on her birthday, I asked what she'd really like and she said: "I want you to go on the kindy roster – and I want you to wear your new black lace cocktail dress." So, off I went in my high heels and the black lace dress to cut up fruit, get the beds out, clean the toilets.

I have always been prone to "guilty mothering syndrome". Am I doing enough? Am I doing it the right way? Feeling guilty about not being there for my children, even as adults.

When Chloe was pregnant with her first baby, there were some concerns the pregnancy wasn't progressing well. If affected her deeply, made her very anxious. She is a person who is very research-driven – when she faces a problem, she will become obsessed with the data – and that uncertain time was a very tough gully for her.

I was based in Sydney but when you have that close bond with your child, you feel it yourself, physically. I could feel Chloe's anxieties through my whole body. I flew up and stayed for a while when the baby was born. He was healthy, which is always such a miracle, but I was conscious of the risk of postnatal depression with all she'd been through. When you're a new mother, it should be the most exhilarating, wonderful time, but she needed a lot of rest.

One night I burnt the chops while making dinner and the flat filled with smoke. There was Chloe with her hands on her hips saying, "Mum, can't you do anything right?" But when it was time for me to go back to Sydney, she just stood there crying while we waited for the cab. That still brings tears to my eyes, thinking about it.

We'll always be very close. Time is a really valuable commodity for us, getting that face-to-face time just to talk, without interruption.

The Secret Ingredient: The Power of the Family Table, by Chloe Shorten (Melbourne University Press, $40) is out now.

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