

This was published 19 years ago

Truth overboard - the story that won't go away

FOR the celebrations of his

10 years in office John Howard has fashioned a new line to cover an embarrassment that time will not erase: children overboard.

After all these years he is still demonising the refugees who he admits threw no children from the deck of the Olong that day in October 2001. He told The Age the other day: "I did think that if somebody had done that, it was a pretty bad thing to have done - and they did after all sink the boat, didn't they?"

Wrong again, Prime Minister.

The false accusation of refugees throwing their children over the side was made by Howard, Philip Ruddock and Peter Reith on October 7, 2001. The election campaign had just begun and the "news" of these callous asylum seekers putting their children at risk caused an immediate media frenzy. But the boat - an overloaded, barely seaworthy fishing vessel with 223 people on board, including 56 children - was still afloat and limping back towards Indonesia.


Under orders from Canberra, HMAS Adelaide had fired shots across its bows during the night, boarded it several times and forced it to turn back. The navy believed the time was coming to rescue these people. Canberra was determined that they not reach nearby Christmas Island.

While the media was going wild back home, the Adelaide was shadowing the stricken Olong. Its engines had failed - almost certainly sabotaged, although this has never been established - and the captain of the Adelaide, Commander Norman Banks, had no choice but to take the boat in tow.

As Canberra tried to make up its mind what to do with these people, Banks aimlessly towed them round the Indian Ocean. Under the strain of towing, the little boat was breaking up. Its crammed passengers were terrified. Banks believed his orders to mean that taking them to safety on board the Adelaide would be regarded back in Canberra as "mission failure".

For 24 hours this dangerous operation continued as the Olong sank slowly in the water. Finally, Banks was forced to stop towing. The boat was going down. Only then, with refugees and their children diving for their lives into the sea, did Banks feel he could order a full-scale rescue.

It was photographs of this brave - and miraculously successful - mass rescue on the afternoon of October 8 that would later be passed off by the minister for defence, Peter Reith, as pictures of children thrown overboard on October 7.

In the hours immediately after the rescue there was a furious showdown between the chief of the Defence Force, Admiral Chris Barrie, and the secretary of the Prime Minister's Department, Max Moore-Wilton - with the navy insisting the saving of lives was paramount and no civilian interference would be tolerated in such emergencies in future.

By this time - 48 hours after the original claims were made of children overboard - the navy knew no such thing had happened. Yet Howard would say this information had not reached him by election day a month later.

By this time, also, the rescued Iraqis were huddled in light rain on the decks of the Adelaide. Banks told his sailors: "These people are human beings first, [and] whilst we could not understand their plight, we had to treat them as refugees."

He had it right: nearly everyone Banks rescued that day is now living in Australia. Howard is not marking his 10 years with any apologies to them. He told The Age: "Now what do I say to those people? Well, they're part of the Australian community. They're welcome. They'd be treated as part of the Australian community."

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