

This was published 4 years ago

Tribunal puts staff to the ultimate pub test

By Samantha Hutchinson and Stephen Brook

In the past, we might have criticised the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for being a repository of party political hacks but we are hardly alone in that assessment.

Now we can report some brighter news. The tribunal, which independently reviews government decisions, has sent out this missive to Melbourne staff. “In and amongst the doom and gloom that stage four had brought us, what could be better than a trivia afternoon for those doing it tough in the Melbourne AAT offices?”

Denis Dragovic will act as quizmaster at the AAT trivia afternoon.

Denis Dragovic will act as quizmaster at the AAT trivia afternoon.

Presumably that will be the easiest question to answer at the staff jolly, scheduled for next Friday, somewhat cheekily for an organisation not known for its speed, during work hours. But when has the legal profession ever been productive on a Friday afternoon?

The quiz master is honorary fellow at the University of Melbourne and commentator about town Denis Dragovic (fee undisclosed). “Special quiz masters” for the event are AAT deputy president Stephanie Forgie and registry manager Angela Dall’Est.

The AAT wasn’t keen to discuss the morale-building exercise when CBD called but we thought we would give them a hand by scratching out a few questions.

Which tribunal did shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus accuse the government of treating like “a Liberal Party employment agency".

Members of which tribunal can be removed only by order of the governor-general after a vote from both houses of Parliament and has no compulsory retirement age?

Where can senior full-time members earn north of $330,000, with no legal qualifications necessary?

A review of which body so displeased former High Court judge Ian Callinan that he identified 37 areas for potential reform and urged future appointments be lawyers and made "on the basis of merit”. Answers on a postcard, please.



Brendan Nelson,  Peter Shergold and David Bennett, QC.

Brendan Nelson, Peter Shergold and David Bennett, QC.Credit: John Shakespeare

Brendan Nelson is no doubt celebrating this week after the Queen gave the royal nod to the posthumous awarding of the Victoria Cross to WWII hero Edward 'Teddy" Sheean.

Nelson, former director of the Australian War Memorial, chaired the four-person panel reviewing past inquiries into the sailor’s potential VC commendation and ultimately recommended in favour. Upon the award being bestowed, he described the Ordinary Seaman as an inspiration for Australians "to be a people who are selfless, caring and brave".

Nelson, a former defence minister, was recruited to the panel by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who also enlisted former solicitor-general David Bennett, QC, Western Sydney University chancellor Peter Shergold and NSW Anzac Memorial historian Brad Manera.

Documents about the panel revealed that Bennett and Shergold received a rate of up to $1500 a day, to a maximum of 14 days, and were eligible for travel expenses up to $10,450 - though a department spokesman said this was barely used. All up, the pair could have taken home just over $31,000 each.

On Thursday, the spokesman said the actual fees could vary, depending on what panel members invoiced, and not all accepted payment of daily fees.

For Nelson, it was a passion project from the outset.

“The Chair, the Hon Dr Brendan Nelson AO, has not accepted payment for his services,” the spokesman said. For the love of country, indeed.


Like a pair of stags facing off, two big names of the journalism-media ecosphere have found themselves in dispute.

On one side is John Menadue, the former secretary to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet under Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser. On the other is Nick McKenzie, investigative journalist for this masthead.

And the conflict? Somewhat surprisingly, it centres on online text-based website nomenclature. In other words, a blog.

Battle lines were drawn when McKenzie, who reported on the AFP/ASIO raid on NSW Labor politician (now suspended) Shaoquett Moselmane, noted that the MP had declined interview requests but had been given space on Menadue’s Pearls and Irritations website.

Having worked for Whitlam, Fraser and Rupert Murdoch (oddly, not mentioned on his Twitter bio), Menadue would know a thing or two about pomposity and irritability. Which might explain his strong objection when McKenzie referred to Pearls and Irritations as a “blog”.

In a clarification worthy of RMIT Fact Check, Menadue responded that Pearls and Irritations was an “independently funded public policy journal featuring dozens of writers. Not a blog.”

McKenzie hastily responded that he hadn’t meant the term pejoratively, but descriptively, and that it was an accurate description, considering Menadue’s own Twitter bio listed the site’s web address as


Is there a revolving door between the state’s workers compensation authority, icare, from NSW Treasury? Or perhaps an airport-style travelator?

The near-constant flow of staff from NSW Treasury, the Treasurer Dominic Perrottet’s ministerial office and icare really is the internal recruitment wonder to behold. It was only a week ago that NSW Treasury secretary Michael Pratt - a former icare director, natch - was brought back to Perrottet’s office to conduct an audit of staffing arrangements. Pratt served as icare’s deputy, working under chairman and former Macquarie executive Michael Carapiet, himself a member of Perrotet’s business advisory roundtable.

Pratt’s investigation - which will be forensic - was kicked off after revelations that two employees on Perrottet’s books were on salaries paid for by … icare. An administrative assistant’s salary was covered by this arrangement, as was that of senior policy adviser Edward Yap - who didn’t work a day for the authority.

And now another cosy crossover has come to light. Turns out that icare’s Head of Board Governance Audrey Abrams spent some time inside Perrottet’s office. Abrams, who is well regarded in policy and government circles, served as a senior policy adviser during Perrottet’s stint as finance minister, before moving on to the role at icare. It’s hard to know which she preferred, given icare referred all questions to the Treasurer on Thursday.

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