

This was published 19 years ago

Toxic secrets of the underground

WHEN tests on a borehole in his backyard revealed that his home was standing above a slow-moving plume of toxic chemicals, and that the water he had been using for 14 years was unfit for use, long-time Botany resident Derek Pitman felt like he'd stumbled onto the set of a movie. A scary movie.

"It was just like Erin Brockovich," says Pitman, a bricklayer, recalling the real-life story of how a single mother took on a multibillion-dollar power company that had been dumping toxic waste on the unsuspecting inhabitants of a small Californian town.

Like many of his neighbours, Pitman is still not convinced measures being taken by chemicals company Orica to contain, collect and safely dispose of the high-concentration contents of the plume, which is now perilously close to Botany Bay, will succeed.

"I mean, who's to know in 20 years' time if my kids are going to get sick? Or if I'm going to get sick. Just like in the film."

The Orica spill, which is costing an estimated $167 million to mop up, may be the biggest and most expensive in the southern hemisphere. But government officials, industry leaders and environmental activists agree that Australia faces many similar, albeit smaller, ground contamination issues.


"In broad environmental terms, this is beginning to look very much like the decade of chemicals," John Dengate, a NSW Government environment protection officer and media commentator, suggests.

"The focus seems to have shifted from, say, industrial air pollution in the 1980s, to water quality in the 1990s, and now to contamination. You could almost call it the Erin Brockovich factor."

In the past month alone:

■ Orica has announced plans to remediate another site, a former pesticides plant at Villawood;

■ State and federal governments have again clashed over clean-up of the HMAS Platypus submarine base at Neutral Bay;

■ Negotiations over the removal of toxic waste from the grounds of the old Camden High School have reportedly stalled; and,

■ Local community groups have expressed renewed concern over proposed treatment of the notorious, dioxin-contaminated sediments of Homebush Bay near new home-building sites on the Rhodes peninsula.

As Jason Collins, a campaigner for Greenpeace, says, "I'm sure there's a lot more unidentified sites out there. Over the next 10, 20 years we're going to see more companies owning up to them. The big question will be how to deal with them."

But why are such "chemical time bombs", many of them toxic, some of them carcinogenic, being unearthed in and around Sydney now? Where, exactly, are they likely to be located? And how easy will it be to remove them or to make them safe?

"Basically, Sydney faces the same problem as other cities around the world: that of dealing with its industrial legacy," Dengate says. "Most of these old industrial sites date from a period - say, the 1880s to the 1960s - when there were little or no environmental controls, or work safety rules."

Despite the accompanying noise, smoke and "funny smells", homes were built up against plants producing or using noxious materials. Products such as asbestos were handled with a macho disdain for growing medical misgivings. Heavy metals and other waste products were dumped or, worse, recycled as building materials.

By and large, companies were left to do as they pleased. Inevitably, many of them preferred to do their dirty business by the water - on the harbour, river and baysides in precisely those places of "position, position, position" now being rezoned and colonised for residential development.

"Being near water made sense. It provided a means of transport and an easy waste disposal system. Unwanted stuff was put out of sight, out of mind," says Dengate, pointing to the way Homebush Bay was polluted with dioxins by Union Carbide. The company has since left Australia, and a company called Thiess begins cleaning up the site today, but the Environment Protection Authority, now part of the revamped Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC), still wants to make Union Carbide pay for the clean-up of its old site at Rhodes.

Back in the '50s and '60s, though, no one seemed to care. "So what if the chemical works next door was losing a proportion of its product into the ground, or the water. Government was happy, shareholders were happy and the neighbours were happy - probably because they had jobs at the works," says Dengate.

Bruce Gotting, Orica's environmental site manager, says workers at the old ICI plant at Banksmeadow - the source of the plume - 50 years ago "simply didn't know any better. 'The environment' hadn't been invented".

Possibly. Even though keeping pigs had been banned from the vicinity of the Tank Stream to protect the colony's water supply as long ago as 1788, it was really not until the 1960s that the state's first clean air and water legislation was enacted.

Since then, Dengate believes, there has been an accelerating sea change: in scientific knowledge, in national priorities and in community expectations. "People won't put up with rubbish any more. They're more affluent, more articulate - and more sceptical."

The DEC is not complaining. "The public have become our eyes and ears. We receive lots of reports about pollution and, more important, polluters. All are checked out."

Similarly, when the Herald recently published an article on the toxic plume threatening Botany Bay and curtailing the water supply of residents such as Pitman, it was inundated by reports (see panel) of other toxic hot spots in and around Sydney.

Some recount incidents long past and beyond substantiation: aircraft parts buried in a riverside pit at Putney; radioactive waste detected in drains beneath an eastern suburbs naval base; chemicals "left over from the Vietnam War" used to clear a creek at Parklea.

Others reflect continuing fears over contamination in places such as Homebush Bay. "We still joke about growing second heads, and about how big mounds of toxic dirt have been given an Aboriginal name and been turned into tourist attractions," said one Newington resident.

Fanciful perhaps, but as Greenpeace's Collins says, "Lots of people become toxins activists only when they start digging in their backyards and notice this awful smell, or that their eyes and hands are starting to burn." It may be the first indication that they are on a former industrial site.

The DEC lists more than 600 notices relating to the investigation or remediation of sites under the 1997 Contaminated Land Management Act. They relate to 243 sites.

Most are in longstanding industrial areas: around the old, working parts of Sydney Harbour, along the Parramatta River, and south of the city towards Botany Bay - but they still range from Abbotsford to Auburn, Killara to Kings Park, Revesby to Rozelle.

Similarly, most relate to businesses where metals have been processed, chemical products and construction materials produced, or chemicals extensively used: detergents at Balmain; paints at Cabarita; asbestos at Camellia; batteries at Granville; treated timber at Homebush; plated metals at Mascot; white goods at Rydalmere; even dry-cleaned clothes at Waterloo, where the DEC says groundwater has been contaminated by chlorinated hydrocarbons.

But the list - which should be checked by anyone planning to buy a plot of land, says Dengate - also highlights three areas which, though small compared to problems such as the Orica plume, are of continuing concern to the DEC:

■ Livestock dip sites, containing high concentrations of DDT and arsenic. Greenpeace calculates that there are about 1600 across country NSW, though it fears many have been lost or conveniently forgotten. One recently turned up in suburban Canberra.

■ Old gasworks, which were a feature of many Sydney suburbs, such as Mortlake, Little Manly Point and Abbotsford, which is still undergoing remediation, and most country towns. Significantly, HMAS Platypus is also on a former gasworks site. "It's amazing how they are still coming to light," Dengate says. "Often it's only when someone puts a spade in the ground and this black, gooey stuff starts oozing out that they remember … oh, the old gasworks."

■ Former - not to mention operating - service stations. "Underground tanks often leak petrol, which can be pretty toxic stuff," says Dengate. Operators may also have dumped oil somewhere on the site. Fortunately, remediation - basically by exposure to air and sunlight - is relatively straightforward.

Rules and regulations now exist to ensure that contaminated sites - large and small, old and new - are notified and put on a public register. Does that mean, then, that the DEC is confident it has identified all the toxic hot spots?

"Not at all," Dengate concedes. "Though it's fair to say we're less likely to find any nasty surprises - especially anything on the scale of, say, Orica - in Sydney nowadays simply because the land has been turned over so often." Moreover, because that land is so precious, it is worth cleaning up.

In recent years, there have been big advances. Whales, dolphins, sharks and oysters have returned to the harbour (though the oysters cannot yet be safely eaten). Homebush has been transformed from "toxic wasteland to world-class sporting venue" (though the infamous sediments must still be treated).

And, despite what local residents say, water quality in the Cooks River is much improved (though it could be even better).

Meanwhile, technology continues to provide new solutions to old contamination problems, such as the Homebush Bay sediments which until recently have been regarded as too dangerous to be disturbed. But nothing is simple. Or uncontroversial.

Greenpeace's Collins - who points out that under the terms of the Stockholm Convention Australia is now bound to clean up harmful "persistent organic pollutants" of the type found on many industrial sites - is appalled by plans to destroy sediments in an incinerator. "In that case, the cure could turn out to be worse than the problem."

Sydney speaks

"I'm far from an authority on contamination, [but after research] I decided I wouldn't want my kids playing in toxic sludge at the edge of Homebush Bay." Angus North, Rozelle

"I think a lot of the health problems associated with remediation are yet to be discovered and I wonder if the residents of Rhodes's waterside really know what's next door to their homes." Billie, West Ryde

"There have been signs in Gladesville and all shores opposite the Breakfast Point development indicating that the water is polluted. Fish caught in these areas cannot be eaten. These conditions have existed for perhaps 30 years." Rob V, Gladesville

"I worked [on a western suburbs site] in the late 1970s when it was a dog kennel. We washed all the dog waste into a creek that has since been filled in. This ranged from faeces to heavy cleaning chemicals … One time, in 1979, I was instructed to spray the creek for weeds with some leftover spray, from the Vietnam War, apparently. It was in a green five-gallon (19-litre) drum with US forces written on it. It was eye-burning as soon as you opened the container and it took your breath away." Greg Bennett, formerly of Marayong, near Blacktown

"[Homebush Bay] is currently being remediated by a variety of techniques, some of which are fairly good, others which essentially hide away the contamination. A fair bit of the land is slated for high-value, high-density residential buildings and I'm sure residents will know little of its history. Again, it's the familiar story of big business making big bucks at the expense of the environment (in this case, Sydney Harbour) and people, then shirking their responsibility, and successive governments doing little to bring them to account." Robert Hughes, Surry Hills

"Cooks River is just horrendous … on walks, I am often greeted with the sight of hundreds of drink containers, plastic bags and other detritus floating on its surface. At low tide, it's shopping trolleys and wheelie bins. I understand the sediment is toxic." Liz, Earlwood

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