

This was published 8 years ago

Top director spurned corruption whistleblower as corporate scandal grows

By Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker and Michael Bachelard

Top Australian businesswoman and ABC board member Dr Kirstin Ferguson failed to protect a whistleblower who personally alerted her to a corruption scandal inside the nation's biggest mining services company.

Instead, the whistleblower was forced out of Thiess in 2014 and a confidential internal corruption inquiry report, that included bribery claims involving Thiess and a top Indian politician, remained buried.

The revelations about the report's contents, along with Dr Ferguson's apparent inaction in response to the scandal as chair of the board's ethics committee of Leighton Holdings, Thiess' parent company, raise serious questions about the culture of Leighton, which is now facing multiple scandals.

Dr Ferguson, who has been a director and member of the ABC's risk and audit committee since November 2015, now faces serious questions about what she did, or failed to do, to protect the whistleblower and to ensure Thiess' alleged corruption was dealt with appropriately, rather than being buried.

Dr Kirstin Ferguson held the top integrity role at CIMIC.

Dr Kirstin Ferguson held the top integrity role at CIMIC.Credit: YouTube

Dr Ferguson declined to respond to specific questions. It is not suggested she was involved in the decision to force the whistleblower out of Thiess in 2014.

The secret Thiess report at the centre of the scandal was commissioned by Thiess in 2012 and revealed the firm or its agents may have broken Australian or Indian corruption laws when it sought to win a $6.8 billion coal mining contract in India in 2010.

The report, obtained by Fairfax Media, concluded that Thiess' Indian agent had, in 2010, most likely paid bribes or offered bribes to high ranking Indian officials to help Thiess win the contract, and that, according to the agent, a top Indian minister had allegedly sought bribes from Thiess.


Thiess CEO Bruce Munro told internal investigators that the Thiess' Indian agent, Syam Reddy, had "probably paid someone, whether that be a holiday in Singapore or $1 million, I'm not sure. I'd say that was his problem not mine."

Former Thiess managing director Bruce Munro.

Former Thiess managing director Bruce Munro.

"It's easy to sit here in Australia and draw conclusions. But the culture and business in India is different, everybody in India lies to everybody."

The internal investigation report concluded in 2012 that Mr Reddy had "likely … made some form of payment or promise or benefit to government officials" to help Thiess.

Fairfax Media can reveal that two years later, in mid-2104, after little or no action had been taken in response to the report's damning findings, a Thiess whistleblower decided to act.

They alerted Leighton Holdings chief executive Marcelino Verdez, as well as Dr Ferguson, the head of the Leighton ethics committee.

Instead of acting on the corruption by self-reporting the case to the police, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission or shareholders, Leighton instead forced the whistleblower out of the company in late 2014.

The whistleblower lodged a case in November 2014 at the Fair Work Commission, alleging that their treatment involved a possible breach of Australian corporate laws. A short time later, Leighton confidentially paid out the whistleblower as part of a settlement.

In contrast to the whistleblower, Mr Munro – who the internal report found had failed to adequately respond to repeated bribery and corruption warnings – retained his job as CEO. He left Thiess in May 2015.

In a further extraordinary revelation, Indian court files reveal that earlier this year, Thiess paid its allegedly corrupt Indian agent Syam Reddy – who fell out with the Australian firm – $1.3 million. In return, Mr Reddy agreed to drop a criminal complaint made against Thiess in India based on his allegations that the firm had defrauded him.

The 2012 Thiess internal corruption report has never been disclosed to the federal police or ASIC by Leighton Holdings (which was last year renamed CIMIC by its new managers from the Spanish company ACS). CIMIC, Mr Reddy and Mr Munro declined to answer questions.

The revelations about Leighton Holdings add to evidence revealed last week by Fairfax Media and which showed that the firm's offshore arm had paid bribes and engaged in fraud and money laundering in Asia, the UAE and Iraq between 2009 and 2012.

The revelations include fraudulent transactions in April 2011 involving former Leighton Offshore senior executives David Savage and Russell Waugh and a corrupt Dubai consultant, Mahesh Khemka.

Fairfax Media has separately revealed that in August 2011, then Leighton Chief Financial Officer, Peter Gregg, authorised a $15 million payment to Mr Khemka as part of a deal requiring the Dubai consultant to supply steel to Leighton at preferred prices.

However, no steel was ever supplied and Mr Gregg is the subject of an active criminal investigation by corporate watchdog ASIC in connection to his role in authorising this payment.

Mr Gregg had denied any wrongdoing and threatened legal action against Fairfax Media, while the board of the company he now heads, Primary Health Care, have backed Mr Gregg.

This article originally featured a photograph of a man who readers were told was Syam Reddy, a businessman who was allegedly involved in corrupt dealings in India in connection to Australian company Thiess. This was incorrect. The man in the photograph was YS Jaganmohan Reddy, a businessman and politician. The error was made in production. The Age/SMH apologise for the error.

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