

This was published 1 year ago

Tony Abbott’s Scots College speech angers parents

By Kishor Napier-Raman and Noel Towell

It’s well known that former prime minister Tony Abbott will offer up his thoughts on the state of the world to anyone who’ll listen.

See no evil, hear no evil: Tony Abbott will speak at Scots College.

See no evil, hear no evil: Tony Abbott will speak at Scots College.Credit: John Shakespeare

But in a step down from the foreign leaders and captains of industry who were once forced to listen, Abbott’s latest captive audience will be the young attendees of Sydney’s exclusive Scots College.

The former prime minister will be “sharing his thoughts on a number of important issues including the Australian economy, leadership, and challenges and opportunities for Gen Z” at the school’s Harry Triguboff Auditorium next month.

What wisdom does a bloke who thinks the monarchy is cool have to offer those lucky zoomers? Well the school at least seems of the view Abbott has plenty to say, with an email sent around to parents highly recommending that students taking business, economics and commerce courses attend.

You’d think someone like Abbott – Riverview, St John’s College at Sydney University, Rhodes Scholar – might be welcomed with open arms at a school like Scots.

But the scheduling of the speech hasn’t gone down too well with some concerned Scots parents unhappy that someone with Abbott’s views on climate change and same-sex marriage is giving a talk at the school, but unwilling – at this point – to make their scathing feelings public.

A sign that Bellevue Hill and its affluent surrounds, deep in the heart of hostile teal country, are no longer safe spaces for Abbott and his ilk.


Speaking of unwelcome conservatives from the north, defeated Warringah candidate Katherine Deves, best known for her divisive views on transgender people, is continuing to give the Liberal Party headaches north of the bridge.


On Sunday, Deves was spotted handing out campaign material for NSW Environment and Heritage Minister James Griffin, a sight that rubbed a few local Liberals the wrong way.

CBD hears Deves had already been asked to direct her efforts elsewhere, a demand that was reiterated after her brief letterboxing stint on Sunday. It’s a part of the world where, if last May’s election results are anything to go by, Deves’ views aren’t all that well liked.

And they’re certainly not shared by Griffin, who told CBD: “Her views and mine on LGBTQIA+ rights could not be more diametrically opposed.”

Deves, meanwhile, told this column she wasn’t volunteering for Griffin, but simply joined a friend out letterboxing.

“I have not volunteered for James Griffin, I heard his campaign was sorely short of volunteers,” she said. “One of my friends was letter box dropping in my neighbourhood and popped in for a cup of tea. My children were fighting, so this was a chance to get out of the house for a walk”.


The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, or AHPRA, has been getting a tough time in the media of late, with both The Herald and ABC’s Four Corners revealing serious problems confronting the regulator. And chief executive Martin Fletcher has had to work hard to stay on top of all the coverage.


In addition to his other duties Fletcher has kept up a running commentary with the troops, letting them know when a yarn was about to land or calming nerves after an especially damaging revelation.

But CBD is encouraged to note that Fletcher didn’t succumb to the temptation, as so many others have before him, to try to plug the leaks by telling everybody to stop talking to the media.

Those missives are nearly always immediately and gleefully leaked, making matters worse, and leaving the boss looking like a bit of a goose.

It also appears Fletcher is maintaining a cool head in a crisis.

February 3 was the third occasion in a fortnight he’d put pen to paper addressing bad press, with all those messages leaked, of course.

“It would seem we are indeed living in a 24-hour news cycle,” Fletcher wrote.


Fred Nile, that great dinosaur of NSW politics, is set to quit state parliament right as World Pride arrives in Sydney.


After four decades on Macquarie Street, Nile, who has apparently come around to Mardi Gras very slightly, has managed to form a few unusual alliances. So while we’re not entirely surprised about his friendship with the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, we’re intrigued to see the group is hosting a “farewell, thanksgiving and appreciation” event for the saurian politician at Parliament House on Thursday.

Guests will also get an introduction to Nile’s wife Silvana Nile, who is campaigning to inherit his seat in the upper house for the Revive Australia Party.

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies chief executive Darren Bark – who sent around the invites – has featured on the cover of Nile’s newsletter Family World News, so clearly the two have a bit of history.

Still, the event is raising eyebrows, with some senior members of the Jewish community concerned that the line between friendly engagement and outright campaigning has been mildly overstepped.


During sitting weeks in Canberra, politicians are never far from relentless gossip. Even, it seems when they duck away from Parliament House for a few quiet moments.

CBD’s spies spotted shadow employment minister Michaelia Cash getting her nails done, while the senator pored over a copy of New Idea near Canberra Airport last week.

The name of the salon in question? Gossip. We hope she didn’t take any phone calls.

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