

This was published 2 years ago


To Liberals considering voting teal: don’t cut off your nose to spite yourself

As a former deputy Liberal leader, Fred Chaney should be respected for his contribution to the party which he resigned from nearly 30 years ago. And since the “teal independent” candidate for Curtin is his niece, I don’t begrudge him for voting for her this election.

But I do strongly disagree with his recent analysis and arguments in The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald about so-called “moderate Liberals” and the “teal independents”.

Liberal MP Katie Allen was one of five to cross the floor and side with Labor over amendments to the religious discrimination bill.

Liberal MP Katie Allen was one of five to cross the floor and side with Labor over amendments to the religious discrimination bill.Credit: Paul Jeffers

First, I want to make clear: I am not a “leftie” as some have claimed. I am mainstream Australian and a proud member of the Liberal Party who is passionate about delivering for my local community and our country.

While I am not facing a challenge from a so-called teal independent in my seat, my colleagues in neighbouring electorates, Josh Frydenberg and Tim Wilson, are. Both Josh and Tim are hard-working local members who have the best interests of their local electorates and our country at heart. Josh has successfully navigated the country through the pandemic-induced economic crisis.

There is nothing wrong with their seats being contested by independents; indeed, it is the essence of our democracy that any Australian citizen can contest an election, and that no seat is “safe”.


But Fred Chaney has unfortunately misunderstood the role that so-called “moderate Liberals” play within the Liberal Party and in the parliament, and the consequences of them being replaced by teal independents.

I fundamentally hold to the view that you can achieve more from within the tent, working with your colleagues, than standing outside throwing stones.

Unlike those in the Labor Party, if I have dissenting views I am free to voice them without fear of consequence. For example, earlier this year, I crossed the floor on a vote relating to the religious discrimination legislation.


I didn’t do this lightly, but because I believed it was the right thing to do. Ultimately, it resulted in the bill not being progressed.

If I were a member of the Labor Party, I would have been expelled from the party for such an action.

Similarly, in Bass my colleague Bridget Archer has stood strongly for her beliefs on a range of matters, and she remains a valued member of the Liberal team.

Chaney correctly points to the Coalition’s 2050 net zero target as tangible evidence of moderates making a difference from within the Liberal Party, but then suggests it is all for nought because one National Party senator from Queensland has voiced an alternative view. To paraphrase an old saying, “one dissenting view does not make a summer” in the Liberal Party.

But what does he think will happen after the election if any of my moderate colleagues, who sit inside the party room, have been replaced by teal independents who aren’t inside the tent?

This is, in my view, the whole problem with the teal movement.

Almost without exception, they are aiming to replace moderate Liberals.

Apparently, the argument goes that the Liberal Party can be “improved” and made “more moderate” by purging the party of moderates.

It really is nonsensical.


This is exactly the same flawed argument used on Friday by Malcolm Turnbull.

How, on any measure, does removing moderate voices from the Liberal party room make the party more moderate?

The teals would have us believe that they are essentially “Liberal-lite” and if you are a moderate Liberal voter, you can safely vote for them without any negative consequences.

A bit like when Kevin Rudd told us in 2007 that he was John Howard-lite and all would be well if you voted for him. We’ve seen this story before. Indeed, Anthony Albanese has claimed the same thing again this election.

While I’ve never met independent candidate Zoe Daniel, who is running in Goldstein, nor discussed politics with Dr Monique Ryan, who is running in Kooyong, I’ve no doubt that both are well-intentioned.

But what do you actually get if you vote for them, aside from the loss of your local moderate Liberal member?

What is their economic plan? Do they support higher taxes or not? What is their position on national security?

The only certainty in voting for a teal independent is that you will get a Labor government.

Does anyone really doubt that any of the teals wouldn’t back Labor in the event of a hung parliament?


I mean – seriously? There is more chance of me playing full forward for the Dees in the grand final this year than there is of the teal independents backing the Coalition.

This is where the argument of Chaney (and others) completely fails because it is based on the false premise that these independents will prop up a Coalition government and, in doing so, will require the Coalition government to take “stronger action” on issues like climate change and an integrity commission. Only problem: we won’t be in government.

Make no mistake, voting independent won’t mean a better Liberal Party. It’ll mean the opposite.

It’ll mean a weaker Liberal Party, with moderate voices reduced in number.

If you vote teal, you are voting for a Labor government.

So my message to Liberal voters considering voting teal is this: Please stick with us. Don’t cut off your nose to spite yourself.

Dr Katie Allen MP is the federal Member for Higgins and is a former paediatrician and medical research professor.

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