

This was published 1 year ago


This broken policy has put the brakes on gender equity

This International Women’s Day is taking place in Australia at a time of great momentum on the path towards equity. In the past 12 months paid parental leave was expanded, childcare costs were reduced and gender equity was included as an objective in the industrial relations system.

But as we gather for workplace morning teas across the country to celebrate, we should spare a thought for the women missing out on the free cupcakes (however stale) because they have been blocked from returning to work after having children, a result of poorly designed government policies.

It is a time of great momentum on the path towards equity in Australia, but there is more work to do.

It is a time of great momentum on the path towards equity in Australia, but there is more work to do.Credit: Getty Images

Women’s participation in paid work is the focus of many efforts to improve gender equity as it underpins economic security throughout a woman’s working life and in retirement. A lack of ongoing connection to paid work contributes to rising rates of poverty and homelessness in women aged over 65.

The Commonwealth Treasury did the analysis last year, and while women earn the same as men before children, after children their incomes drop 55 per cent and never recover. Getting the policies right around work and family is therefore critical in achieving gender equity long term, and in Australia our policies are falling well short of international best practice.

Australia only introduced universal paid maternity leave 12 years ago, a policy that is important because it maintains the relationship between women and their employer and makes the return to work much more likely. New analysis by Impact Economics and Policy this week found that the introduction of universal paid maternity leave increased employment by mothers with children under five by 75,000, adding $8.5 billion to the size of the economy. That’s a lot of extra cupcakes needed at work morning teas around the country for International Women’s Day.


Among the barriers that remain for women looking to get back into work after having children, none is more pressing than the ill-designed activity test for childcare subsidies. The activity test links the hours of subsidised childcare to the current work activity of parents. It is contributing to 126,000 children from low-income families missing out on the benefits of early childhood education and care.

The activity test is justified on the basis that it increases incentives to work – the more you work, the more childcare subsidy you receive. This makes basic intuitive sense but doesn’t account for the reality of searching for work and securing a childcare spot. The policy creates a chicken-and-egg dilemma for women who have to find a new job after having a child – they can’t work without childcare, and they can’t afford childcare without work.

While many women benefited from improved attachment to their employer as a result of the introduction of paid maternity leave, many have not been as lucky. These women include those in casual work, women who have moved areas after having children or women who for other reasons cannot return to their previous job. For these women, under the activity test, returning to work means bearing the cost of unsubsidised childcare while they search for a new job, which at up to $600 a week is unaffordable for many.


The delays in finding childcare make these issues worse – get offered an additional shift or new job, and good luck finding a childcare place any time soon. Ask any new parent and they will tell you that waitlists for childcare places are often expressed in years, not months or weeks.


Abolishing the activity test would solve this chicken-and-egg dilemma for women who need to find a new job after having children because these children would already be attending childcare regardless of their mother’s current work activity. Just like paid maternity leave helped solve the dilemma by securing a mother’s employment, abolishing the activity test will solve the dilemma for mothers who find themselves needing a new job after having a child.

We estimate that abolishing the activity test will lift employment among mothers with children under five by about 40,000 and add $4.5 billion to GDP. The majority of these gains will be among women in low-income households, with single mothers the big winners overall. Gender equity pays – for women, their families and the economy.

Achieving gender equity requires dismantling all the structural barriers that stand in the way of women working, and the activity test can no longer be justified on the basis of lifting participation. It is hurting children who are missing out on early childhood education and care, and it is hurting women who cannot return to work. Let’s hope at our morning teas next year we will be celebrating the end of the activity test, and enjoying even more cupcakes (hopefully fresh) with the women who will be able to return to work as a result.

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