

This was published 16 years ago

The Wunderkind

When fresh-faced Alister Jordan started in Kevin Rudd's Brisbane office in 2002, other staff dubbed him Mr April. The super-ambitious workaholic Labor MP was churning through employees and there was no reason to expect the 22-year-old who'd answered a newspaper job ad would survive any longer than the others, Mr January and Mr February.

Six-and-a-half years later, Jordan not only has outlasted everyone but has become Rudd's closest political adviser, even a de facto member of the Rudd family. He is the employee Rudd trusts implicitly, the person he is most likely to speak with at the start and end of his day. And now he is to become the Prime Minister's chief of staff, making him one of the more powerful unelected people in the country. And he's not yet 30.

"If anyone can get the PM to change his mind on an issue it's usually Alister," says a well-placed senior Labor MP who has worked closely with the two men.

Jordan and Rudd share similar backgrounds, both growing up without fathers in the same part of Queensland. Because of the 22-year age difference, some describe it as a father-son type relationship. Jordan displays an unswerving loyalty to Rudd and, according to insiders, is usually able to anticipate the boss's requests.

"I find him very personable and very smart. He's very accessible. He is without any pretension," says Heather Ridout, head of the Australian Industry Group and one of the better-connected people on Capital Hill. "He's young but he's got a lot of strong qualities. He actually makes things happen and he's very effective. I'm quite impressed by him."


It's high praise from someone who has worked closely with many of Jordan's predecessors such as Don Russell, who headed Paul Keating's office, Arthur Sinodinos, who anchored John Howard's team and David Epstein, whose decision to leave Rudd's office has opened the door for Jordan's elevation. "He's an awful lot younger and much less experienced than all of them but he probably knows Kevin more closely than the others knew their bosses. They've sort of grown up together, Kevin and Alister," Ridout says.

The big question mark over Jordan, who formally takes the job on November 14, is will he be strong enough to say no to the PM or will he be a yes-man, and at 29 is he simply too young to have the wisdom and experience to be the chief of staff?

As one close observer notes, Jordan has only ever held two full-time jobs, both with Labor MPs. "All of his adult life has been devoted to the 24-hour-a-day service of a madman." His life experience is thin and many of the people he must control are hard-nosed long-time political players. Another draws on the father-son analogy, saying the difference is that "real sons argue with their fathers, Alister won't argue with Kevin".

Not surprisingly, critics prefer to be unnamed and unseen. Jordan does say no to Kevin but he'll have to say it a lot more often and over a wider range of fronts, particularly on areas such as foreign affairs, domestic policy and on programming the PM's agenda.

Supporters outnumber critics.

"The chief of staff job, as much as anything else, is managing the PM and Alister knows him, knows his foibles, knows what he wants, knows his tone of voice, knows when to leave him alone," says a long-time Labor operative. "That's a skill set you really can't get except by the experience that Alister's had with him. It's a sort of osmotic process. Not something you learn in a book. His strength is knowing Rudd."

Jordan is the latest inductee to the Pineapple Mafia - the collection of Queenslanders who have claimed top political jobs in the past year: Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan, who both hail from Nambour High School; the Governor-General, Quentin Bryce; and the Senate President, John Hogg.

Jordan, who has been married for four years, was born at Southport on the Gold Coast but soon moved to Landsborough on the Sunshine Coast after his father left the family when he was a baby. He has had no relationship with him. Raised by his mother, the family spent five years in Tasmania where Jordan completed year 10 at Hobart's boys-only New Town High School before the family moved back to Queensland and settled in the Glasshouse Mountains. He finished years 11 and 12 at Beerwah State High School. He has four half-brothers aged 15, 17, 20 and 23.

Rudd likes to quip that Jordan is from "South Nambour". Jordan has been known to reply with the reworked Monty Python hardship line "we could only dream of living in Nambour".

Jordan decided politics would be his life but he showed no interest in student politics at the University of Queensland where he graduated in political science. He had virtually no time for campus life, rushing away for the hour's drive to his part-time job at a Sunshine Coast poultry farm. And unlike the generations who went into politics because they were inspired by Gough Whitlam or repulsed by him, or because they wanted to protest against a war or tear down a social evil, there was no tipping point for Jordan.

The university is in the state seat of Indooroopilly, so Jordan sought and won his first full-time job with a Labor MP, Ronan Lee, as a jack of all trades.

"I thought very highly of Alister's abilities and potential," Lee says.

After a year, Jordan spied a vacancy with the federal MP for the south Brisbane seat of Griffith. Rudd had recently been promoted to the front bench by Simon Crean as foreign affairs spokesman and Jordan's ambition extended beyond a state backbencher.

The job interview was his first meeting with Rudd. The two men quickly discovered they believed in the same things and worked well together. Critically, Jordan was prepared to work seven days a week, up to 18 hours a day. At that time, Rudd's office was considered a hardship posting by other Labor staff in Canberra. Rudd was an extremely demanding boss, who compelled staff to work weekends, hence the high burnout rate. But Jordan relished the lonely struggle they made together and it forged a close bond. Jordan is the only member of Rudd's Canberra staff today who worked with him when he was foreign affairs spokesman - remarkably less than two years ago.

While working for Rudd, Jordan did honours and completed by correspondence a Deakin University master's degree in public policy and governance.

Rudd dangled his leadership shingle in 2003 when Mark Latham replaced Crean and then, in 2005, when Latham imploded and Kim Beazley resumed the leadership. On both occasions, interest from his colleagues was lukewarm at best. Critically, when the Rudd family sat down at their Norman Park home in January 2005 to discuss the leadership, Jordan was part of the discussion. He had crossed that unseen line separating employee and right-hand man.

Rudd had no support from union or factional quarters but he had Jordan. Together they waged a not always subtle campaign to lift his stocks in the community and the caucus. They worked the backbench and made friends, in the same way Rudd charmed viewers of Channel Seven's Sunrise show.

The AWB Iraqi kickback scandal and the resulting royal commission was made for Rudd and Jordan, who spent five months sitting in the fifth-floor hearing room at 55 Market Street taking notes and reporting back to Rudd, who would hit the media at every possible opportunity.

By the end of 2006 - when Rudd and Julia Gillard joined forces to challenge Beazley - Jordan effectively ran the campaign, chairing the thrice-daily telephone conferences to count the numbers and plot subsequent moves.

Jordan did not become chief of staff when Rudd won. He was deputy to David Epstein, who was somewhat reluctant to return to the political front line after his time working for the Hawke and Keating governments and the Beazley Opposition. Epstein resisted party approaches at the end of 2006 and early 2007 before he succumbed to a barrage of phone calls from Rudd. The deal was sealed over dinner and a few red wines at a Melbourne restaurant in April last year. Rudd had planned for Jordan to become chief of staff within a year or two and Epstein had only intended to stay for the election campaign. He was again persuaded by Senator John Faulkner and Rudd to oversee the transition to government but indicated he would leave at the end of this year or early next. The unexpected manner of his resignation two weeks ago came about because Epstein - having decided he did not want a plum public service or diplomatic role - was offered a private-sector job and there was the prospect of word leaking out.

There was little surprise in Canberra circles at Jordan's rise and those close to him say he does not seem daunted. Another observer is more wary of overstating Rudd's relationship with Jordan. "They certainly have a very strong relationship but it's also like that between Kevin and Lochie and Kevin and Epstein." Lochie is the PM's chief media adviser, Lachlan Harris, also in his late 20s.

It's likely Jordan will evolve into a principal political adviser with the new deputy David Fredericks assuming the role of chief operating officer. Fredericks has been chief of staff to Beazley and was most recently performing that role for the Climate Change Minister, Penny Wong, which put him at the heart of the emissions-trading policy. One observer says the elevation of Fredericks will be reassuring because the former barrister has a few grey hairs.

Grahame Morris, who was chief of staff for John Howard, says the job requires tolerance of people who can range from being extremely agitated to downright boring.

"You virtually kiss your family goodbye and you become married to the job and to your boss," he says. "It is an extraordinary mixture of being a sounding board, an adviser, a calming influence, a hyping influence, a mate, mixed with a huge dose of common sense. Your first job starts at 7 o'clock and your last phone call is just before midnight and that's all day, every day. "You've got to be able to convince the PM that he's either on the right track or tell him when he's being a goose and you can only do that if there's respect upwards and downwards. From what I've seen and from what good judges tell me, Jordan is a good operator."

Sinodinos, who replaced Morris and ran Howard's office for the best part of a decade, is considered the doyen in this line of work. He says it is critical to control access to the PM to make sure he gets a range of views on issues. "It's what you might describe as positive gate-keeping, as opposed to trying to keep people out or trying to create a shield around the PM," he said. "It's important to say no to the boss and have the capacity to put a contrary view, whether it's to the Prime Minister or to senior departmental people. You are not there to echo the boss."

Epstein is also full of praise. "I think Alister is a very, very strong political intellect and he will demonstrate that in the new role. He will do it differently from the way I did but you wouldn't expect it to be any other way. Alister is a person with well-grounded political views and well-grounded judgments and for the entire time I've worked with him, I've never seen him find any difficulty expressing those views, when they might differ from the Prime Minister's or my own."

Chris Kenny was Alexander Downer's chief of staff and regularly jousted with Jordan. He recalls a plane trip before the 2004 campaign when Rudd started a competition to guess the election result. Jordan tipped the Coalition by a seat. "It showed amazing courage and honesty in front of his boss to say they were going to lose," says Kenny, who says he found Jordan to be a smart, reliable and worthy opponent.

While Jordan has told colleagues the high point of the first year of government has been signing the Kyoto Protocol, the apology to the stolen generations and handing down the budget, the low was the angry response from pensioners to the budget. What surprised and stung Jordan was seeing people question the Rudd Government's values and whether it cared for the vulnerable.

Jordan's day typically starts at 5.30am when he checks messages and news on his home computer. He is usually at work by 6am and it is not uncommon for him still to be at Parliament House 14 to 16 hours later. In the evening he often joins a walking group that can include senior MPs, party officials and staff. It's the only exercise many get as they pace around the bushland that borders Parliament, still talking on mobile phones.

Jordan's personal policy priorities match those of the party - equality of education, a basic safety net and climate change. He is not religious and does not view social issues through a leftist prism. He is an economic conservative, just like his boss. Jordan believes markets should operate as freely as possible with as little interference as possible - a view tested by recent events.

People can't help remarking on Jordan's age when they see him alongside experienced operators such as the Treasury secretary, Ken Henry, who has been involved in the public policy debate almost as long as Jordan has been alive. The immediate future for Jordan is living with the weight of expectations as the political class waits to see if he succumbs or succeeds. And after that? He hasn't ruled out standing for office one day.

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