By Alan Ramsey
Kerry-Anne Walsh has worked in the Canberra press gallery for 22 years. She's done television and radio - as a producer for Kerry O'Brien when he anchored Channel Ten's Face to Face program (now long defunct) on national politics in the late '80s and as Pru Goward's producer on ABC's Radio National in the early '90s - and she spent six years writing national affairs for The Bulletin, along with stints in the Murdoch stable's Telegraph group, both daily and Sunday. "KA" understands politics and its games and the minders who infest both. In 2003 she joined the Fairfax group as federal political writer for Sydney's Sunday Sun-Herald.
You need to know this background for what follows.
You also need to know about Walt Secord and Lachlan Harris and Alister Jordan. Secord is Kevin Rudd's senior media bloke. He is a big Canadian with an even bigger appetite who was Bob Carr's media bloke for many years, right up until Carr quit as NSW premier 19 months ago.
The other two are young political go-getters in their 20s. Harris, with his skinhead "buzz" haircut, is a Sydney lawyer who worked for two federal Labor frontbenchers, Robert McClelland and then Wayne Swan, before he joined Rudd's staff after Rudd gained the Labor leadership last December. The baby-faced Jordan, from Brisbane, was Rudd's chief of staff before the leadership coup. He is now Rudd's chief political adviser.
The other key figure in this story is Simon Dulhunty, the editor of The Sun-Herald. And, above all, there is Kevin Rudd.
What this story is about is a bit of attempted political thuggery. It's the story of the story that Rudd and his minders tried to kill. And when I say kill, I mean kill. Not deferred, or gutted, or rewritten to suit the Labor leader. Gone altogether. Kaput. Never published. They failed. The Sun-Herald published the story three weeks ago, on March 11. It was the edition with a modest pointer, at the bottom of its front page, which said: "Revealed: The family that disputes Kevin Rudd's version of childhood eviction. Pages 10,11."
Inside, across the two pages, was the headline "A disputed eviction and a tale of family honour". Under it was the story by Kerry-Anne Walsh and Eamonn Duff, a Sun-Herald staffer in Sydney, and photos of Rudd as a boy, his father Bert, who died in 1969 when Rudd was 11, and the sharefarmer's cottage where the Rudd family lived near Nambour in Queensland until Bert Rudd's death. Over the headline, with equal prominence, were highlighted quotes by Kevin Rudd and by Jill McCahon, one of the daughters of the dead Aubrey Low, the owner of the dairy farm, who stood accused of having evicted the Rudd family after Bert's death.
The McCahon quote read: "He's [Kevin Rudd] dragged our father's proud reputation through the mud time and time again. Dad was a caring, compassionate man. What pains us most is that he thought the world of the Rudds." The Rudd quote read: "My mother was told she had to leave the farm - and that was that. [Mr Low] was a very tough businessman, as my mother discovered in her dealings with him."
That gives you the essence of the disputed story. But the real story, the extraordinary political story, is what happened before it got into print.
Walsh heard about the Low family's "deeply aggrieved" attitude to Rudd's "evolving" version of events from, she says, a non-political source at a Canberra social function. That was five to six weeks ago. She began digging. Duff did the same in Sydney, where one of the Low family's four daughters lives. By Saturday, March 3, they had their story.
Walsh began phoning Rudd's staff at 8.15am. She tracked down Alister Jordan and told him what their story was. The paper wanted Rudd's response, she said. She emailed Jordan a list of questions. But it was Harris who phoned 90 minutes later, "ranting like a lunatic". Her "insulting" questions were "disgusting" and "impugned Kevin's integrity". "How dare" she ask them. "Are you calling him a liar?" And "Kevin's going to hit the roof". He was "so disgusted", Harris said, he wouldn't discuss it any longer.
With that, he hung up.
Three hours later, about 1pm, Harris phoned Walsh back in "the same feral, belligerent mood". He went through a detailed time line of Rudd's recall after his father's death in February 1969. However, it was non-attributable, "on deep background only". And if the paper decided to publish, knowing what they were being told, "we will regard it is a deliberate malicious assault" on Rudd. If this happened, "we'll have 100 people ready to roll tomorrow morning to trash you and your paper".
At 1.30, after a conference call between Sydney and Canberra involving Dulhunty, his deputy, Bill Watt, Walsh and Duff, Dulhunty decided not to publish that weekend, but to dig deeper. Duff was sent to Nambour, north of Brisbane, and its nearby hamlet of Eumundi the following week. On the Wednesday, Walsh saw Harris in the Parliament House press gallery corridor near her office. Pulling him inside, saying "I want to talk to you", she told him: "You don't do yourself or Kevin any good by abusing or threatening me." She says Harris replied: "Yeah, yeah, you're just doing your job."
By the night of Friday, March 9, Duff was back from Queensland. The paper was doubly confident of its story. The next morning Duff phoned Harris. They were publishing next day, he told him. The paper still wanted Rudd's response. There was, Duff would say later, "a screaming match". Duff, "sick of the ranting abuse", hung up. Then the phone began ringing at the editor's desk.
The first caller was Walt Secord. It was midday. What was going on? he asked Dulhunty. It was in nobody's interests that the story be published, so why was it running? In fact, was it going to run? Yes, it was, Secord was told. Alister Jordan was the next caller.
Jordan told Dulhunty "it's your call", and "nobody's trying to put any pressure on you". But couldn't the paper hold the story "this week" and give Rudd time to respond? Dulhunty pointed out the story had already been held over from the previous week. Well, Jordan tried again, if they could find evidence the Low family's version of events was "factually wrong", would the paper consider not running the story? No, said Dulhunty. If they had "some evidence to make your side factually right", he'd include it in the story as Rudd's response.
Jordan: "So the story is definitely running."
Dulhunty: "Yes it is."
Jordan said he couldn't, at that time, "get Kevin out of an important lunch" but Dulhunty would hear back from them later. Rudd phoned between 2pm and 3pm. It was the first of five calls to the Sun-Herald editor - seven calls in all, including the calls by Secord and Jordan, in a span of four to five hours. Rudd's first call lasted at least 30 minutes, some would say as long as 50 minutes. Some harsh things were said.
What the paper was doing was "a disgrace", Rudd claimed, the "wrong thing for yourself, and you're kicking my dead mother in the guts". He started to argue as if it was all a point of law, on the technicality of what was an eviction. Dulhunty responded that obviously to anyone who'd heard his story, it was that "basically he was marched off the farm with his mother the day after his dad died", and that was the interpretation that was being questioned, not the meaning of "eviction".
Rudd kept insisting the story shouldn't run. He hung up, but called back again, asserting that to publish would be "a serious mistake", it wasn't right, it was "an assault" on his character. "Cut to the core, Simon," he said. "This is nothing about anyone else, it's not the story of a family's interpretation of events, this is an assault on my character. Cut to the core." Dulhunty would say later: "He just went ballistic about this."
Rudd made, it seems, at least three more calls. If Dulhunty was convinced he was going to run the story, what could he say? Rudd asked. He was told, yet again, that the paper would like his response. He said he would email a reply, then called again to say he would dictate his words. "He sounded like he was in a cupboard," Dulhunty told others later. Where Rudd was, in fact, the paper learned that night, was at lunch at the Sydney home of the Murdoch columnist Piers Akerman.
Dulhunty thought Rudd's response was a "good one" and he was "happy to have it". But then Rudd phoned again, wanting to know where exactly the story was going to run in the paper; it would be "a disgrace if this is the splash", and was it going to The Sunday Age in Melbourne - "I want to know right now." In fact, Rudd or his office rang The Age's Canberra bureau and its Melbourne office to be told the Sunday paper was not carrying the story. I phoned Dulhunty this week to confirm Rudd's calls.
He said: "There were seven calls between him and his team, maybe only six, perhaps even eight, to try to have that story pulled. There was a bit of pressure to me, there was certainly pressure to KA to roll or she was [expletive] in Canberra, and all of this bullshit language. I think his minders were heavier to KA than they were to me. There is no doubt they did not want that story in the paper."
Kevin Rudd has a dangerously glass jaw.