

This was published 2 years ago


The sounds of my family, and other irritants

Thump, clang, chink, chink, slam, bang, crash, shh, tap, tap, tap. Are these the rhythmic sounds of the internationally acclaimed percussion group, Stomp? No. These are the sounds of my husband and kids getting ready in the morning.

I can’t say for certain whether my housemates have become louder in their everyday activities, or if the pandemic and the resulting “quantity time” together has made me less tolerant.

It can be difficult to control reactions to the noises loved ones make when you’ve spent a lot of time together at home.

It can be difficult to control reactions to the noises loved ones make when you’ve spent a lot of time together at home.Credit: iStock

I realised the impact these sounds were having on me last year, when I found myself googling, “Why does my husband type so loudly?” It turns out, it could either be his particular brand of laptop with its sexy, ultra-slim keyboard, which amplifies the sound, or a heavy-handed typing style which looks graceful but sounds like a chimpanzee randomly pounding on the keys.

The third possibility offered up by the internet was that I have a condition called misophonia, literally translated as “hatred of sounds”.

To be honest, any one of these, or all of the above, seems plausible.

Most of us have at least one sound that grates on our nerves or triggers a physiological response. There’s the common fingernails on a chalkboard, and then there are more unique ones like the sound of a metal scoop scraping the inside of a wax coated ice-cream container, which sends one of my kids running.

For my husband, it’s the sound of me telling him he’s making an annoying noise. It’s most unfortunate that he loves to eat things that crunch. Apples, nuts, chips. I enjoy these things too, but when I’m the one making the noise, it’s not at all irritating.


I’m trying to control my reactions to the sounds that my loved ones can’t help making. I acknowledge it’s unreasonable to ask them not to breathe. Similarly, it’s unfair to ask them not to chew their food. After all, they are not pythons.

I happily take the small victories when they come. For example, after months of shuffling around the house in a pair of backless, slide-style slippers, which admittedly I purchased, my husband finally bought himself a different pair. I think it was my strong words of encouragement (he might say “threats”) that finally motivated him to make the switch.

The difference to our lives has been significant. Now, I don’t have to listen to scuff, scuff, scuff as he navigates walking on the wooden floorboards while keeping the slippers on his feet, and he doesn’t have to listen to me singing, “every day I’m shufflin”’, every time he walks. Win. Win.

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