

This was published 17 years ago

The reluctant millionaire

He is absent from BRW's rich list. His houses in Bellevue Hill and Palm Beach are both beautifully positioned and perfectly private. In a recent legal tussle he was shielded from public view as "Mr D. J. O" in court documents.

If you search for his name on the web you will find some yachting references, but it takes a lot more excavation than that to find the man behind the veil he has drawn on himself.

If it was not for his reclusive nature, Denis James O'Neil could strut the stage in a David Williamson play in which the characters joke about boys' toys and stunning harbour views.

O'Neil, 71, is one of the wealthiest men in Sydney, a past yachting playmate of Paul Keating, a property developer who also indulges his lifelong hobby of buying, renovating and selling classic boats, and a supreme networker who numbers among his friends the former grocery magnate John David, the yachtie turned developer Iain Murray, the former retail boss John Walton, (O'Neil was his best man), Lucy Turnbull and Judy Joye, whose former husband, Ian Joye, was once in the O'Neil inner circle until they locked horns in a legal dispute over the Observatory Tower residential development in Millers Point.

For the past 15 years, O'Neil has gone quietly about his businesses, making money from a substantial property portfolio, until one year ago his ambitious plans for the Rose Bay marina pushed him into the spotlight.


'I'm a private person. I don't like publicity," he said this week, declining to pose for a portrait. But hadn't he been happy to sit, 11 years ago, for this photo (lower left)?

Yes, but "I regretted it".

With little fanfare, O'Neil and business partners have developed the Excelsior apartments in Elizabeth Street and Observatory Tower in Kent Street, converted into apartments the Goldsbrough Mort woolstore at Pyrmont and the Rex Hotel in Kings Cross, spent $35 million developing the Shangri La in Cairns into a five-star hotel, invested in housing projects in Mackay and Brisbane and, more recently, bought the freehold of 20 retail properties at Melbourne's Freshwater Place residential tower.

A year ago, his company, Addenbrooke Pty Ltd, lodged a development application for the Rose Bay marina, where James Packer, John Symond and Lowy family members are said to be anxious to park their superyachts, if, and when, the application is approved.

Addenbrooke bought the nearby Point Piper marina in 1994 for $6 million from the former Grundy executive Ian Holmes. O'Neil's adviser, Tim Allerton of City Public Relations, said the Rose Bay marina was "bought off market". It was "a complicated acquisition and subject to a confidentiality clause".

O'Neil has spent at least another $2 million drawing up plans to combine the Point Piper and Rose Bay marinas into one new development, on lobbying NSW politicians (the NSW Maritime Authority gave landowners' consent earlier this year), on schmoozing Woollahra Council and on an advertising campaign in the local paper, The Wentworth Courier.

Full-time and part-time workers at the Rose Bay marina, including one Cranbrook schoolboy, have been paid to take petitions to malls, shops and cafes. O'Neil claims to have a staggering 16,000 petition signatures.

The campaign against the development is equally intense, spearheaded by a powerful group of 19 well-connected businessmen and women, all residents of Wunulla Road, Point Piper, and the resident groups, the Rose Bay Residents Association, Save Rose Bay and No Mega Marina.

The No Mega Marina gang will be outside Woollahra Council chambers again on Monday, carrying their banners urging motorists to honk if they hate the marina idea.

If the council does not approve the application by the deadline of late next month, O'Neil will go to the Land and Environment Court. "It's not just a project for me, it's a passion," says O'Neil, who won the 1968 Sydney to Hobart and competed in Olympic sailing events in Munich and Montreal.

Ned O'Neil, his son and frontman for the development, denied rumours that the marina would later be sold off to Macquarie Bank or any other investor.

Denis O'Neil's opponents talk of his "charm offensive", his tendency to call in favours, and of the intricate social networks that can support his causes.

He may not be happy with one prominent eastern suburbs networker, Malcolm Turnbull, who said in August that the new marina "appears far too big and the fundamental problem is that it will change the character of Rose Bay dramatically".

Ned O'Neil says Turnbull had not been briefed on the development application but that his family has offered briefings to many politicians.

Lunching and coffee breaks are part of the O'Neil campaign, with some Woollahra councillors meeting Denis or Ned at the Royal Motor Yacht Club in Wunulla Road, and at the cafe tucked under the Pier restaurant at the Rose Bay marina. On the O'Neil team is the former state Liberal leader Kerry Chikarovski, who, says Ned, "works on a lot of our projects. She provides advice on how to go through the DA experience".

Asked whether Graham Richardson had also lobbied on their behalf, Ned says "Graham is someone we know socially but he hasn't done any direct stuff for us".

Andrew Petrie, a former Woollahra mayor, said he had met Denis O'Neil at the RMYC and had also had a coffee with him at the Rose Bay marina cafe, along with a Point Piper resident, the Aussie Home Loans chairman John Symond, who owns a 28-metre yacht, Xanadu, now moored at Rozelle.

The Royal Motor Yacht Club has played its own role in the marina debate, with Michael Tess, its then commodore, earlier this year writing to Woollahra Council in support of the development.

An O'Neil opponent, Mark Dalgleish, the chief executive of the software company C4 Communication, wrote to the council to question Tess's endorsement. Dalgleish, a member of the club, said that an overwhelming number of club members objected to the marina plans at the annual general meeting and maintained that Tess and O'Neil were friends and former colleagues.

O'Neil says "a couple of years ago, he [Tess] oversaw the marina, on a consultancy basis, along with nine others".

It would be hard to find a resident of Vaucluse, Point Piper, Bellevue Hill or Rose Bay who did not have a passing acquaintance or a past business association with O'Neil. He has lived in the east all his life, as have his brothers, Rodney, Colin and Garrett, his sisters, Loretta and Janette, and their father, Les, who established Australian Blue Metal, which merged with Readymix Concrete and is now owned by CSR.

In the late 1950s, Denis O'Neil formed a transport business which became the family-owned Hymix when it expanded into blue metal quarrying, sand production and ready-mix concrete. Hymix was bought by Pioneer International in 1998 for a price estimated at the time as between $200 million and $300 million. Just how the money was allocated between the O'Neil siblings is not known, but there have been suggestions that some fell out over the sale.

Remarkably, the good-looking and wealthy O'Neil remained single until, at the age of 47, he met Anne Charlotte Tennant at Cowes. His marriage in 1983 gave him extra social cachet. The Tennant family is headed by Colin Tennant (Baron Glenconner) a friend of Princess Margaret's. For a wedding present in 1960, he gave Princess Margaret four hectares on his private island, Mustique.

For close to 20 years, O'Neil and his family have lived at "Addenbrooke", the former Bellevue Hill home of Sir Lionel Coppleson, once chairman of Custom Credit.

The O'Neils do not stray far from the eastern suburbs, with their three sons, Ned, Jake, and Toby, all attending Scots College. They are all directors of Addenbrooke's holding company along with their sister, Poppy.

When they do travel out of that comfort zone their escape is in Iluka Road, on the Pittwater side of Palm Beach, where the family owns a house supplemented in 1995 when they bought the cottage of a neighbour, knocked it down, and planted a lawn and trees.

The street has provided plenty of work for the architect Walter Barda, who has designed houses there for John David and O'Neil and for the David family's new residential triplex, in which two units have sold recently for more than $4 million each. The decor for the triplex was handled by Thomas Hamel, who also designed the interiors of Cambria, one of many yachts owned or partly owned by O'Neil. He now owns a 1927 timber-board boat, Blue Goose, and a 1936 yacht, Kyeema.

"Dad loves these old-fashioned things," says Ned.

The 34-metre Cambria, launched in 1928, was perhaps the most loved of all his sailing or motor yachts. Bought in the '90s by O'Neil, John David and Iain Murray, it was restored at a cost of $3 million and offered for sale by 2000 for $7.5 million.

Keating had spotted the classic yacht, in poor condition, at a mooring in Townsville and told O'Neil. (The Keating family knows the O'Neils from the days when Keating's father, Matt, ran a company specialising in equipment for the ready-mix concrete industry.)

In 2001, when the owners were still trying to sell Cambria for about $10 million, David told The Australian Financial Review: "Paul's [Keating] been out on it many times. In fact we have a nickname for him. We call him Araldite because when he gets hold of the wheel he sticks to it and won't give it up".

Keating, who had stayed with the O'Neils at Palm Beach, is just one of many who have enjoyed the the sub-tropical beauty and climate of the Iluka Road enclave.

Once a laid-back street of fibro shacks, Iluka Road had become, by the 1990s, a sanctuary - almost a private club - for a few wealthy Sydneysiders.

Their houses tend not to have fences and their land rolls down towards the beach.

As a "high-value enclave" residents had "this increasing concern with privacy. It's a social issue, how you deal with it - the concept of public access to foreshores clashes with privacy," says Angus Gordon, a former general manager of Pittwater Council.

Gordon did not recall the O'Neils as making any appeal on road closures or land claims, as had some residents, but coincidentally this same issue - public access to public land versus private development - is one argument central to the Rose Bay marina debate.

Ned O'Neil says the marina will be a "a community asset" with wide marina walkways being publicly accessible and creating an extension of the Rose Bay promenade.

The protesters maintain that the increase in boat mass will make public access more difficult and destroy views.

Tanya Excell, a Greens councillor on Woollahra Council, said the bigger marina would block "the view of Shark Island [from the Rose Bay promenade] for 200 metres".

Now, many boats are on swing moorings but these will greatly decrease. At a bigger floating marina there will be a dramatic increase in the number of 15- to 20-metre boats. In the new marina, nearly half the boats would be that length whereas half the boats at the marina now are 10 metres.

Another Greens councillor at Woollahra, the barrister David Shoebridge, said "swing moorings are a middle-class pleasure. The new marina is for the economic elite."

The benefit for the O'Neils will be the increased income, with higher berthing fees and possible add-on income from catering packages and maintenance services.

The Wunulla Road residents, whose properties look down on Rose Bay, are "still at the sharp end" of the fight, says Dalgleish. "We've been working on reports, have commissioned legal advice," he says, and they have had an architectural designer working on scale plans and models.

The Wunulla Road dress circle army includes Pierce Cody, who formerly ran the advertising firm Cody Outdoor, the architect Harold Finger, the South African businessman David Levin and the auctioneer Dahlia Stanley.

"What troubles me," says Stanley, "is the appropriation of public space and public water for for private use and private profit".

"With the greatest respect," says O'Neil, "the few objectors are in the minority."

In short, the protesters were "completely misinformed".

O'Neil is ready for a long fight, in court if necessary. His days in splendid isolation have faded far into the horizon.

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