

This was published 1 year ago


The bulk of doctors aren’t overbilling you for their care

This story is part of a series examining how billions of dollars are being rorted from Medicare each year.See all 30 stories.

Doctors across the country woke up on Monday to this masthead’s joint investigation with the ABC covering “Medicare rorts” claiming to cost taxpayers billions. It was a day of despair for the majority of us medicos. Not because of what you may expect – a fear of audit or diminished income. We despaired because of what it means for our reputation. For, at the crux of it all, most of us truly care about you, our patient, and our ability to heal. Not what we gain to profit from the healthcare system.

“It takes years to be able to claim Medicare in your own right. Most of us take this extremely seriously, as with privilege comes responsibility.”

“It takes years to be able to claim Medicare in your own right. Most of us take this extremely seriously, as with privilege comes responsibility.”Credit: Peter Braig

Public mistrust in our profession has been brewing since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Two years ago, we were applauded in our scrubs. Now, we get eyerolls when we ask you to keep wearing your mask in our clinics, for your protection (and ours). Comments about the influence of big pharma on our prescribing choices have become more widespread. It has not just been a pandemic of COVID-19 but of misinformation about what we stand for as a group.

Doctors often top high-income earner lists but know that most of us do not fall into this category. Most of us do not do this job for the money – GPs, in fact, make only slightly more than train drivers. There are far easier and faster ways to make a good living.

Our training is brutal, no matter the specialty. Whether we become GPs or interventional cardiologists, we make hard, tireless sacrifices to achieve fellowship. We sacrifice our youth. We sacrifice our social life. We sacrifice friends. We sacrifice our family time. We sacrifice our own health.

So, why do we do this? I say, the influence of the three Es. Those who strive for egality, those who are driven by ego and the empaths.


It is not easy to access Medicare. It takes years to be able to claim Medicare in your own right. Most of us take this extremely seriously, as with privilege comes responsibility.

Of course there are those who are not as well-intentioned, just like in every profession, who are driven by the fourth E – economy. I was ashamed to hear about the stories of those who aim to game the system. It is encouraged in some circles. But of course, like all things, there is a spectrum of misdeeds. At the far end, we read about one practitioner who was billing dead people – this is atrocious. But this is so far from the norm that our profession as a group should not be tainted with the same stain.

What the investigative piece failed to mention is that evidence has shown that many of us underbill. I can attest to this. For example, in general practice, a patient who takes 50 minutes to discuss their complex trauma. The code most fitting applies to a 20-minute mental health consultation. We cannot bill anything further.


Same goes for the conversations we have with colleagues to best co-ordinate our patients’ care. This work is priceless – literally and figuratively. In general practice, all of these extras that enhance patient care have given us reason to turn to private billing like our non-GP specialist colleagues – the rebate decided by the government does not cover our time, along with our room rent, our staff or our equipment.

The overservicing we hear about is often driven by corporate profit and investigations should focus on these business models rather than the doctors who work there. Most of us are sole traders. Our medical indemnity fees are huge. Our registration fees go up every year. Our college memberships and educational requirements are immense. The debts from our university days only start being paid off in our thirties. It’s a lot to contend with in this economy. And don’t even get me started on the medical gender pay gap.


I would love to know how experts address doctors “billing residents who are cognitively impaired and don’t have a recollection of what was discussed”. Many of our vulnerable elderly have cognitive conditions such as dementia in our aged care facilities. And no matter how hard we try, they will never remember what we covered on a ward round. How are we meant to address this? Not bill and work for free? The aged care facilities that make millions a year in profit refuse to pay our fees. Medicare does not adequately cover the time required to do this work, if you include driving to the facility, finding the nurse, filling out medication charts, writing our notes – let alone covering the consultation time!

This is one of the major reasons so many of us no longer doing residential aged care facility work. Another systemic failure that is not the doctor’s fault, but greatly impacts on the care of our elders.

Increasing red tape in order to comply with Medicare Benefits Schedule rules is another contributing factor. Regarding GPs, many of us use templates to base our notes around not because we do a copy and paste job with each patient, but because we need the extra time to provide good quality care within the limits of a stressed system. We use this time to look our patients in the eye, observe the nonverbal signs, listen to their stories and as a result make dozens of diagnostic microdecisions. For when you have 15 minutes with a patient, every second is crucial.

Some ideas to save the system: Stop the double-dipping of state and federal funds. Let private insurance cover clinic consultations, just like for our dentist and allied health colleagues. Dare I say it, stop the direct transfer of Medicare rebates back into a patient’s account. Let them receive itemised receipts and lodge their rebate requests themselves. For you get what you pay for, and if you know exactly what you are paying for, you will see the true value of your care.

Dr Samantha Saling is a Sydney GP.

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