

This was published 9 years ago

The arm wrestle over drugs: inside the TPP deal

By John Garnaut

The journey from Mike Froman's 12th-floor presidential suite to Andrew Robb's modest digs on the 58th can take as long as 10 minutes in the Westin Hotel – a gargantuan relic of the Atlanta Olympics, where the lifts go missing when most needed.

Over these dodgy conveyances, for three sleepless days, the two trade ministers shuttled up and down, engaged in a 10-round "arm wrestle". Robb was threatening to kill the "the biggest global trade deal in 20 years" rather than give ground on the crucial issue of pharmaceuticals.

Trade Minister Andrew Robb said he hoped other nations would join the TPP.

Trade Minister Andrew Robb said he hoped other nations would join the TPP.Credit: Andrew Meares

"We held everything else up for this for 2½ days," Robb told Fairfax Media in a phone interview, while boarding a plane in Atlanta for a G20 meeting in Turkey.

"Froman and I got into an arm wrestle on this. We had 10 meetings in 2½ days."

In the final countdown to the deal, Robb slept only six hours. His key negotiators were lucky to get half that.

In the end, it was the American who blinked.

The result is a "Trans Pacific Partnership", involving an initial club of 12 Pacific-rim countries, which supporters say will set the rules for how 21st-century trade will be done.

The agreement will lower traditional trade barriers, particularly for farm products and auto parts, but it will also endeavour to set new rules beyond the traditional trade agenda.

One chapter is dedicated to the free flow of information, which now underpins all manner of international goods and services transactions. This will affect everything from the transfer of client financial details to the mining trucks in Mongolia that Rio Tinto operates remotely from Perth.


Another chapter is designed to "level the playing field" for private operators who compete against state-owned enterprises.

Some, particularly in Washington, say the deal has geo-strategic significance, as it gives economic depth to what has otherwise been a military-focused US "pivot" to this region.

But Robb was prepared to kill the deal if the Americans had refused to back down on their demands to extend monopoly rights over expensive, innovative drugs known as "biologics", which would have made the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme more expensive.

"If it wasn't resolved it probably would have killed the deal," said Mr Robb.

"You do need to seek some balance, sometimes you need to take some pain, but there was no rationale for us making any changes because our system is delivering all and more than the US is seeking to achieve," said Mr Robb.

"The PBS, the approval process, it's part of a system, the whole health system, and not a stand-alone thing you can just play with."

At face value, the odds seemed stacked against him.

Froman, the US Trade Representative, studied law at Harvard and trained as an economist at the US Federal Reserve. He is confident, articulate and delivers his positions with what exhausted diplomats described as a "powerful gravelly American voice" as if they were universal truths.

And the Australian Trade Minister is, well, Andrew Robb.

"Robb comes across as being genuine," says one of his diplomats. "And that goes further than you might think."

Froman received his arm-wrestling partner in his fancy 12th-floor suite. Robb had only a tired-looking room which had been hastily cleared of beds, furniture and packets of chocolate-coated pretzels.

Froman was backed by the US pharmaceutical industry, which funds the election campaigns of key congressmen who gave him "fast-track" authority with the TPP.

Robb had no particularly industry constituency. But he did have support from the trade ministers of Chile, Peru, Vietnam, Malaysia and New Zealand. He also had the benefit of knowing there was no room for compromise, as neither cabinet nor the Senate would allow a deal that undercut the PBS.

He also had a decent argument.

Biologic drugs include any therapy derived from biological sources including vaccines, anti-toxins, proteins, and monoclonal antibodies.

Only about 64 biologic medicines are currently included in the PBS but they include five of the 10 most expensive.

The doctors at Medecins Sans Frontieres say the US proposal would have had a "devastating impact on global health".

At the very least, according to economists and public health advocates, it would have made patients and taxpayers wait longer and pay more for new generation treatments for diseases including cancer, HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hepatitis B and multiple sclerosis.

Robb may not convince the economists and fair trade advocates, who remain sceptical about a secretive deal that has been driven by a US corporate agenda.

But perhaps the most credible affirmation that Robb has held the line was delivered as a backhander by the man who gave Froman his "fast-track" negotiating authority.

"I am afraid this deal appears to fall woefully short," said Orrin Hatch, the Republican chair of the powerful US Senate finance committee, who owes his political longevity in part to the generous support of pharmaceutical companies of Utah.

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