

This was published 10 years ago

Sydney jihadist photographed with decapitated heads taunts police and threatens ‘surprise’ after warrant issued

By Tom Allard

The Sydney man photographed apparently holding the heads of decapitated rivals in Syria has scoffed that he will be arrested if he returns to Australia, saying he was not coming back even as he suggested that a terrorist plot was afoot here.

Former boxer Mohamed Elomar responded to news that the Australian Federal Police had issued arrest warrants for himself and associate Khaled Sharrouf – both of whom are fighting with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known asIslamic State) – by launching a flurry of messages on Twitter accounts that were subsequently shut down.

Taunting Australian law enforcement officials, Mr Elomar tweeted: "Don't worry ASIO there is plenty of work for you guys coming up." In another message, he said: "Did you think I would leave your country without leaving a surprise. Fireworks coming up soon keep a close eye."

Counterterrorism officials said they regarded the threats as scaremongering more than a disturbing revelation, notwithstanding the fact that both men are regarded as extremely dangerous.

Mr Elomar and Mr Sharrouf have been distributing increasingly horrific images via their social media accounts for months, including photos of dead men apparently assassinated by ISIL forces and the heads of dead men impaled on fence spikes.

The latter post was accompanied by a message from Mr Sharrouf: "bucket full of heads any1 in aus want some organs please dont be shy to ask I would love to assist u with body parts."

The gruesome photo of Mr Elomar holding two heads was posted by Mr Sharrouf and accompanied by the message: "few more heads how lovely bludy amazing stuff abuhafs [Elomar's Twitter handle] u keep on cutting those infidel throats but the last 1 is mine!"

The AFP had ample evidence beyond the photographs and tweets to charge the men, not least under foreign incursions and recruitment offences in the Crimes Act, which prevents Australians from taking part in overseas conflicts.

The crude and graphic tweets with their disturbing attempts at humour are typical of the social media messages used by foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq, estimated to number as many as 15,000.

Australian security agencies believe there are 150 Australians currently in Iraq and Syria supporting the uprisings there, with about 60 actively fighting with Islamic extremist groups such as ISIL.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott said: "I have a very strong message for any Australian who is thinking of going overseas to engage in guerrilla warfare, jihadism, anything of this nature: Don't do it. It is a serious crime.

"If you come back to Australia you will be arrested, you will be charged, you will be jailed."

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