This was published 9 years ago
Supporters of anti-woman group Return of Kings to meet in Sydney
By Phoebe Moloney
A "neomasculinist" online group whose supporters believe rape should be legalised on private property and that women are biologically determined to follow the orders of men will meet for the first time in real life in Sydney on Saturday.
The meeting, at 8pm in Hyde Park in Sydney and at 43 other locations around the world, is organised by US-based "neomasculinist" and legal rape advocate, Daryush "Roosh" Valizadeh.
He has said women, transgender men and homosexual men were not invited.
The meetings are being publicised on Valizadeh's news website, Return of Kings, which was established in 2012 and has more than 12,500 Facebook likes and publishes about 15 articles a month.
Daryush Valizadeh.Credit: @_AMERICHAN_
It is the first time the Mr Valizadeh has attempted to organise meetings between his supporters face-to-face.
"Our views are becoming known enough that we can 'come out' of the shadows and not have to hide behind a computer screen for fear of retaliation," Mr Valizadeh said in a post on the website.
"Let the sixth of February be a clear signal to all that we're not going anywhere. We have finally arrived."
According to the website's About page, the Return of Kings tenets are, "A woman's value significantly depends on her fertility and beauty. A man's value significantly depends on his resources, intellect, and character."
From the Return of Kings site.
"Elimination of traditional sex roles and the promotion of unlimited mating choice in women unleashes their promiscuity and other negative behaviours that block family formation," it says.
Articles written by Mr Valizadeh and Return of Kings' contributors express views that women should not be able to vote, that rape on private property should be legalised, that transgender women who sleep with heterosexual men are rapists and that women are biologically determined to follow the orders of men.
From the Return of Kings site.
Other articles suggest that "Asian men need to transcend their race" in order to pick up women and that men who date fat women are partially responsible for increasing obesity rates.
An article published on January 26 said that child sexual abuse and rape were "traditional" in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
At least six Return of Kings contributors have identified themselves as living in Australia.
The Sydney meeting points for the event will be held in three locations - the Hyde Park Fountain, park benches outside the Coogee Beach Pavilion and the shopping strip at Brighton Le Sands.
Participants have been instructed to ask men in these areas, "Where is the nearest pet shop?" and wait for the correct response, "The pet shop is here", to identify other supporters.
Group coordinators have been organised for each meet-up spot, who will then lead participants to an unknown meeting place.
Meeting spots have also been organised in Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth.
Mr Valizadeh said most final meeting places will be "in bars".
While Mr Valizadeh claims Return of Kings does not promote violence, news website Vice reported last year that the group leader had encouraged his supporters to "seduce and f---" feminist activists, posting the profiles of targeted women in an online forum.
Mr Valizadeh has also made posts on Twitter saying he attended a White Supremacist conference and that Neo-Nazis "love" him.
In a post on the Return of Kings website about the meetings, Mr Valizadeh told followers that he "will exact furious retribution upon anyone who challenges you in public on that date" [February 6].
He advised supporters to film protesters and ask for the numbers of any women who attend.