

This was published 2 years ago


Super scheme won’t wreck the housing market, but won’t fix it either

Most of the commentary on the Coalition’s plan to allow first-home buyers to use their super to fund a home deposit will brand it either the work of Satan or the second coming of Jesus Christ. Like most policy questions, the truth is complicated.

It’s hard to think of a worse time to consider complex policy trade-offs than six days out from an election. This is no accident – there can be little doubt the Coalition conceived it as a wedge. And it’s tricky for Labor. Just a few days after claiming raising the minimum wage in an economy at its limit won’t raise prices, they now claim raising deposits in a housing market at its limit will.

The Coalition’s policy would allow buyers to withdraw some of their superannuation to use it towards a house deposit.

The Coalition’s policy would allow buyers to withdraw some of their superannuation to use it towards a house deposit.Credit: Paul Rovere

Not to mention Labor’s criticisms would apply even more to its own policy if only it weren’t designed to help so few people.

The Liberals’ plan would allow first-home buyers to withdraw up to 40 per cent of their super, up to a maximum of $50,000, for a deposit on a home purchase, which must be matched by at least a 5 per cent deposit from funds outside super. If the property is later sold, they must return the $50,000 to their super account plus or minus any capital gain or loss on that equity.

The scheme does not provide a subsidy like first homeowner grants. And because the funds must be returned to the super fund, the scheme is more like borrowing from your super so long as you continue to own the house. You lose the return on your super, but you gain the return on your home, including any capital gain, and not having to pay rent.


Housing and superannuation are the two pillars of retirement self-financing. There’s no meaningful difference, in terms of the security of retirement, between holding $50,000 of equity in a home or in super. Indeed, given the home is exempt from the pension assets test and is untaxed, the former could well be the superior choice for many people.

You might have noticed Labor people are sensitive about superannuation. Perhaps, having bargained away wages to increase super contributions under the Hawke government’s Prices and Incomes Accord, they feel an “endowment effect”, where what you have is worth more because it’s yours. But super isn’t special. It’s just tax-favoured compulsory saving. And it comes – up to dollar-for-dollar – at the expense of wages.

This is the context in which to view the ferocious response to the proposal. There’s quite a lot of doomsaying. That people will lose their compounding, where interest applies to interest (how do people think housing returns work?). That people’s security in retirement will be shattered (withdrawals are capped at 40 per cent and must be returned). That the scheme will blow up the housing market.


As far as I can see, the scheme has costs and benefits. Our system of overly generous tax and transfer treatments of the family home and compulsory super generate excessive lifetime saving for many people. They have way more money than they need in retirement and their kids inherit a fortune –while they sacrificed far too much when working.

For many, the proposal will allow a rebalancing away from super. And that’s good. Even more so given the super guarantee is set to rise and thereby reduce real disposable incomes by up to 2 percentage points over the next three years. And the point is that some of this rebalancing will result in some people owning a home who otherwise would not have.

But that benefit comes with a cost as more people are drawn into the housing market to compete over a fixed supply, which inevitably means higher prices and some transfer of wealth from young to old. This depends on the number of such people, how much money they’d have, and how their behaviour would change. And how supply rises over time.

A new housing development in Marsden Park on the Sydney fringe.

A new housing development in Marsden Park on the Sydney fringe.Credit: Rhett Wyman

First-home buyers constitute a quarter of all purchases. Half of 40-year-olds have less than $80,000 in super, meaning they could withdraw $30,000 from super. Given it’s self-financed, some won’t use the scheme. Some who will use it will offset savings outside super. Some will simply move into the market sooner than otherwise. And some will buy who otherwise never would have.

The net effect will be some upward pressure on prices, but I don’t buy the alarmism suggesting it will blow up the housing market. At the end of the day, any measure to assist affordability will be partially self-defeating. That’s the trade-off. But I wouldn’t expect it to be anything like as bad as a first homeowner grant, and the benefits are far broader.

One improvement to the scheme would have been to limit it to new homes, to expand supply along with demand. Which highlights the rub with both parties’ first home buyer policies. The fundamental problem of housing affordability is supply: building more of the kinds of homes people want in the places they want them. And nobody has a fix for that.

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