

This was published 3 years ago

Super industry warrior takes super fight to Aunty

By Samantha Hutchinson and Stephen Brook

Ambitious NSW Senator Andrew Bragg isn’t showing any signs of letting up in his assault on the super industry. Earlier this month, he took the fight to the ABC. In his sights, respected ABC finance presenter Alan Kohler, whose vast portfolio career has included a long stint as the ABC 7pm News voice of finance, and more recently, a commentary gig at Bruce Guthrie’s industry super backed news outlet, The New Daily.

Bragg has been outspoken criticising Aunty for releasing next to no detail on a content-sharing agreement with The New Daily struck last year. But he’s also got concerns about Kohler’s side gig, given widespread concerns that The New Daily is a propaganda outlet for the super industry, Bragg’s bête noire. The senator fired off a volley of questions to ABC’s managing director David Anderson suggesting a conflict of interest.

Senator Andrew Bragg.

Senator Andrew Bragg.Credit: Peter Braig

“You know I question the integrity of this publication. It is hardly an unbiased news journal,” Bragg said of the Daily. “Given the ABC charter to be fair and balanced I question Mr Kohler’s link to industry super and challenge whether this constitutes impartiality - especially in the murky commercial deal between the ABC and The New Daily.”

(The New Daily is not the only link between long-standing mates Kohler and Guthrie. In 2019 Kohler’s finance reporter son Chris married Guthrie’s journalist daughter Susannah. Cute, huh?)

On Friday, Anderson hit back. “Mr Kohler’s integrity and objectivity of his journalism on ABC platforms has been beyond reproach … the conflicts you suggest do not arise.”

Bryan Brown caught up with Perin Davey in Canberra.

Bryan Brown caught up with Perin Davey in Canberra. Credit: Instagram

Apart from that, Anderson wasn’t prepared to engage with Bragg’s questions. Not that it will deter the super warrior Bragg. After all, Anderson will be fronting Senate estimates in the coming months. Bragg says he’ll be waiting. ”The ABC has done a great job in terms of building impartiality, but they leave themselves exposed here and it’s crazy … it just undermines Anderson’s otherwise very good work,” he said. “And I’m not a culture war person, I actually like the ABC.“


Actor Bryan Brown brought some star power to the corridors of Parliament House on Wednesday as the star of one of 1988’s biggest films Cocktail (the actor’s finest performance, FACT) joined Screen Producers Association representatives to lobby for an extension to JobKeeper as the industry continues to be crushed by COVID-19 social distancing rules. And for a catch-up with his former Two Hands castmate Perin Davey now better known as Nationals Senator for NSW.


But Brown’s presence wasn’t the only event lifting spirits.

Bryan Brown and Scott Morrison.

Bryan Brown and Scott Morrison.Credit: Illustration: John Shakespeare

Education Minister Alan Tudge hit a milestone on Wednesday turning 50. A giant balloon arch mounted outside his office by some enthusiastic staffers inside the Liberal ministerial wing indicated he was in the mood to party. But if only that were the case. “I am trying to pretend that my birthday is not happening...” he told CBD when asked how he was celebrating. We hear ya, Alan.

Perhaps he should follow the lead of first-term MP Katie Allen who also celebrated her birthday on Wednesday. The paediatric allergy specialist turned 55 and marked the occasion with a hefty looking lemon-meringue tart in her office with staff. Not bad.


The National Press Club’s last-minute cancellation of Defence Minister Linda Reynolds’ appearance due to her sudden hospitalisation forced a quick pivot in the kitchens. The NPC’s chef offloaded to the public all the West Australian champagne-poached rock lobsters prepared for the event - at the bargain-basement price of $10 a pop. By 1:30pm they had sold out - that’s 220 crustaceans snapped up in 72 minutes.


Artist Ken Done and his property developer children Oscar and Camilla are set to square off in court against Waverley Council on Friday as the family presses ahead with a contentious boarding house project at Bondi Beach.

The family’s Cadmium Property has proposed to convert three bungalows on the beachside Edward Street into a boarding house of 37 “micro-units” with basement parking for 19 cars.

Unsurprisingly, neighbours in the fiercely protected area, which is walking distance from the beach, haven’t warmed to the idea. Ninety-seven residents wrote objections to the council when the plans were lodged in late 2019. They say fig trees will be ripped out and have complained the development will shove 87 residents onto a site that houses eight people across three homes.

Community campaigner Phillip Leadley and other residents have written to the council to express concerns that the micro-units will eventually be converted into backpackers accommodation, adding more pressure to an already crowded street.

Amid the backlash, Cadmium has remained silent and refused to comment despite multiple requests from CBD. Could it be a case of NIMBY-ism gone mad or is it the typical story of an inner city developer failing to get the vibe of the local area? At least the upmarket architects Woods Bagot who have been appointed for the build appear to be talking the talk. They have billed the boarding design as “an architectural response that is contextual and residential in character, to support the rich urban fabric of the surrounding neighbourhood … highly considered in its relationship to the street.” Let’s see if Waverley Council has the same opinion.

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