

This was published 3 years ago

'Stink from the corpse': WA universities caught in vicious cycle for rankings, research and revenue

Academics from three of the four public West Australian universities are calling for a royal commission into higher education as an obsession with university rankings and publishing research overtake their fundamental mission: to deliver quality education to students.

By Aja Styles

WA universities are caught in a vicious cycle of chasing expensive researchers and getting more research papers published in prestigious journals in order to climb global rankings, according to whistleblowers.

WA universities are caught in a vicious cycle of chasing expensive researchers and getting more research papers published in prestigious journals in order to climb global rankings, according to whistleblowers.

West Australian universities are on a dangerous path, according to WA academics who say the pursuit of international money and federal funding has turned them into research businesses.

The whistleblowers warn some of the state's most important institutions are caught in a vicious cycle of chasing expensive researchers and getting more research papers published in prestigious journals in order to climb global university rankings, which in turn delivers lucrative international students whose fees – in turn – help fund more research.

The WA academics say the chase for what is now the measure of success – university rankings – has corrupted their fundamental mission: to deliver quality education to students.

At one end of the operation sits university management, earning close to seven-figure salaries and overseen by senates dominated by external business leaders without substantive experience in the higher education sector.

At the other sits their clients – the students – whose university experience and breadth of study disciplines are being squeezed by narrowing fields of research.

ECU values its Times Higher Education ranking.

ECU values its Times Higher Education ranking.Credit: Aja Styles

And in the middle are the academics, who have been increasingly segregated into working as either researchers or teachers, while ever-mounting teaching workloads are falling to casuals or PhD students and junior academics on 'minimum wage' grant money.


Academics from three of the four public WA universities, some who have spoken to WAtoday under the condition of anonymity, say the situation has become exploitative and are calling for a royal commission into higher education.

Rankings, academic stars and the dollars at the end of the flagpole

"Everyone says [rankings] don’t matter, but they do," says Australian National University vice chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt.

"They drive students to you, they hold up your prestige in the community and governments. It's a shame they really aren't very good."

The main way universities climb global rankings is by increasing their number of highly cited researchers – so-called 'high-cites' – whose research findings make the likes of peer-reviewed Nature and Science journals.

High-cites have reached an almost cult-like status at Australian universities, attracting CEO-level pay, thanks to China’s Academic Ranking of World Universities system placing 80 per cent onus on highly cited research published and Nobel Prize winners working at the institutes. The Times Higher Education league table also heavily relies on research output.


Andrew Norton, Professor in the Practice of Higher Education Policy at ANU, has often pointed to rankings attracting international students and how rankings "distort research priorities in favour of fields that contribute to the metrics used, which generally are biased towards science over social science or the humanities".

Australia's Group of Eight (Go8), the country’s top eight universities – which includes the University of WA – say they contribute $18 billion of the nation's $32 billion in international student revenue.

Last year, WA's 53,404 overseas students pumped $2.1 billion into the state's economy.

Sociologist Salvatore Babones' recent paper, How Rankings Obsession Drove The Group Of Eight's Chinese Students Binge, found that in order for Go8 universities to succeed in the ARWU rankings, they have "relied heavily on pulling one specific lever: the recruitment of star academics from a limited global list of [highly cited researchers]".

"As they now face massive revenue shortfalls, Go8 universities are aggressively lobbying for a financial bailout – and a quick return to business as usual for international student recruitment," he wrote.


"They should instead refocus their ambitions away from the pursuit of Chinese rankings and toward the education of Australian students."

Professor Norton said universities' reliance on international students came in the wake of government changes to funding dating back to the 1990s.

"Government research funding has moved away from general ‘block’ grants that universities can spend according to their own priorities, to funding specific projects, such as through the Australian Research Council (ARC), that do not cover the full cost of the research," he said.

"This means that winning an ARC grant costs universities money – one of the reasons they have faced pressure to bring in more discretionary revenue, such as profits on international students."

Publish or perish

The Commonwealth allocates funding according to research key performance indicators and the number of PhD students able to complete their theses within three to four years.


But WA academics claim there has been a continued trend of international students not being up to the task of a PhD, despite the continued push from universities, which was exposed in part by Murdoch University academic Gerd Schröder-Turk in ABC's 'Cash Cows' investigation last year.

A former WA university academic, who did not want to be named for fear of legal retribution, said the federal government’s funding model relied on completions on time, not the quality of the students.

At the same time, the current model of money flowing due to citations had distorted the "entire system", according to UWA scholar Frank van Kann.

"The 'publish at all costs' imperative has essentially destroyed scientific communication by proliferating an indigestible volume of second-rate (or worse) publications," he said.

"The few succinct, high-quality publications of a previous era have been swamped by an avalanche of lower quality and repetitive publications, driven by the need to increase the publication rate to survive.

Ten or more publications are now used to eke out the content previously embodied in a single paper.

UWA Professor Frank van Kann

As universities chase government grants and aim to climb ranking ladders, money is increasingly allocated to highly cited researchers, not teaching.


Curtin adjunct research fellow Miroslav Brajanovski, 63, has found himself with no hope of a career, despite having worked successfully in four different countries.

He spoke to WAtoday at the start of last month, saying he has called on previous federal governments, as far back as 2011, to hold a royal commission into how bad Australian undergraduate education is despite the billions in taxpayer money being funnelled into its universities.

"These professors constantly run around chasing money; some of them doing research for corporations, but some just pretending or repeating previous research in order to get money and higher positions and supervise students’ theses to get their names on papers," he said in November.

"We have millions of papers (some of them with nine authors cited), more papers written today than we can even read. It’s become a fake ritual, it’s meaningless.

"I’m against the practice that not enough attention and time is dedicated to undergraduate students."

Feeding the upper echelon

A group of Curtin University academic whistleblowers, who wish to remain anonymous, say there are those within university departments who have understood the "game" of citations, where "they cite each other so it becomes incestuous", as a means of promotion into high-paying positions.

One ex-professor warned the casualisation of labour, especially for junior people, was a major source of exploitation.


He said those from overseas who needed fixed-term roles or sponsorship to gain permanent residency often relied on their higher-ups to support them financially.

In the hope of securing better roles, which can set academics on a path to becoming a dean on $300,000, PhD students take teaching work at a fraction of the pay.

"All the work is done by the lower levels and keeps feeding into the upper echelon," a professional told WAtoday.

They said they witnessed "credit hogging" and "not all the right people were put up the greasy pole, and the boys' club was really a standout in that regard".

They agreed with Dr Brajanovski that universities more broadly needed investigating.

Allegations of cronyism at three of Curtin's schools are being investigated by its internal investigations unit, with two sets of allegations being referred to the Corruption and Crime Commission.

Dr Schröder-Turk, who advocates for academics to split their time evenly between teaching and research, has once again found his job under threat of being turned into a teaching-only position.

He supports a royal commission, saying Australia would better benefit from leaders emerging from an empowered academia, rather being brought in largely for their perceived prestige.

"Costly external appointments of highly cited researchers, especially into research-only roles or into research-only centers, bind substantial funds which could alternatively be used to support more continuing teaching/research positions that enable career opportunities for our upcoming junior academics," he said.

"High citation numbers alone are neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for excellence, and should not be the key selection criterion in the appointment of our academic leaders."

Business trumps academic input

Australia hosts the highest-paid university salaries in the world, with a vice-chancellor getting an average $1 million a year, which soars to $1.2 million if the university is counted among the Go8.

In WA, the lowest paid VC (at Edith Cowan University) gets about $520,000, with the rest averaging $1 million, according to last year’s budgets.

Those employed at university chancellery levels and senior management are rarely academics thanks largely to steps taken by former federal education minister Brendon Nelson.


In his 2004 reforms, Dr Nelson made a fundamental decision to withhold funding unless university councils or senates were restructured to be made smaller with greater expertise.

It largely disavowed elected academic leaders and paved the way for external appointments to sit as the heads of a "businesslike executive" ruling over university decisions and governance.

In WA, the Barnett government amended its legislation in 2016 (The Universities Legislation Amendment Bill) to reduce UWA, Murdoch, Curtin and ECU's senates and councils to 17 seats, down from 20-plus, which consequently reduced academic representation from three positions to one and tilted the power away from those at the coalface of its decisions.

This is the stink from the corpse of the university system.

WA's universities declined to comment about the issues raised in this article.

Politicians at state and federal level also declined to wade into the issue of how universities were being run since they were autonomous institutions, with systems for self-regulation.

In April this year, the Australian Association of University Professors sought public support for a senate inquiry into rebuilding the Australian university system.

"The truth is that this acute crisis in the Australian public university system has been decades in the making – COVID-19 just tipped it over the edge," they said.

The ex-Curtin professor said the degradation of the academic environment has been a result of all of these forces.

"This is the stink from the corpse of the university system that died some years ago, everyone can smell it from underneath the floorboards but nobody can find it."

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