

This was published 1 year ago


Since exposing Medicare rorts, I’m afraid to leave home. Doctors, read the evidence

By Margaret Faux
This story is part of a series examining how billions of dollars are being rorted from Medicare each year.See all 30 stories.

For almost four decades I have witnessed Medicare being abused and it is crushing me. I have worked hard to build a business designed to do everything possible to help doctors understand Medicare and bill correctly, but I am fighting a losing battle.

When I embarked on my PhD a decade ago, I knew that without academic rigour, no one would believe what is really going on inside Medicare, and how bad it is. Recently, I decided that I could no longer sit by, in complicit silence, and watch Medicare crumble. But it was a risk.

Read the evidence: Margaret Faux.

Read the evidence: Margaret Faux.Credit: Janie Barrett

Last week I discussed the likely impacts of the impending media coverage with my family, and had conversations at work about the potential fallout. Would our clients, most of whom are doctors, leave us in droves?

I expected some personal impact, but I never imagined I’d be called “Mediscare Faux” and be scared to leave my house. And worse, that this vitriol would come from people who call themselves health professionals. When I started my nursing career almost 40 years ago, we had codes of conduct that held us to the highest professional standards. The campaign against me this week has fallen well short of those standards.

Now is not the time for their hysteria. Instead, we need a considered debate about the serious structural problems that enable Medicare to be so easily abused.


Much has been said of my conservative estimate of 30 per cent leakage from Medicare. Some have demanded an algorithm while others have suggested that such high figures have never been seen before. They are wrong.

And this should worry all Australians because it suggests two things: first, that those who have responsibility for Medicare payment integrity do not understand how health system leakage is measured internationally; second, they haven’t read the literature.

I spent the first year of my eight-year doctoral journey reading everything that had ever been written nationally and internationally on medical billing compliance, and my thesis presents the best available evidence. By contrast, the government estimates are based on secret reports.


But the size of the problem is actually an easy point of difference to resolve. We just need the government to be transparent about the reports it has relied on, so we can understand how it has arrived at figures so wildly out of keeping with the evidence.


But Australians deserve more. They also need to know the truth about bulk-billing. This is very important because bulk-billing and charging a gap for the same service is a crime, yet my daily experience suggests it is rampant, and potentially represents billions in incorrect payments from just this one problem.

So, my question to the government is simple. How do you track separate gap payments that are never sent to Medicare? If you cannot see these payments, how can you be certain that patients did not pay? The good old honour system again? A system that appears to be failing consumers who are telling us they can no longer afford to see a doctor.

For example, did the government know that Phenix Health was bulk-billing and charging separate gaps, or that Janine Kepert’s anaesthetist did the same when he charged her $2000 and also bulk-billed her? If not, why not?

And why was the government unable to detect all the illegal billing in the Lanzer clinics? Why wasn’t the policewoman’s unlawful tummy tuck claim picked up? Why haven’t the fictitious services on my Medicare records been detected, or the services that were billed as longer than the service I received? How effective can Medicare’s apparently sophisticated analytics system be if it can’t detect the incorrect claim on my Medicare records made by an esteemed member of the Medicare Benefits Schedule Review Taskforce.


We often hear it said that “most doctors do the right thing” but we actually do not know that. We want to believe it, but there is no empirical evidence to support this claim. The truth is that doctors, like anyone who has ever submitted a Medicare claim, know just how easy it is to rort the system, if so inclined, because of two open secrets:

  1. With the patient’s name and date of birth, you can bulk-bill anything, and patients will never know because no one checks their Medicare records.
  2. As long as you stay within the bell curve, you are very unlikely to come to the attention of Medicare, even if 100 per cent of your claims are fraudulent.

For those who have concerns about my conflicts of interest, I would encourage you to read my thesis. In it are 27 evidence-based recommendations for reform.

The technology recommendations can be provided by the entire medical software industry, and I went to great lengths to ensure education proposals were positioned within the framework for Registered Training Organisations to ensure independence.


Having dedicated my life’s work to Medicare, and the principles of universal health coverage, there is no turning back. I will continue my research and do whatever I can to resuscitate the notion that health is a right not a privilege. That will include exposing unpalatable truths.

Dr Margaret Faux is a lawyer, registered nurse and the founder and chief executive of Synapse Medical Services, which processes Medicare bills for doctors, hospitals and corporate medical practices.

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