

This was published 3 years ago

‘Shocking and disturbing’: Explosive report claims corruption and branch bombing has left the WA Liberals a ‘political wasteland’

By Hamish Hastie and Gary Adshead

Unethical, underhanded and corrupt practices have left the Western Australian Liberal Party a penniless ‘political wasteland’ on the verge of ‘extinction’ with disaffected members considering starting a new conservative party, according to a report released on Saturday by the WA Liberal Party.

These are just some of the findings from an explosive review released at the party’s state council meeting which looks into its inner workings in the lead up to the WA Liberal’s humiliating 2021 election loss.

The report has painted a dire picture of the state of the WA Liberal party.

The report has painted a dire picture of the state of the WA Liberal party.Credit: Facebook

The review committee, made up of former WA Liberals president Danielle Blain and prominent Perth QC Mark Trowell, made damning findings into the party and its members, including some current members of parliament, and said ‘branch bombing’ and factionalism had led to the poor selection of candidates at a branch level.

The review, which was commissioned by the party itself, also rubbished ‘pandemic excuses’ for the magnitude of the party’s worst-ever election loss, which left it with just two members in the lower house and relegated it from the official Opposition to a minor party.

It made several recommendations including a complete overhaul of candidate pre-selection, gender targets and the abolishment of the state executive council.


“The current situation is untenable. The evidence before the review committee, if true, suggests there has been unethical and underhand conduct by party members, including some MPs,” the review committee said.

“They coincide with a substantial decline of the membership together with the corruption of the essential mechanisms that guide and are intended to preserve the integrity of the party.

“If they are not stopped by an overall commitment of the vast majority of party members, the future of the party is bleak.


“It must be concluded and emphasised that what has been revealed is shocking and disturbing. It represents a party in decline and headed for the door.

“Decent people have abandoned the party leaving what is effectively a political wasteland devoid of Liberal principles and values.”

‘Bombing’ branches and membership oddities

The review committee found that party memberships were being paid for in bulk and multiple memberships had been registered to a single address despite the people not being in the same family.

One address in Kingsley had eight people registered while another in Canning Vale had 11 people.

The committee also found evidence that factions within the party were ensuring pre-selection outcomes by using a turbocharged version of branch stacking called ‘bombing’ where local branches are inundated with large quantities of people who lived outside the electorate.

It said the practice was corrupt should be ‘deplored’ and resulted in the wrong candidates being selected.

“It is a corrupt practice intended to deny local branches their democratic right to choose their own candidates,” it said.

“It sometimes means that the number of people selecting a candidate can be very small, and completely unrepresentative of the party membership of that electorate.”

Another peculiarity was the use of proxy voters for disinterested members, with the committee finding that at the recent Moore division annual general meeting about 20 members told staff at registration they did not know what branch they were in but expected to be given ballot papers to vote.

“Some of these members even became aggressive when asked to provide information or documents before being allowed into the room,” the committee said.

‘Corrosive’ factions

The review committee saved its harshest criticism for “corrosive factionalism” where senior members manipulated party rules to interfere with pre-selections, but it stopped short of naming anyone.

It said the low cost of membership fees had enabled factions to exploit the recruitment of members for their own purposes but left the party worse off.

“The most damaging consequence of rule by powerbrokers has been the selection of inferior quality candidates for parliament over a long period of time because as one submission observed, ‘selection was based on fealty, rather than ability’,” the committee said.

“It is an anti-democratic practice that has not been sufficiently condemned by the party hierarchy.

“The complaint of many submissions is that none of the factions seem to operate in the best interests of the party, but purely from self-interest.”

WAtoday and Nine News Perth revealed last week a tranche of leaked WhatsApp messages before the review committee between more than a dozen senior party figures known as ‘The Clan’.

The 700-page document reveals years of messages between The Clan where they discussed strategy in relation to Liberal pre-selections and other party processes.

The review committee said if authentic the messages were “very damning”.

“Perhaps the factions should reflect on what the exercise of their power over the last decade or so has had on the fortunes of the party, which has in part, but admittedly not wholly, led to its near extinction,” it said.

Zilch, zip, nada

The review paints a bleak picture of the party’s finances and, incredibly, reveals that its finance committee raised $0 in the 12 months before the March state election.

The state of the party’s coffers will be concerning to its federal team, which is gearing up for a tough election next year.

The committee said the financial base of corporate supporters had shrunk dramatically since 2016-17 and unless that trend was reversed the financial viability of the party was at risk.

Even the wealthy 500 Club, previously the backbone of the Liberal’s donations, had dropped from $425,000 in 2008-09 to $50,000 in 2019-20.

‘Staggering laziness’ in state election

The review committee rubbished excuses that their abysmal primary vote of 21.3 per cent at the March election was due solely to the popularity Labor Premier Mark McGowan had cultivated during the pandemic.

Instead, it said the party was lazy and did not develop clear policies for voters.

“The staggering laziness of the opposition and lack of action by the party in creating and selling acceptable policies much earlier than the advent of the pandemic were contributing factors,” it said.


“The Parliamentary wing was not functioning effectively at all in the four years leading up to the 2021 election. It was consumed with leadership issues, which also meant there was not a consistent message or set of policies to put to the voters.”

The committee described the elevation of Zak Kirkup to leader after former leader Liza Harvey stepped down from the role just months out from the election as “desperate” and “ill-advised”.

“Whatever the fact, Zak Kirkup was just too inexperienced and perhaps a little overwhelmed by being thrust into the leadership role, for which he was understandably unprepared, and senior members of the Parliamentary wing must take responsibility for that happening,” it said.

It also said Mr Kirkup’s decision to concede defeat before polling day took everyone by surprise and had a negative impact on most of the party’s candidates.

Losing by religion

The Liberals were beset with issues after several candidates’ religious views made it to the public realm, and according to the committee, post-election polling found 9 per cent of people voted Labor because of a perception that the Liberal candidates had “extreme religious views that didn’t represent them”.

It said the party had increasingly ceased to be a ‘broad church’ and had more and more become a “party of apparatchiks like the ALP” and called for the expulsion of candidates if they acted against the interests of the party.

“Every state division of the Liberal party has seen religious conservative factions increase their influence. That is hardly surprising given their advantages. They are well-organised, turn out to vote and they are coalescing against rapid social change,” it said.

“However, if any individuals, or groups, whatever their association, act against the interests of the Liberal Party or do not support its objectives or candidates then their behaviour should be exposed and sanctioned, if necessary by expulsion.”

Change and change now

The committee said voters had overwhelmingly abandoned the party which itself had abandoned its principles and values, and warned that disaffected members were talking of forming a new conservative party.

It said the party must change quickly if it is to survive and presented a raft of recommendations including overhauling pre-selection processes to only allow candidates to be chosen by party members from the electorate who have been on the electoral roll for a year.

    It also recommended a forensic audit of membership records to uncover irregularities and branch bombing.

    When it came to diversity the committee recommended the party adopt a quota style system where 40 per cent of candidates should be men, 40 per cent women and the remaining 20 per cent fluctuating depending on the availability of candidates at the time.

    MPs could also be subject to KPIs and recommended that the state executive be abolished and mobile phones, tablets and laptops banned at state executive meetings to stop leaks.

    WA Liberal party president Fay Duda said the report was embarrassing and humiliating and called on members from all parts of the party to accept responsibility.

    She conceded the Liberals had failed dismally to present an alternative government at the state election because they had been too focussed on themselves instead of paying attention to the needs of West Australians.

    Ms Duda, who announced she would not seek re-election as president in an email to members of Friday, said she had told the state council to consider the recommendations in detail.

    “I want my legacy as outgoing president to be the implementation of the recommendations of this report,” she said.

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