

This was published 9 years ago

Sevdet Besim leaves trail of Islamic radicalisation on social media

By Rick Feneley

Like the pop-idol posters that festooned the bedroom walls of earlier generations of teenagers, the Instagram page of 18-year-old Sevdet Besim is a pastiche of his heroes and their aphorisms.

"This religion will reach wherever night and day reaches," it quotes Imam Anwar al Awlaki, the so-called Bin Laden of the internet who recruited for al-Qaeda before he was killed in a drone strike in 2011. Unbelievers and hypocrites will "need to go to Mars or the moon" because there "will be no place for you on Dunya [Earth]".

A photo posted by Sevdet Besim on Instagram. His raised index finger is a symbol of ISIS cause.

A photo posted by Sevdet Besim on Instagram. His raised index finger is a symbol of ISIS cause.

Security agencies are struck by the youth of Sevdet and his teenage mates and the alleged Anzac Day terrorist plot they were hatching on their patch of the planet, Melbourne.

While Sevdet's Twitter feed, @Sevislam, deplores air strikes in Syria in one breath, in the next it reveals his suburban teenage preoccupations and his profanities.

He "can't wait" to get the new case for his Samsung smartphone. He retweets the Urban Dictionary's puerile definition of bisexuality: "The ability to reach down someone's pants and be satisfied with whatever you find."

"His radicalisation is quite recent, perhaps the last six months," says terrorism expert Professor Greg Barton, from Monash University. "This is a guy who until fairly recently was more worried about saying his BMW was better than your Commodore, or his Samsung is better than your iPhone ... In this age, anyone in the world can look at his 'bedroom wall', as it were, in the form of his Instagram page or Facebook page."

And this, Barton says, is a point of vulnerability.

"It's not simply a grassroots response from kids who get together, read material and become radicalised as a group. There are older people who are hard-core, formal recruiters linked to Islamic State or other groups.


"They go looking for activity in online forums. They go looking for kids hanging around in chatrooms, or indeed in physical locations, and they befriend them, win their trust, and then it's a very deliberate and targeted approach to radicalisation.

"Sometimes the language of politicians suggests we're dealing with the power of the internet and social media, as if a passive consumption of material leads to radicalisation. It's actually the active recruiting that is key."

Federal Attorney-General George Brandis says Islamic State is using tactics similar to sexual predators to radicalise children as young as 14. Jake Bilardi, an 18-year-old from Melbourne, died in a suicide bombing in Iraq last month.

Barton believes some recruiters are active "on the ground" in Australia.

"We've become really quite good on the intelligence, on gleaning enough material to gain a prosecution," he says of the Melbourne arrests. "But we haven't really worked out a way to case-manage people who've had their passports taken or who've been taken in for minor offences."

He wonders what will become of the three arrested but released on Saturday, or the "three dozen or so" Australians who have returned from fighting with Islamic State who have not been charged for lack of evidence to prosecute them.

Australia has controversially, but rightly according to Barton, reversed the onus of proof for its citizens who travel to Raqqa in Syria because "if you're there, you're either a hostage of circumstance or literally a hostage of Islamic State or you're collaborating with them".

Prime Minister Tony Abbott, "no doubt" reflecting his intelligence briefings, assured Australians the Melbourne teenagers were acting alone and the threat was contained.

"So that's the good news," says Barton. "But the recruiters who got these guys are working on others as well. In the longer time frame, this problem is going to get worse before it gets better."

One of the posters on Sevdet Besim's Instagram page says: "Some people are like trees, they take forever to grow up." His own coming of age is ahead of him.

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