

This was published 4 years ago

Queensland schools weigh months-long closures, reduced lessons

By Madonna King

Closures of up to 20 weeks, reduced curricula and changed exam timetables are among scenarios being plotted by Queensland schools to tackle the spread of the coronavirus.

While Prime Minister Scott Morrison will revisit a decision on school closures later this week, school principals across the state have already cancelled out-of-school activities, excursions and school trips, and are now gearing up to provide lessons to students at home.

In some cases, particularly for private schools, that will be face-to-face lessons via a computer at specific times. In other schools, teachers will send a video each morning explaining what work needs to be done. And in others, content will simply be uploaded onto students’ computers, or posted to students remotely.

Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority CEO Chris Rider will meet with sector heads this week ahead of likely closures.

On Sunday, he promised to work with schools to look at alternative ways for internal exams to be held.


“Schools are also able to make adjustments now such as extending the due dates of assignments or allowing students to sit a comparable assessment if they miss a test,’’ he said.

Principals are attempting to nut out issues that vary from curriculum offerings to equity issues, from parental expectations to industrial relations.

The unknown path of COVID-19, including drastic changes in the past 24 hours, is making that job more difficult.


“At first we thought it might be one day, and then one week and then an extra two weeks after the holidays - but now ... timing is a challenge,’’ John Paul College principal Karen Spiller said.

Online classes were being developed across primary and secondary school, she said, and schools needed to consider that some teachers would fall ill or have young children to look after, as well as elderly parents.

St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School trialled its online learning system last Tuesday with 780 users.

“We thought that was prudent because it has never been tested in that way before,’’ principal Ros Curtis said.

Most private schools have enacted teacher teams, where the head of faculty will be responsible for a subject but others will step in if they fall ill.

Mrs Curtis said the state’s boarding schools faced challenges because some students from overseas and distant parts of Queensland would return home.

“I’ve got boarding families who will not have the online capacity,’’ she said. In those cases, content would be posted to students.

Queensland schools are weighing a range of options to address the coronavirus's spread.

Queensland schools are weighing a range of options to address the coronavirus's spread.Credit: Janie Barrett

Brisbane Times spoke to 15 school principals this weekend, across the public and private sector, where issues of equity were raised repeatedly.

“It’s just not an income divide. It’s a rural-city divide,’’ one said.

Another said students outside the state’s south-east would not have the same opportunities as those in the city. A third raised concerns that private schools would continue to teach at a capacity that would be unmatched by public schools.

“There has to be one rule. Some schools can’t be teaching and others treat weeks off as a holiday,’’ another said.

Julie Warwick, principal of Robina State high School, said she believed public school students would not be disadvantaged and an online virtual education would deliver the same content, irrespective of the school.

She said continuing to deliver well-being programs was crucial.

“It’s been an incredible start to the year in terms of weather experiences where a lot of kids have been severely impacted - bushfires, rain, a new senior school system and now the COVID-19 virus has kicked off the term,’’ she said.


All Hallows' School principal Catherine O’Kane said counselling services would be provided to the school’s students remotely and pastoral care plans were being worked on as a key element in all scenarios.

She said teachers would work, as much as possible, within timetables and the school would adopt “reasonable work practices for working-from-home situations’’.

This meant teachers would respond to emails during specific times, like 8am until 4pm, and not throughout the night.

The QCAA would ensure students were dealt with fairly, and the community had to understand that teachers would be impacted in the same numbers as the general community, she said.

Several schools are looking at what subjects need not be changed, several pointing to English, maths, science and history as examples.

While science experiments would not be done, those theory subjects were easier to deliver than language subjects, dance, drama and physical education.

St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School principal Toni Riordan said scenarios had been plotted to deal with a theoretical individual case of COVID-19 at the school, including a short one-week long closure up to a closure of more than two weeks.

Other scenarios included teachers physically going to school without students and closing the school entirely.

An audit of teacher resources at home - from email to computer software - had been conducted, and rolling workshops this week would address “gaps’’.

While the QCAA was set to hold top-level meetings this coming week, principals said already existing strong data could be used for senior students, if needed.

Several principals believed schools would close for several weeks, even up until July. Others said school closures would only work if it was part of a wider community shutdown because when schools were closed in Italy, children went to stay with grandparents while their parents continued to work, helping to spread the disease.

Carmel Nash, executive director of Catholic School Parents Queensland, warned potential closures could not be seen as a “free-for-all’’ for students.

“Students can’t be going to the cinema and the shopping centre. If parents don’t control what is happening we’ll have all sorts of social issues,’’ she said.

She said equity issues needed to be prioritised, particularly in cases where children did not have access to computers or parents could not assist them.

Foxwell State Secondary College foundation principal Kym Amor said while the school could deliver everything required online, implications needed to be considered.

Mrs Amor, a former deputy principal of School of the Air, said every child across the state deserved “equal service and equal opportunity’’.

Many of her colleagues did not have the technology some schools boasted and could not deliver the same online interactive curriculum.

“Regardless if you are state or private you can’t promise something that not every child in our state can access,’’ she said.

Several principals said, once closed, it would be unlikely schools would open again for many weeks, referencing experiences in other countries.

“Who is going to be that brave first person to say 'let’s go back?' Once we close, it’s going to be for many, many weeks,’’ one principal said.

Another said no school that had been closed in another country had reopened and a third said their school’s scenario planning was based on not returning before the end of June.

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