

This was published 4 years ago

Five ways money can ruin your marriage

By Olivia Maragna

It’s a fact, we need money to survive. It can lead to a more enjoyable lifestyle, but it can also be one of the most argued over topics in many relationships and can be a contributor to divorce if you aren’t on the same page.

So how can money ruin your relationship and how do you avoid or prevent money causing a problem in your relationship?

Money troubles can be a leading cause of stress for couples.

Money troubles can be a leading cause of stress for couples.Credit: 123rf

Thinking secrets aren’t a big issue

Secrets are a big deal. Secret spending, hidden money habits or hiding spending or bills from each other can lead to problems. It not only undermines your financial situation but also can affect many other aspects of your relationship. If you are willing to be keep secrets about money, what else might you feel okay to hide?

It’s vital you are honest and talk things through. Whilst you may have separate bank accounts, transparency is important. Set short- and long-term financial goals that you can both work towards and achieve together.


Not setting rules

If you don’t have clear rules and boundaries, you don’t know what’s right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate in your relationship. Boundaries can be what amounts you will and won’t spend without consulting your significant other. What amounts you want to spend on a weekly or monthly basis, how much of what you earn is "play money".

Setting up some rules also allows you to talk about what you value or don’t care about. It also helps you understand your partner and their preferences, and identify where you might have different opinions.


Not being willing to compromise

It’s not uncommon to have different views or financial values to your partner. When it comes to money, it’s not about who’s right or who’s wrong, it’s about coming to an agreement that works for you both.

Compromise is the key to a good relationship but in finances, it is especially true. Compromise can make money conversations and life in general a lot easier. It can help you set achievable financial goals together.

Forcing yourselves into traditional roles

We do things differently today. We aren’t our parents or our grandparents.

Dual incomes and working families are the norm, and in this world, it’s important that we don’t force ourselves into traditional roles when they may not fit.

Traditional roles don’t necessary fit our lifestyles today and this can cause conflict in relationships. It’s not always that one partner is the breadwinner and manages the finances while the other manages the home and day-to-day spending. The key is to understand your strengths and the strengths of your partner and each work to your strengths. Talk to each other and figure out what skills each of you have and which areas each person in the partnership can manage best. Regardless of your role, keep the other person up to date and informed.

Not getting help when you need it

Not understanding what is important to your partner is a leading driver of conflict in any relationship. If you feel like you need help with this, seek advice from a financial adviser who will help facilitate conversations to get you on the same page. Getting this right will reduce conflict over finances, improve your overall relationship and make a significant difference to your financial success in the future.

Why not increase the financial savviness of those around you? Pay it forward and pass on these tips to your family, friends and kids.

Olivia Maragna is the co-founder of Aspire Retire Financial Services and is a respected financial expert. Olivia’s advice is general in nature and readers should seek their own professional advice before making any financial decisions. You can follow her on Facebook or Twitter.

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